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Indian SC Rules Homosexuality A Criminal Offence

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Good job SC we are proud of you.Atleast somebody is not in the influence of the west and BS NGO's.
Good job SC we are proud of you.Atleast somebody is not in the influence of the west and BS NGO's.
sc did not say homosexuality is wrong, they simply pointed out its not their job to amend/make law, they are supposed to interpret the law.
I hope MPs grow some conscience and pass a new law.
So they just throw right At parliamant and we all know they MP's will not go against the majority of indian decision about homosexuality and loose their vote :angel:.

sc did not say homosexuality is wrong, they simply pointed out its not their job to amend/make law, they are supposed to interpret the law.
I hope MPs grow some conscience and pass a new law.
good job india! First its legalizing this crap then these homos will fight for marriage rights.
So they just throw right At parliamant and we all know they MP's will not go against the majority of indian decision about homosexuality and loose their vote :angel:.
thats what leadership is about.. to lead not follow. They are supposed to convince the people what they think is right. But then our MPs themselves are not enlightened.
So yeah,probably India is not ready for it yet.
How they convince when they already know thats not right and no good parents wants their kids to be gay or lesbian they want to play with their grand kido's :partay:
but they can still have fun in dark alley or railway track for 100 years more before the majority consider legalization .

thats what leadership is about.. to lead not follow. They are supposed to convince the people what they think is right. But then our MPs themselves are not enlightened.
So yeah,probably India is not ready for it yet.
How they convince when they already know thats not right and no good parents wants their kids to be gay or lesbian they want to play with their grand kido's :partay:
but they can still have fun in dark alley or railway track for 100 years more before the majority consider legalization .
I dont think the legislation was to make anybody gay or les. it was to decriminalize the behaviour. Which means majority of people who are heterosexuals will lead normal life. They wont be forced to be gay or les.
Discrimination of minority by majority will always be wrong. Some countries have taken a scientific approach and given them equal opportunity to be a good and productive citizen. Hope our lawmakers will consult such laws and evidence they are based upon
The western society is corrupt and manipulated they are also confuse they are so materialistic that they dn't give a damn to any thing like gay ,lesbian or sex before marraige or teenage pregnancy.
In india or any good society if somebody is gay or lesbian they can do their stuff inside or hidden they don't care but if come out and want legalization then they won't tolerate and won't allow to corrupt the society .

I dont think the legislation was to make anybody gay or les. it was to decriminalize the behaviour. Which means majority of people who are heterosexuals will lead normal life. They wont be forced to be gay or les.
Discrimination of minority by majority will always be wrong. Some countries have taken a scientific approach and given them equal opportunity to be a good and productive citizen. Hope our lawmakers will consult such laws and evidence they are based upon

Armed forces not gay over ruling on homosexuality

India’s armed forces have received the Delhi High Court’s judgement decriminalising homosexuality with a resounding “no”, with armed forces acts saying such behaviour is deemed unnatural and can be a punishable offence.

Gay rights remain a largely metropolitan phenomenon and homosexuality is strict taboo for a majority of India’s 1.1 million soldiers, the Indian military stresses. Citing global trends, it contends that legalising homosexuality in the services is not feasible.

“No armed force in the world has legalised homosexuality as in an institution like this it can have adverse consequences. Soldiers are posted in the remotest of areas and have to live in close proximity for long. Any legalisation of homosexuality would adversely impact inter-personnel relations,” a senior official of the Indian Army said, requesting anonymity.

“Moreover, our jawans come from a rural background and they do not consider homosexuality normal behaviour.”

During recruitment, the Indian military establishment does not ask the sexual orientation of the applicant. But in the forces, homosexuality is deemed “indecent” and “unnatural” behaviour and can lead to court martial.

Though the Armed Forces Act does not mention homosexuality, it is illegal under sections 45 and 46 (a) of the Army Act, 1950, and the Air Force Act, 1950, which deal with “unbecoming conduct” and “any disgraceful conduct of a cruel, indecent or unnatural kind”. Offenders are liable to face court martial. They may also be cashiered or suffer other punishment.

The Navy Act, 1957, makes “indecent act” and “unbecoming conduct” illegal, which effectively includes homosexuality.

The Delhi High Court ruled on July 2, 2009 that gay sex among consenting adults is not a crime. The court sought changes in the Indian Penal Code’s Section 377, a relic from the British Raj, which relates to “unnatural offences” and says that “whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal should be punished”.
The western society is corrupt and manipulated they are also confuse they are so materialistic that they dn't give a damn to any thing like gay ,lesbian or sex before marraige or teenage pregnancy.
In india or any good society if somebody is gay or lesbian they can do their stuff inside or hidden they don't care but if come out and want legalization then they won't tolerate and won't allow to corrupt the society .

Armed forces not gay over ruling on homosexuality

India’s armed forces have received the Delhi High Court’s judgement decriminalising homosexuality with a resounding “no”, with armed forces acts saying such behaviour is deemed unnatural and can be a punishable offence.

