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Indian Space Capabilities


ur wrong, they (50 cent party) was created to glorify communist governments works and now they are recruited for trolling also.

If u don't believe me than read BBC news.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China's internet 'spin doctors'

Now, what will u say?

so next time before giving advise to others do some home work.

Is this really your evidence. if i'll say anything against India will you not come to defend it. And where in the article say they are paid to troll.

If Indian media will say something about Pakistan wont Pakisani media defend it. Then you'll say that its paid by govt. If Pakistani media say something about your country wont your media defend it.

Come on you guys can do better than that.

And you still cant deny my first post that it is a personal attack. Even if he is 50 cent party. you dont know for sure.

And the article also say 100s of people. All i can see here are 4 or 5.
Is this really your evidence. if i'll say anything against India will you not come to defend it. And where in the article say they are paid to troll.

If Indian media will say something about Pakistan wont Pakisani media defend it. Then you'll say that its paid by govt. If Pakistani media say something about your country wont your media defend it.

Come on you guys can do better than that.

And you still cant deny my first post that it is a personal attack. Even if he is 50 cent party. you dont know for sure.

And the article also say 100s of people. All i can see here are 4 or 5.


why we are talking off topic.

we know nothing for sure.

do u think if one work for 50 cent party he will come to u and show u look bother "mjnaushad" this is my certificate from government of china, then u will believe.

here, we judge people by their works,

anyways u have right to have opinion think whatever u seems suits ur intentions.

First its personal attack.

2nd The 50cents are paid to glorify Chinese image but you are saying they are paid to troll.

Think before you speak.

first you take care of your country

and why are you giving lecture on behalf of china.

typical men

:sniper: :mod:
@ mjnausad

Over 1200 posts you chose one to respond which had nothing to do with the topic. If it is personal attack or off-topic, complain against it. You dont need to policing the forum. Our moderators are active enough.
some updates on gagan:

The Hindu Business Line : Raytheon to set up 15 ground stations for GAGAN by 2013

Raytheon to set up 15 ground stations for GAGAN by 2013

Raytheon to set up 15 ground stations for GAGAN by 2013

K. V. Kurmanath

Hyderabad, March 5

Raytheon, the US-based technology solutions provider, will complete setting up ground stations for the ambitious GAGAN (GPS-Aided Geosynchronous Augmented Navigation System) programme, spearheaded by ISRO, by 2013.

GAGAN aims at providing satellite-based navigation for aircraft over the Indian and South-East Asian airspace. While the Indian Space Research Organisation is handling the satellite side of the system, Raytheon has won the mandate for establishment and synchronisation of 15 ground stations for $82 million.

“This includes upgradation of eight demo sites and seven new sites across the country,” Mr Robert W. Meyer, Business Development Manager (Air Traffic Management), Raytheon, told Business Line on the sidelines of India Aviation 2010.

The company has begun development of algorithms for the sophisticated air navigation system.

It has tied up with the Bangalore-based Accord Software and Systems and GMV Aerospace and Defense of Spain to provide technological solutions for GAGAN. The system is supposed to process the data sent to it from the aircraft via satellites and react very quickly.

Meanwhile, the company is engaged in discussions with GMR, GVK and the Airports Authority of India (AAI) for the possible deployment of its security solutions in their airports.

The company, which has sold its air traffic management system to a few airports in India, is in the process of upgrading the systems by implementing AutoTrac III. “We are working with AAI to upgrade some airports to AutoTrac III while implementing afresh in others,” he said.

“The new systems at Mumbai and New Delhi have cleared the tests and are on ‘Shadow Mode Operation' exercises,” Mr Meyer said.

AutoTrac III adds a new, fourth dimension for air traffic management. It helps the controllers gather ‘intent data' (where the aircraft is headed), improving efficiency and safety.

“We have recently won the mandate for AutoTrac upgrade in Chennai. In Kolkata, we will deploy it afresh,” he said.

Raytheon has bid for eight radar systems for AAI, he added.

Nano satellite built by IIT Kanpur handed over to ISRO - Kanpur - City - The Times of India

KANPUR: A nano satellite "Jugnu" built by students and faculty of IIT Kanpur, was today handed over to the Indian Space Research Organisation.

