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Indian SSBN Arihant completes successful Strategic Deterrent Patrol

Epic fail.
All old pcs and videos from 2013 when Arihant was Not yet commisioned or finished even sea trials.

Then why don't you bring forth the video of "latest test" from your sub as you monkeys are claiming?

Ohh please shut up, and gracefully accept, when you have been proven wrong.

Piss off rat, you indians are known to exaggerate your claims. There is no proof that your missiles are mated with the sub.

There is no need to prove anything to you, can't-even-produce-crude-steel bunch.

We have successfully developed a 3500 km range SLBM & a SSBN class capable of carrying it.

The SLBM has been tested from the submarine.

And the submarine have now completed its first deterrent patrol with missiles onboard.

Case closed.

Laughing stock your rats are.

Claiming something which is not even operational yet. All previous test were done using static pontoons, not from actual sub in deep sea, like Pakistan did with it Babur 3 test.

That is not true. The sub is fully operational and is patrolling the water with fully loaded missiles. Having capability does not necessarily mean we have to test it. It would be done at an opportune time when the sub and its crew are more mature.

To test a missile from a static pontoon is one thing but to mate it with a sub, carry it to the deep sea and then lunch the missile is completly different ball game. So where is the "deterrence" comes into the picture when its not demonstrated as of yet?

@gslv mk3 , @TACDE_IAF , @Osiris , seems like there are still some sensible lot among you who understand the current situation.
Keep the abusive language to yourself, asshole.

We have demonstrated multiple launches of our SLBMs from the submarine & this was widely reported.


DRDO Chief confirms SLBM successfully fired from INS Arihant.

It is really funny how happily some pakistani posters accept any negative news coming from India about India but heaven forbid if we say something that doesn't confirm their biases.
@Taimoor Khan . why you wasting time with these creatures who need a Pakistani platform to have a voice.
While Pakistan had acquired the capability of ALCMs almost a decade ago, these characters are now in the process of testing it in a Brahmos > SU-30 combination but after a few pontoon launches with mixed results, they are suddenly claiming to have the SLBM operational. Lol
Yes, the creatures from a country with ECI rank of 91 whose main exports are low value added products like refined petro 1.6%, chemical products 1.8%, instruments 1.6%, machines 1.6% can do anything and should be taken at face value. There is no heavy industry, no demonstrated technological capability on that land of theirs.


But, a country with ECI rank of 51 that exports high value added products like automobiles 7.2%, engineering machinery 9.2%, chemicals and medicines 15%, refined petro, 8.7%, software services 66%(of services)(PDFs favorite call center monkeys generate this) cannot do anything. One of the leading space power with an active manned space program, there are only 3 or 5 of them in total.


For the dunces, ECI is economic complexity ranking.

Technological development will not be live streamed or live blogged for consumer consumption. Even posts like yours are made out of desperation at the sight of everyday despair.
@Taimoor Khan . why you wasting time with these creatures who need a Pakistani platform to have a voice.
While Pakistan had acquired the capability of ALCMs almost a decade ago, these characters are now in the process of testing it in a Brahmos > SU-30 combination but after a few pontoon launches with mixed results, they are suddenly claiming to have the SLBM operational. Lol

Delude yourself however you want to, we aren't like some very special people who can claim they have developed a cruise missile after only a handful of tests with no failures when the pioneers of cruise missiles had to dole out countless tests and failures, some Tomahawks fail even now, but not the special people, oh no, they are oh so special.

We don't lie about these things, if we fail we say so and if it is a success we say that as well, we don't need pakistanis to accept anything, but deep down you know you believe us.
No. Trials undergoing. The nuclear subs, when docked, feed power into the electric grid. Afterall, a nuclear reactor is still functional, why waste the power?
Don't think that is the case.
Just saw Vishnu Som discussing the achievement with a brilliant panel(Pallava Bagla,V Adm Menon(R),Adm Prakash(R) and Prof.Karnad).Must watch imo.
Don't think that is the case.
Just saw Vishnu Som discussing the achievement with a brilliant panel(Pallava Bagla,V Adm Menon(R),Adm Prakash(R) and Prof.Karnad).Must watch imo.

Excellent. I am sure they remain more current than me :)

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