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Indian sage conducted nuke test ages ago: BJP MP

bhangi bava

Aug 26, 2014
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Officially, the world acknowledges India has conducted two sets of nuclear tests - 1974 and 1998. What's more, India spent a long time in nuclear wilderness on account of these tests.

Going by Nishank, the world need not have bothered.

"Today we are talking about nuclear tests. Lakhs of years ago, Sage Kanad had conducted a nuclear test.:lol: Our knowledge and science do not lack anything," the Indian Express quoted him as saying in Parliament on Wednesday.

Sage Kanad is believed to have lived around the 2nd century BC.

Nishank, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP from Haridwar, also seconded Prime Minister Narendra Modi's citing of plastic surgery and genetic science with reference to Lord Ganesha getting an elephant trunk and birth of Karna.:omghaha::rofl:

"People are raising questions on Modiji's comments on Ganesha's surgery. It was actually a surgery. The science available to us is not available elsewhere in the world… science or knowledge to transplant a severed head existed only in India."

Nishank also batted for astrology, saying it is the topmost science in the world. He said our ancient astrologers dwarfed all other sciences.

The Haridwar MP's comments triggered a protest from Left members even as he said there should be a "proper discussion on it and it should get the respect it deserves".

Nishank's comments are in line with a series of assertions doing the rounds of late; the most notable being from retired school headmaster Dinanath Batra who got American academic Wendy Doniger's book on Hinduism pulped on the grounds that it insulted Hindus.

Batra has written books as well. Earlier this year, the Gujarat government mandated some of them as supplementary reading for its primary and secondary students.

From preaching about ancient India's gurukul style of learning, redrawing the Indian map to include other countries to interpreting history through stories about rishi-munis (sages and seers), dev-daanav (deities and demons) and "heroes" of pre-Independence India, these books try to conform to "Bharatiya sanskriti" (Indian culture).

has BJP MP gone full retard :hitwall:

Indian sage conducted nuke test ages ago: BJP MP - Hindustan Times

don't foregt to read the comment below the article :D
Maybe because of the bad food he ate.
Dude, systematically many many people from BJP are coming up with BS. This ain't bad food- this is just retardedness.
i think he should ask for time machine from RSS & go back in time to get pushpak viman so we could used its technology to build our LCA what u think

Maybe because of the bad food he ate.
no my sources confirmed he used time machine build buy ram dev & went in past to authenticate,he will also bring pushpak viman so we can use its advance technology on our LCA lol
Ancient Indian Secrets have been Revealed.
We have Zegatron Atami Bumb.
Another theory forwarded by Indians which is from the past. When science and religion are mixed it creates a deadly mix which is neither beneficial for science nor for religion. We need to distance science and religion.
Effect of watching too much " Ancient aliens ". Now days,too many indian watching that show
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