Gay rights remain a largely metropolitan phenomenon and homosexuality is strict taboo for a majority of India’s 1.1 million soldiers, the Indian military stresses. Citing global trends, it contends that legalising homosexuality in the services is not feasible.

“No armed force in the world has legalised homosexuality as in an institution like this it can have adverse consequences. Soldiers are posted in the remotest of areas and have to live in close proximity for long. Any legalisation of homosexuality would adversely impact inter-personnel relations,” a senior official of the Indian Army said, requesting anonymity.

“Moreover, our jawans come from a rural background and they do not consider homosexuality normal behaviour.”

During recruitment, the Indian military establishment does not ask the sexual orientation of the applicant. But in the forces, homosexuality is deemed “indecent” and “unnatural” behaviour and can lead to court martial.

Though the Armed Forces Act does not mention homosexuality, it is illegal under sections 45 and 46 (a) of the Army Act, 1950, and the Air Force Act, 1950, which deal with “unbecoming conduct” and “any disgraceful conduct of a cruel, indecent or unnatural kind”. Offenders are liable to face court martial. They may also be cashiered or suffer other punishment.

The Navy Act, 1957, makes “indecent act” and “unbecoming conduct” illegal, which effectively includes homosexuality.

The Delhi High Court ruled on July 2, 2009 that gay sex among consenting adults is not a crime. The court sought changes in the Indian Penal Code’s Section 377, a relic from the British Raj, which relates to “unnatural offences” and says that “whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal should be punished”.
It has nothing to do with rural or urban, gays or lesbians are found in every society, rich or poor, religious or atheist, muslim or hindu, conservative or liberal. Some places it is hidden and in some it is open, thats all.

Armed forces have their own share of gay people I am sure, just like forces of other countries.
India is conservative society, and secondly people lie to themselves a lot there. People pretend that nothing happens, all izz well. BTW its same in pakistan or bd or countries at similar level of affluence.

If you think western society is corrupt, you know nothing about west.
Today legalisation of homosexuality .....what's next? Pedophilia? Bestiality? Pornography as a career option?
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Good job SC we are proud of you.Atleast somebody is not in the influence of the west and BS NGO's.

Do you realize that article 377 is a Western Law that we are following? Homosexuality was not condemned in India until the British outlawed it, as it went against Christian values.

Wanna know what Hinduism thinks about "acts against the order of nature"?? Vikruti Evam Prakrti. (That which seems perverse is but natural). Your stand IS influenced by the West!
India has a population crisis, they could use couple of homosexuals around lol
Back to your convoluted best? Any Indian who regularly reads a damn Newspaper knows about section 377. The SC in placing the onus back on the Parliament to amend the law, has shirked away from standing up to idiots who oppose Homosexuality without understanding who made it illegal and on what grounds. The least the SC could have done was to uphold the HC's verdict on section 377 and then direct the Parliament to suitably amend it.

That seems to be the problem. People parroting views of news channels and newspapers without exercising independent thought. Sheep's who follow the herd.

It is NOT the SC job to stand up to idiots of all shades. Stupidity is tolerated by both the legislature and the judiciary.

If the SC could have upheld the HC verdict, it would have.

And you haven't even given a thought to the implications of section 377. Any man, woman or animal that engages in carnal intercourse and similar acts that are "against the order of nature" is liable for punishment(life imprisonment is also applicable). Who is responsible for ensuring this rule? The Parliament, SC or Local Law Enforcement? It's the third option, genius!

Since I am neither a Member of Parliament NOR a SC Judge, my thoughts in this matter is irrelevant to the case.

Read about the role of Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. All your questions will be answered.

The problem arises when the Police use this ruling to selectively target homosexuals and harass them regularly. A homosexual is assumed de facto to be liable for punishment under section 377, when in reality it targets everyone engaging in anal/oral sex.( UK, which introduced this law, is now going to legalize gay marriage soon. Meanwhile, many in India are suddenly discovering that they always wanted to be Christian Vigilantes)

The police also selectively target street vendors, vagabonds, smugglers, small traders, auto walas, pan wala's, eateries etc. and harass them regularly.

This law will only target public display of unnatural sex and preference. Any actions done in private between two individuals cannot be proven without the person confessing and implicating himself or them videotaping the whole thing.

The western society is corrupt and manipulated they are also confuse they are so materialistic that they dn't give a damn to any thing like gay ,lesbian or sex before marraige or teenage pregnancy.
In india or any good society if somebody is gay or lesbian they can do their stuff inside or hidden they don't care but if come out and want legalization then they won't tolerate and won't allow to corrupt the society .

I agree that western society is a socially and morally corrupt society an it is pathetic that an ancient civilization like India would look to them for guidance or leadership.

It is India which should provide leadership to them.

In a country which has 212 million undernourished people, there are far bigger problems than legalizing deviant behavior in public.
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