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Indian Space Capabilities

Thanks Justin for posting this.

First TAUVEX is not Israeli but Indo-Israeli payload. Its a new generation sophisticated telescope built for scientific purposes. It was scheduled to be launched in 2005/06 but due technical difficulties now its four years delayed. Yes, a dedicated team lead by Prof Jayant Murthy worked hard for TAUVEX. Its really sad to hear that. But its happens in science. I wish they will come up with better system in future.
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Poor marketing curtails use of Isro images

K. Raghu
Bangalore: The Indian space agency’s inability to market its high-quality satellite images or meet basic customer expectations such as standard pricing and timely delivery is curtailing their usage in geophysical applications, experts and clients say.

Poor policy: Delays in receiving images, inconsistent pricing and poor customer care have forced clients such as SatNav to shift allegiance.

For nearly a decade, SatNav Technologies Pvt. Ltd, which makes navigation maps for Nokia phones and other direction-finding products, bought satellite images from the Hyderabad-based National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), a unit of the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro), for satellite image processing and distribution.

But in October, SatNav signed a deal with the Survey of India, the official cartographic agency.

SatNav’s founder and chief executive Amit Prasad, who has also used data from global firms such as DigitalGlobe Inc. and GeoEye Inc., said Isro’s images were on par with their products or even better. But delays in receiving the images, inconsistent pricing and poor customer care from NRSC forced him to shift his allegiance.

“There is no clear policy from the top (at Isro) to sell these images commercially,” said Prasad. “So people have very little incentive to market it.”

Data from public-funded Landsat satellites in the US is free for users and can be accessed on the Web, but clients have to pay for images from private firms such as GeoEye and DigitalGlobe.

In April, Isro plans to launch Cartosat-2B, a satellite that can snap high-resolution images of 0.8m, or a scooter on the street. It will join a group of 10 existing Indian remote sensing, or IRS, satellites in orbit, whose data is used for applications as diverse as identifying water in barren regions, locating potential fishing zones in oceans, monitoring weather, climate research, crop harvest, forestry and urban planning.

By 2020, Isro plans to add eight more satellites in the lower orbit, about 700km above the earth.

About 45,000 images with spatial data are generated by IRS satellites every year, according to NRSC. The agency has been offering them online since 2009 through its portal Bhoo Sampada. It also offers Bhuvan, a virtual globe and geographic information application similar to Google Earth.

“That data is being dowloaded in thousands. Because the products are available digitally, we cannot draw (a) comparison,” said V. Jayaraman, director of NRSC.

He admitted that its data implementation policy could delay the delivery of some products. “We are still a government entity; procedures that are adopted can contribute to delay. But once the processed data is available, it is put online in less than two hours,” he said.

Analysts said Isro could do more to boost the utilization of IRS products.

Vinay Sehgal, a professor of agricultural physics at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, or IARI, said the use of Isro’s satellite images by private sector agencies and academia was limited.

He clarified this was his personal view and not that of his organization.

“I hope in the years to come, with (a) range of resolutions available and lower prices, many private sector projects, whether small or big, will be utilizing remote sensing data from our satellites—and that would be the real success of our civilian remote sensing programme,” he said.

Poor marketing curtails use of Isro images - Economy and Politics - livemint.com
Isro asks for more money as spectrum crunch flares up

Ashish Sinha
Posted: Tuesday, Mar 09, 2010 at 2337 hrs IST

New Delhi: With acute shortage of broadcasting spectrum for both existing and new television channels, the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) is asking for Rs 50,000 per mega hertz (Mhz) or around Rs 18 lakh per transponder per month from broadcasters for its upcoming satellite, Insat-4G, set to be launched in the second quarter of this year. This is a first by Isro for the broadcast sector, technical experts say.

Insat-4G will carry 24 ku-band transponders and will be helpful for news broadcaster to enhance their DSNG (digital satellite news gathering) operations. DSNG or outside broadcast (OB) vans are used by the news channels to help cover news operations in real time and they use the ku-band transmission for uplink of news broadcasts.

“Advance money from interested broadcasters is mainly being asked to deter non-serious players who otherwise apply for additional capacity but do not use it efficiently,” a government source involved with the satellite operations pertaining to the broadcast sector said.

