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Indian secularism


Jun 28, 2017
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@padamchen @ranjeet @Skull and Bones @Rollno21 @Levina @Turingsage @The_Showstopper @utraash @Tshering22 @punit @saurav jha @Tangent123 @Fireurimagination @Nair saab

Wanted to start debate on the Fake secularism running rampant in India today.
these fake seculars douchebags are running rampant & are giving tough competition to the left in western world to prove who are the bigger loonies.

There was a discussion here that Hindus chanting "Jai Shree Ram" is communal because they are doing at the oath swearing ceremony.
This hypocrisy needs to be exposed thoroughly.

A 16 year old boy was arrested and is still in jail by Bengal govt for a Face book post. Not a peep from the so called secular liberals on FOE. Not a peep from the secular parties who had supported the FOE of scum in JNU for this boy. Not a peed from the liberal media, which strangely is sleeping even now to the fact that a 16 year old boy is in jail for a face book post.

Now Contrast this with Naresh Agarwar, a secular MP, who had abused Hindu gods inside parliament few days back. Not a peep from the same seculars or liberals who had condemned the 16 year old boy to jail wrt to this guy! Imagine if this MP was named Sakshi Maharaj and instead of Hindu gods, it was secular religious figures abused?

The duplicity in a space of few weeks from these secular vermin is revolting.



Yes folks, you read it right. A Hindu professor was booked by West Bengal govt for posting a picture of him & his mother doing pooja inside a temple.

Is your mind reeling? What should do a number on your mind is the secular & liberal "gang" not uttering one single word on their secular champion Mamta.

Case 3:


Read this news and recall the incident where the secular & liberal folks went on a rampage against Hindus objecting to Bansali depicting a dream song between Rani Padmavati and her tormentor?
yeah, these secular liberal people have strangely vanished. In fact many of them have joined in on running down this film.
Destroying Hindu symbols using movies as medium is perfectly ok for these secular liberals - that's artistic freedom for these douche bags BUT movie on emergency which is based on facts should not be shown because it shows the reality of their secular symbols.

And I have not started on the travesty these seculars have shoved on us through RTE, Endowment act, Bogey of Hindu Terror etc..

These so called seculars are the most shameless people of India. Their façade of fake secularism & fake liberalism is based on convenience. A Kamlesh Tiwari & a 16 year old boy are rotting in jail but people who openly mock, abuse Hindu gods are roaming free & not a single peep from these same people about the need for tolerance for all religions.

I have not seen a more double faced bunch of douchebags than Indian seculars in my life time. It's time we expose them to their face with facts.
Case 4:


Remember the same NDtv & remember the award wapasi secular gang taking out marches against BJP govt for targeting NDtv for money laundering?
On Congress govt jailing 2 journalists for doing their job the same seculars & liberals are not so strangely silent. The same Cabal is strangely silent on West Bengal govt booking cases against Journalists who covered the recent riots.

The so called secularism, FOE, liberalism vanishes when the person targeting is from their "gang" or the person getting targeted is NOT from their gang.

The selective douchebaggery of these buggers is legendary.
There is nothing called Indian Secularism, it's a sham, it's bloody naked appeasement of minorities. Hindus by nature are inclusive and believe in principle of Vasudev Kutumbakam. What we see now is a narrative carefully being built to take Hindus on a guilt trip where crimes against a section of society is magnified and amplified and crimes against the majority is hushed or even in certain cases ignored completely as it goes against the narrative delicately crafted by pen pushers whose gravy train has been stopped by the current government.

What we are witnessing now in the name of "Indian" Secularism is beautifully explained in one of OpIndia article shared below. The whole article is worth reading I am just sharing few lines.

"Basically in 2014, Congress knew that it had a “pro-minority” problem and it needed to find a solution.

The solution couldn’t have been stepping away from minorities. That would be suicidal. In India, “minorities” form a big chunk of voters, and one can say it without a sense of irony. Not only that, the “intellectual” support system would have also deserted the Congress.

So becoming a little less pro-minority was not at all the solution.

In essence, the problem was – an average Hindu thinking that Congress preferred minorities, especially Muslims, at the cost of welfare of Hindus. That the party was unfairly and unreasonably obsessed with minority issues.

Keywords being “unfairly” and “unreasonably”.

Bingo! That’s where the solution lied!

The party didn’t need to shed its pro-minority stand, but all it needed to do was to convince the average Hindu that its obsession with minority issues was not “unfair” and “unreasonable”.

And there you know what to do – convince the average Hindu that the minorities in India were being unfairly and unreasonably targeted. From attacks on Churches to Muslims lynched by Hindu mobs – such narrative help the Congress find the solution.

