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Indian rupee slides as jets violate Pakistani airspace

We want Pakistani authorities to take them to that site. After they convince that nothing was there, we will release the info. As for terrorists info, it is important to put the blame fast. It puts the other on defensive position. Its not done for mass consumption. Its to build an international news stream. Countries have to react to public opinion. Admit or not, India is way better in using Information warfare.
Ok dear!
What? So your air force can send 10 fighter jets to bomb what they claim to be a high value target but cannot manage to get pictures of the area? are you serious mate?
Bits of actual footage will be released based on Pakistani response
Bombed Pakistan or dropped everything they were carrying to scramble back? :) Have you seen images from the "bombed" site yet?

You are a military professional, right?

Sure, Indian jets flew all the way to Balakot in KPK unmolested, and then got scared and returned. Whatever floats your boat.

BTW, aren't the mighty thunders supposed to shoot down any intruders? Or is the SOP to let the intruders do whatever they want in YOUR airspace and then deny they did anything? In any case, kudos to the thunders and F-16s and what not.

Indian currency slides to its lowest in THREE DAYS. Oh my god, we are doomed! Now wemight have to send our PM to the world bank and China and Saudi Arabia and UAE to beg for money. The horror!
Indian currency slides to its lowest in THREE DAYS. Oh my god, we are doomed! Now wemight have to send our PM to the world bank and China and Saudi Arabia and UAE to beg for money. The horror!

For the record, India takes more loans than any other country.
What kind of response will make India release the footage? Let me know so we can beg our authorities to give that kind of response.
Show us what you claimed. Pakistan is not doing anything because we decided " no more peace talk only stern action" our forces have just showed you a mirror.

Where is you China saudi and America. Nobody is with you. You guys talked about two front war.

We came to your house at night. Did what we wanted and left. We were civilized because we did not harm to you. Only your ponies. Let n Jaish. Hide them for all you can. We will be back with a bigger vegense.
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