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Indian SSBN Arihant completes successful Strategic Deterrent Patrol

Just Speculating there, but what are your thoughts about the patrol route ?
I'd say that it would be in the Arabian sea somewhere between Mumbai and Gwadar.
Just Speculating there, but what are your thoughts about the patrol route ?
I'd say that it would be in the Arabian sea somewhere between Mumbai and Gwadar.
Most probably Indian Ocean but hey who knows?
Let me explain one last time, why there will not be video of it ever.

Have you ever seen what what INS Arihant looks like - a video , or even proper picture of it, during building launching, commissioning.

Why not ?

Arihants class has been classified as Top secret in India, one is not allowed to film it or click its pic.
No cameras are allowed in its vicinity.

What a fktard.

Do some google. youtube .

Here is how other nations conduct missile tests from their subs. Do you see sub at the time of the launch?

You can keep your "super secret" sub under the sea for all we care. All we are interested in see the missile test with NO POTOON in site, let me repeat, MISSLE TEST WITH NO PONTOON IN SITE.

Pardon my French, "batain cho*** tu sab ko ate hain". I don't want to go through all the conversation I had with your fellas, the bottom line is, where is the proof? Where is the proof of missile leaving the sea with no pontoon in site?

Ok be happy and belive whatever support your wishful thinking. Arihant does not have any missile, any torpedo or any offensive weapon. Happy now? Enjoy your private wishful world.
What a fktard.

Do some google. youtube .

Here is how other nations conduct missile tests from their subs. Do you see sub at the time of the launch?

You can keep your "super secret" sub under the sea for all we care. All we are interested in see the missile test with NO POTOON in site, let me repeat, MISSLE TEST WITH NO PONTOON IN SITE.


Once again I reiterate, you are a grade A idiot, who does not want to listen to or logic.

Indian Navy does not exist to soothe the egos of cross border arse wipes - They have a policy of not showing off their strategic assets and you will not get to see them. Neither the submarine - nor SLBM launches from the submarine.

This is not DRDO conducting test - this was Indian navy, conducting test during its sea trials.
"Showing off" you said, you little piece of shite!! What the fk those pontoon based test were for , shown over zealously all over the media??? Indian Navy will test the missile from sub without the manufacturer testing it own product? HAHA. Fking Indian logic. Piss off rat. There are more logical Indians who understand the latest bullshit from your hindu terrorist regime. Indian "sea based deterrence" MY ARSE!!! This is nothing more then another sir ge kal strike bollywood drama. its all fking hidden, just like those hanuman Indian army soldiers. LOL

Thats why you are an idiot and an ignorant one at that.

As explained previously Missile development trials are done by DRDO, which were based of the pontoon. Where as user or acceptance trials from the submarine are done by the Indian Navy and you will not find video footage of it.

Nuke-capable submarine-launched missile operationalised, India in select triad club

An official associated with the mission on Sunday told 'The Express' that three rounds of the world-class missile were tested during the first phase user trial and it was a roaring success.

Hemant Kumar Rout

Express News Service
BHUBANESHWAR: Making its mark as a military superpower in the Southeast Asia region, India has finally operationalised its first home-grown nuclear capable Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM), after nearly two decades of development of the weapon system.

This makes India the sixth nation in the world to have a credible triad of nuclear-enabled missiles that can be fired from land, air and undersea. Kept under wraps for years and inducted in the Navy a few months ago, the SLBM, code-named 'B-05', was secretly test-fired back-to-back from indigenously built nuclear-powered submarine INS Arihant off the Visakhapatnam coast on August 11 and 12.

An official associated with the mission told The New Indian Express that three rounds of the world-class missile were tested during the first-phase user trial and it was a roaring success. Two tests were conducted on August 11 and one was done next day in full operational configuration.

"All three missiles were fired from the submarine, positioned nearly 20-meter deep in the sea, about 10-km off the Vizag coast. It perfectly followed the pre-designated trajectory before zeroing in on the target with high accuracy, reaching close to zero circular error probability," the official confirmed over the
phone from New Delhi.

The successful mission has made India a member of the very exclusive club of six nations which have the triad of firing nuclear-tipped missiles from land, air and undersea.