Broadcasters and a few DTH operators are lining up to pay and block spectrum for expanding their channel-offering capacity and the overall news gathering operations. This is also significant for the direct-to-home (DTH) operations as most of the current DTH operators are close to exhausting their existing bandwidth of their DTH services.

“In order to expand a DSNG operations broadcasters have to furnish proof of their satellite capacity with Isro. And in order to obtain a letter from Isro, broadcasters have to pay for spectrum on Insat-4G,” a technical consultants to several media companies said requesting anonymity.

However, due to the proposed location of Insat-4G (55 degrees, east), DTH operators are not too keen to block spectrum on the satellite yet. “The location of Insat-4G is such that we may have to provide an add-on antenna to the subscribers and re-tune their existing frequencies, a mammoth task for us,” said an existing DTH operator.

This comes at a time when even the government is reviewing its policy of granting new television licences due to spectrum shortage. Already, 529 TV channels have the permission of operating in the country, while the ministry of information and broadcasting (I&B) is in the process of clearing an additional 155-plus pending applications for new TV channel licences. The broadcast sector regulator — the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India --- has been asked by the I&B ministry to study the matter and submit its recommendations.
Blame it on 300 years of British Rule. Indians are emotional and complacent. They prefer 2nd position.

This sounds critical but true. Just count the number of IITians who sell off great research to western firms and quit just for "fast bucks". Count the number of Indian college top rankers who prefer "fast bucks" than believing in their ideas and making it big. They end up selling out early because they lack patience to make it big.

Indians are just like that. Its about psyche, not capabilities. Because in capabilities Indians match Israel, in fact better than Israelis considering how DRDO managed with small funds and technological denial regimes while Israel had "full" access to western R&D. I would rate Indians as first-rate scientists, technocrats in the world but thats not enough. Things are lacking at personal level.

For example, everyone knows FIH(Federation of International Hockey) is filled with racially biased morons, who always discriminate against Asian teams(India, pakistan) but no Indian babu in Hockey India(IHF) has balls to speak openly against this race bias. A good point is the recent case of India-pakistan match where Indian player was banned for 3 matches for no fault. No Pakistani player complained, no match refree complained. But the FIH going against its authority announced after the match decision to ban Shivendra singh.

Forget Indian hockey officials, they are servants of European dominated agencies anyways, but why no Indian media stood up and defended Indian team position? After such injustice, why they expect broken Indian team to win matches ?

There was one more incident in 1980s where after a goal against Australian team, refree from apposite side came running and declared it "not a goal" LLOL!! And Indian officials put their heads down and agreed to continue play.

Why to blame Americans when we don't know how to speak up for ourselves?
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Blame it on 300 years of British Rule. Indians are emotional and complacent. They prefer 2nd position.

This sounds critical but true. Just count the number of IITians who sell off great research to western firms and quit just for "fast bucks". Count the number of Indian college top rankers who prefer "fast bucks" than believing in their ideas and making it big. They end up selling out early because they lack patience to make it big.

Indians are just like that. Its about psyche, not capabilities. Because in capabilities Indians match Israel, in fact better than Israelis considering how DRDO managed with small funds and technological denial regimes while Israel had "full" access to western R&D. I would rate Indians as first-rate scientists, technocrats in the world but thats not enough. Things are lacking at personal level.

For example, everyone knows FIH(Federation of International Hockey) is filled with racially biased morons, who always discriminate against Asian teams(India, pakistan) but no Indian babu in Hockey India(IHF) has balls to speak openly against this race bias. A good point is the recent case of India-pakistan match where Indian player was banned for 3 matches for no fault. No Pakistani player complained, no match refree complained. But the FIH going against its authority announced after the match decision to ban Shivendra singh.

Forget Indian hockey officials, they are servants of European dominated agencies anyways, but why no Indian media stood up and defended Indian team position? After such injustice, why they expect broken Indian team to win matches ?

There was one more incident in 1980s where after a goal against Australian team, refree from apposite side came running and declared it "not a goal" LLOL!! And Indian officials put their heads down and agreed to continue play.

Why to blame Americans when we don't know how to speak up for ourselves?

Dude I disagree here. Indians as like any other races on this planet are in a path of evolution and blaming the past and blaming others will lead us no where. Yes always frictions do happen when there is change. But change is constant.