This narrative started towards end of 2014, when we started hearing about gharwapsi and later about attacks on Churches in Delhi – events that suggested that the minorities in India were being unfairly and unreasonably targeted.

Remember, gharwapsi was not any new event, as I had pointed out last year here and here; and even the attacks on Churches were all found to be either hyped or fabricated. But they helped create a narrative.

Every stray incident needed to be magnified, every loose comment needed to be mainstreamed, and every misrepresentation needed to be reinforced.

The end message – minorities were not safe, and the majority had to do something.

Essentially, the average Hindu was sent on a guilt trip.
And obviously, the Congress is happy. The party is telling the narrative pushers – keep up the good work, but not in my name, dress it up under the garb of activism and neutrality."

What we see now is a narrative carefully being built to take Hindus on a guilt trip where crimes against a section of society is magnified and amplified and crimes against the majority is hushed or even in certain cases ignored completely as it goes against the narrative delicately crafted by pen pushers whose gravy train has been stopped by the current government.

The open genocide of Pandits does not get any mention even now. It looks like justice has a timeline, in case the victims are Hindus.

Look at the below tweets from helpless Hindus in Bengal. What else are Hindus of Bengal to do if they are pushed to a corner?
If they don't fight back, the jihadi gang will exterminate them. If they fight back, they will be branded communal. The only secular option left by seculars for Hindus of Bengal is to convert from Hinduism.

What a bloody travesty.

Kiya baat hai! Utimate jerkoff thread for Bhakt. I support your points of view since I'm now a reformed hindutvadi. This country is not for pseudo secularists, communist etc. It is only for Gaumata


OP what are you doing in Sweden, possibly the most secular, liberal, atheist country in the world? Shouldn't you stay at home in your Hindutva theocracy utopia?

I went there to get away from "seculars" but it looks like it's contagious.

Haven't you read the news where Canadian secular PM gave away Millions of dollars to an ISIS terrorist family? Yeah - If you are from a certain religion, all you need to do slaughter some white folks and the govt will give millions of dollars. ;)

That's exactly what it is, unless I choose to intervene and get a bit nasty.

A circle jerk. Bhagwa Kleenexes all around.

I can clearly see you are using Sanitary pads for Kleenex ;)

I have provided my points. It's time you lot provide yours or get lost from the thread. You lot are completely exposed in India. Now its time to expose you everywhere where you are selling your vile agenda.

Counter me doc with valid points instead of going all China on me.
I went there to get away from "seculars" but it looks like it's contagious.

Haven't you read the news where Canadian secular PM gave away Millions of dollars to an ISIS terrorist family? Yeah - If you are from a certain religion, all you need to do slaughter some white folks and the govt will give millions of dollars. ;)

I can clearly see you are using Sanitary pads for Kleenex ;)

I have provided my points. It's time you lot provide yours or get lost from the thread. You lot are completely exposed in India. Now its time to expose you everywhere where you are selling your vile agenda.

Counter me doc with valid points instead of going all China on me.

I surely will. Your mallu bhagwa got banned again.

Let me get to a computer.

Cheers, Doc
I surely will. Your mallu bhagwa got banned again.

Let me get to a computer.

Cheers, Doc

I am not a Mallu, dear mental secular :D
You say you are secular and you don't have a clue what my name means - What a travesty!
I went there to get away from "seculars" but it looks like it's contagious.

Haven't you read the news where Canadian secular PM gave away Millions of dollars to an ISIS terrorist family? Yeah - If you are from a certain religion, all you need to do slaughter some white folks and the govt will give millions of dollars. ;)

I can clearly see you are using Sanitary pads for Kleenex ;)

I have provided my points. It's time you lot provide yours or get lost from the thread. You lot are completely exposed in India. Now its time to expose you everywhere where you are selling your vile agenda.

Counter me doc with valid points instead of going all China on me.

Ignore @padamchen he is obviously anti national, anti hindu and anti rational. I have been writing a poem on Gaumata (who will give millions of $$ or at least 15 lacs without slaughtering people). Opening lines are...

O gaumata, O gaumata
holy gau O holy cow,
where are thou? where are thou?

Thy tender eyes bring tears to mine eyes
Thy Silk is like Milk...

(more of the epic poem coming soon)
Why it's always the people sitting in western secular, liberal countries are the one's against secularism back home? it's same with us why this hypocrisy?

why is that suprising? People in Amreeka, UK etc. with pots of money think they can better guide the future of poor brethren in India / Pak etc.

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