The three kg satellite is one-foot long and 10 centimetre wide and will be launched by a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle from Sriharikota and take high resolution images.

IIT scientists said the satellite, which was handed over to the space agency at a function in the presence of President Pratibha Patil to celebrate its golden jubilee, is expected to last for about a year and will help combat drought.

As it was handed over, the President congratulated the students and the faculty for the accomplishment.

In 2008, IIT Kanpur and ISRO had signed an MoU under which the engineering institution was to build a nano satellite.
@ mjnausad

Over 1200 posts you chose one to respond which had nothing to do with the topic. If it is personal attack or off-topic, complain against it. You dont need to policing the forum. Our moderators are active enough.
Same goes for you guys. You dont like my post report it. Dont reply it.
first you take care of your country

and why are you giving lecture on behalf of china.

typical men

:sniper: :mod:
I can reply that in good way but as you are a newbie so i just reported it instead of giving you what you need.
My appologies i came here to get some knowledge and by mistake replied to a personal attack. I should have reported it. Continue with the discussion.
Isro rocket test fails

New Delhi, March 6: A static ground test of a core stage of a new-generation heavyweight rocket for the future, planned by the Indian Space Research Organisation, has failed, the space agency announced today.

The liquid-fuelled core stage of the GSLV-Mk3 rocket was to fire for 200 seconds during the ground test at Isro’s Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre in Mahendragiri, Tamil Nadu, but was stopped after 150 seconds, Isro sources said.

India’s existing Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle rockets can ferry a 2,000kg- class satellite towards a geostationary orbit 37,000km above Earth. The GSLV-Mk3 is expected to carry a 4,000kg-class satellite towards a geostationary orbit.

The GSLV-Mk3 can also carry a 10,000kg payload into a low-earth orbit — an altitude of about 200km — and is thus viewed as a crucial technology that Isro will need to develop in its bid to launch manned space capsules.

“The ground test on Friday evening was stopped after engineers detected an unanticipated deviation in one of the parameters being observed during the firing,” an Isro official told The Telegraph.

While the rocket fires in the static mode, engineers keep track of more than 500 parameters, such as temperatures at various points in the rocket, liquid flow rates and pressure levels, the official said.

The next static ground test will be conducted after analysis of this data, Isro said.

The liquid-fuelled stage has 110 tonnes of propellant and is similar to the liquid stages used in Isro’s existing GSLV rockets — only with a greater capacity. In the existing GSLV, it burns for 150 seconds; the GSLV-Mk3 will demand 200 seconds of firing.

The test was aborted after some “minor leakage in the command system”, PTI reported, quoting Isro sources. It is a “very minor problem” in which a small leak in the command line was detected by a computer, which automatically stopped the test. “There is absolutely no problem with the engine,” a source said.

Earlier this year, Isro had successfully conducted ground tests of solid strap-on stages of the rocket.

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | Isro rocket test fails
Forestry satellite by 2013: Jairam Ramesh



Union Minister for Environment and Forest Jairam Ramesh has announced that the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will launch a dedicated forestry satellite in all likelihood in the year 2013.

Against the biennial exercise in vogue, the facility will help to continuously monitor the forest cover, health and diversity. Similarly, efforts are on to launch an indigenous satellite for monitoring greenhouse gases and aerosol emissions next year, which will place India on a rung occupied by a select few in the world.

Speaking to journalists after inaugurating the Indian Climate Observatory Network (ICON) at the National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL) campus near here on Sunday, Mr. Ramesh called the satellite a major afforestation initiative — a key player in tackling climate change issues.

India, one of the largest carbon sinks on the globe, added three million hectares to its forest cover between 1997 and 2007, when Brazil lost 25 million hectres, according to satellite imageries.

“Forests mean more than trees to us as they aid in social, economic and ecological sustenance,” he noted, adding that 250 million people depended on them for their livelihood.

The National Institute of Climate and Environmental Studies (NICES), a institution, is coming up at Gadanki with the collaboration of the Ministries of Environment and Earth Sciences, Departments of Space and Science and Technology.

The Indian Network of Comprehensive Climate Change Assessment (INCCCA), a project involving 125 research institutions, would present emissions inventory every year starting this May. The facility would measure the impact of emissions on agriculture, water, health and forest by studying the four crucial regions viz., western ghats, northeast, Himalayan ecosystem and the coastal system, before presenting a report in November.