Back to topic. At first looking at the post heading I thought it was about some denial of payload due to diplomatic decisions. I still believe that this development is more due to technical feasibility and priority change. Moreover, its a joint venture program and I think it should be seen through a different lens all together.

LOL with respect to Hockey you question the media and the hockey management. Then what will you say about the BCCI. It literally rules the ICC through the back channels.

The point here is economic evolution.

Because of our lack of PR the credit of discovering water on the Moon was taken by NASA.

Any news article I have read in the U.S. has given credit to India. It is a very important achievement to be proud of. Though I think the notion that discovering large quantities of water on the moon is the greatest discovery in mans history is a bit over the top. Water is much more plentiful in the universe then people realize. And there have been far more important discoveries and accomplishments in mans history. :usflag:

also just to clarify India didn't discover water on the moon they have the distinction of discovering larger amounts of it then ever known before. which is actually more important then being the first to discover it.
Any news article I have read in the U.S. has given credit to India. It is a very important achievement to be proud of.

Claiming credits and getting your credits approved by others, are two different things.

The reason ISRO didn't go public with Water-find discovery on Moon, was that they lacked confidence in their research & calculations and rather waited for approval from Americans.

And, many ISRO scientists has admitted this blunder of top management in public. They were enraged by the way Americans kept ISRO guys out of Press conference and rather preferred to issue a 'pat on back' to mission leaders(Chandrayaan-1 was ISRO's initiative).
Claiming credits and getting your credits approved by others, are two different things.

The reason ISRO didn't go public with Water-find discovery on Moon, was that they lacked confidence in their research & calculations and rather waited for approval from Americans.

And, many ISRO scientists has admitted this blunder of top management in public. They were enraged by the way Americans kept ISRO guys out of Press conference and rather preferred to issue a 'pat on back' to mission leaders(Chandrayaan-1 was ISRO's initiative).

Have absolutely no idea where you are going with this. The Americans got their data from an American instrument aboard Chandrayan. Without it, there would be no confirmation of water on the moon. Why should they not take credit? A moon mission was a first for us, not for them. India's first moon mission will be remembered for confirming the presence of water on a scale previously unknown. What more credit do you want ? Lets not be cussed about this. Both of our countries benefited from each other. That's how it should be. If we did not like how the Americans did things, then we should make a note of it for the next mission where we both co-operate. Whining about it will not get us anywhere.
the artilce is misleading.......the author seems to have fa*ted BIG.....and the pungent smell he is trying to spread everywhere....i am going out of the room...don't mind...pls.... :)
Passage to the Moon: ISRO's official Chandrayaan-1 mission documentary 01 of 03

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Passage to the Moon: ISRO's official Chandrayaan-1 mission documentary 02 of 03

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PIB Press Release

Developing GSLV MK III


Indian Space Research Organisaiton (ISRO) is presently developing its heaviest launch vehicle, the GSLV mark III that will have the capability to carry 4 tonne class Communication Satellite into Geo-synchronous Transfer Orbit. The capability of the presently available GSLV is for carrying 2 tonne class satellite into similar orbit.

A Sum of Rs. 14.00 crore has been allocated for initiating development-related activities for the Chandrayaan-II Mission during the current financial year.

This was stated by Shri Prithviraj Chavan, the Minister of State (I/C) for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences in the Lok Sabha today.
Static testing of L110 liquid core stage of GSLV- MkIII launch vehicle conducted​


Indian Space Research Organisation conducted the static test of its liquid core stage (L110) of GSLV Mk III launch vehicle, for 150 seconds at its Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) test facility at Mahendragiri at 16:00 hrs yesterday (March 5, 2010).

While the test was originally targeted for 200 seconds it was stopped at 150 seconds since a deviation in one of the parameters was observed. About 500 important parameters were monitored during the static test. The next static test for 200 seconds will be conducted after analysis of this data.

GSLV Mk III launch vehicle is being developed for launching 4 tonne class of satellites in Geo-synchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO). Measuring 17 meters in length and 4 meters in diameter, L110 is an earth storable liquid propellant stage with propellant loading of 110 tonnes. L110 stage uses two high-pressure Vikas engines in a clustered configuration and draws its heritage from the second stage of PSLV and GSLV and strapons of GSLV.

While in PSLV and GSLV, the liquid stage with single engine configuration burns for 150 seconds, the GSLV-MkIII requires burning for 200 seconds in a twin engine configuration.

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