Other countries having the capability include Russia, USA, France, UK and China. Though India has a declared no-first-use policy, it is developing a nuclear doctrine based on credible minimum deterrence.

Developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the 10-meter long B-05 has a strike range of about 750 km and weighs ten tonne. The two-stage missile uses solid propellant and can
carry a payload of about 1000 kg.

The tests also confirmed the successful induction of INS Arihant submarine. The 111-metre-long, 15-meter tall and 11-metre broad submarine is capable of carrying six torpedoes of 533 mm and 12 B-05
missiles or four K-4 missiles.

Having a 100-member crew, the advanced technology vessel is powered by an 83 MW pressurised light-water reactor with enriched uranium fuel. There is also provision to launch non-nuclear tipped BrahMos
supersonic cruise missile as well as the 1,000-km sub-sonic cruise missile Nirbhay, which can be configured for both nuclear and non-nuclear warheads.

The tests, sources indicated, will pave the way for an early induction of 3,500-km range K-4 missile, which is under developmental trials. Apart from the cruise variants of B-05 and K-4 missiles, DRDO
is also developing 5,000-km range K-5 and 6,000-km range K-6 which would add more teeth to the arsenal.


- Development of B-05 (K-15) missile started in the late 1990s
- Development of the underwater missile launcher completed in 2001 and handed over to the Indian Navy for trials
- After several tests, first full range trial of the missile conducted on March 11, 2012
- India officially confirms about the missile's successful developmental trial after 12th test on January 27, 2013 from a submerged pontoon
- Missile integrated with home-grown nuclear-powered Arihant class submarine and an unarmed missile successfully test fired on November 25, 2015

Fire Power

Operational range - 750 km
Length - 10 meter
Width - 1 meter
Weight - 10 tonne
Warhead - 1,000 kg
Engine - Two-stage solid-fuelled
Best in this class in the world
Not easy to be tracked and destroyed by enemies
Show me the video of MIRV separation of your ababeel missile, I will show you the video K-4 being launched from Arihant.

Raise this issue on the Ababeel topic.

Now back to your "sea based deterrence", the topic under disucssion. Show us the proof!
Raise this issue on the Ababeel topic.

Now back to your "sea based deterrence", the topic under disucssion. Show us the proof!

Come on, don't hide behind the "off topic excuse" troll.

if you can not produce a video, just accept that your government made "chutiya" out of you.(not that they would need to, especially in your case.)

Produce the video or accept that ababeel in not a MIRV missile.
You will need to add two more for successful 24 hours deterance..1 is step but is not completion
Come on, don't hide behind the "off topic excuse" troll.

if you can not produce a video, just accept that your government made "chutiya" out of you.(not that they would need to, especially in your case.)

Produce the video or accept that ababeel in not a MIRV missile.

Even if my government made the chutiya out of me, as we stand, I got full spectrum deterrence ready from land, air and sea. Now would you except that your rathole of country and its hindu terrorist regime make a monkey out of you and your cuntry is vulnerable and lack sea based deterrence?

Come on, don't hide behind the "off topic excuse" troll.

if you can not produce a video, just accept that your government made "chutiya" out of you.(not that they would need to, especially in your case.)

Produce the video or accept that ababeel in not a MIRV missile.

BTW, do you have any videos of America and Russia showing the footage of the point when the warhead separates from their missile into several independent vehicles? Show us please!
Even if my government made the chutiya out of me, as we stand, I got full spectrum deterrence ready from land, air and sea. Now would you except that your rathole of country and its hindu terrorist regime make a monkey out of you and your cuntry is vulnerable and lack sea based deterrence?

BTW, do you have any videos of America and Russia showing the footage of the point when the warhead separates from their missile into several independent vehicles? Show us please!

Full spectrum deterrence, with a single test of 400 Km range cruise missile, are you kidding me?

Do you even know what full spectrum means?

You will need to add two more for successful 24 hours deterance..1 is step but is not completion

A larger variant of Arihant, INS Arighat(able to carry twice as many SLBMs as Arihant) will be commissioned next year.

The third and fourth SSBNs are still being built.

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