Planning Commission member K. Kasturi Rangan inaugurated the Lower Atmospheric Wind Profiling (LAWP) radar. ISRO Chairman K. Radhakrishnan and NARL Director A. Jayaraman explained the various ongoing projects to the Minister.

The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Energy & Environment : Forestry satellite by 2013: Jairam Ramesh
ISRO puts off Israeli payload’s launch

BY: Tribune News Service

In a blow to the Indian and Israeli researchers, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has decided to leave out TAUVEX (Tel Aviv University Ultra Violet Experiment), an Israeli payload, during the launch of its experimental communication satellite GSAT-4.

“We were very disappointed to learn that we were to be removed from the spacecraft. We have worked for this for a long time and were excited by the prospect of getting excellent science. We are now waiting for ISRO to tell us when the next launch opportunity will be”, Jayant Murthy, professor at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics here and the Indian principal investigator of TAUVEX, told The Tribune in an email.

Responding to this reporter’s query, Noah Brosch, Tel Aviv University’s Wise Observatory director, who is the Israeli principal investigator of TAUVEX, said, “I have been made aware of the satellite problems, and knew that the panel on which TAUVEX was mounted had been taken off to allow work to proceed on some components (unrelated to TAUVEX) that needed replacing.

If GSAT-4 will launch without TAUVEX this would be very disappointing indeed. We went through a considerable amount of work and expense to fit TAUVEX to this satellite, and were looking forward to some excellent and unique science that only TAUVEX could have provided”.

Brosch added that if GSAT-4 was launched without TAUVEX, he would “expect that ISRO would come back to me with an explanation”.

An MoU for including the TAUVEX on GSAT-4 was signed on December 25, 2003, by G Madhavan Nair, the then ISRO chairman, and Aby Har-Even, director-general, Israel Space Agency (ISA) at ISRO headquarters here. The MoU followed the cooperative agreement signed between ISRO and ISA in October 2002.

Data from the telescope (TAUVEX) was supposed to help in solving astrophysical questions related to star formation, history of galaxies, physics of giant black holes, etc. It could also help in guiding other space telescopes towards selected interesting objects in the sky.

K Radhakrishnan, ISRO chairman, did not respond to an email sent by this reporter regarding leaving out of TAUVEX during the proposed launch of the GSAT-4 satellite.

S Satish, director, publicity and public relations, ISRO, claimed that no final decision had been taken with regard to dropping TAUVEX from the launch. “Our Indian payloads will come first”, he said.

Knowledgeable sources said the ISRO wanted to keep the satellite light and this had prompted it to leave out TAUVEX from the launch. GSAT-4 is slated for launch sometime this year.

ISRO puts off Israeli payload?s launch idrw.org

There is no need to be generous in this world.

India have allowed NASA's payload on its indigenous Moon Mission free of cost.

What have we gain by this generosity??????????

Because of our lack of PR the credit of discovering water on the Moon was taken by NASA.

As, Madhavan Nair says India's moon mission's on of the main objective was to look out for water on the moon, for this we have special instruments and our instruments have founded water on moon but ISRO takes time in announcing one of the biggest discoveries in the history of Mankind and NASA gets the credits.

Yes, i know we have to make relationships but at what cost, IMO the NASA getting credit was our biggest mistake, and now they are taking NASA instruments on Chandrayaan II.

Why we are exposing our space assets and getting them used free of cost?
Take another example Jagdish Chandra basu invented the Wireless signaling and successfully dispel it in a public event in Calcutta but he refused to take credit or get it patented.

Lieutenant Governor Sir William Mackenzie witnessed Bose's demonstration in the Kolkata Town Hall. Bose wrote in a Bengali essay, Adrisya Alok (Invisible Light), “The invisible light can easily pass through brick walls, buildings etc. Therefore, messages can be transmitted by means of it without the mediation of wires.”[13] In Russia, Popov performed similar experiments. In December 1895, Popov's records indicate that he hoped for distant signaling with radio waves.

Bose expressed disinterest in commercial telegraphy and suggested others use his research work.

So, the credit of " inventing radiotelegraph" goes to a European Marconi. And India lost the benefits and credits

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