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Indian Rivers Inter-link

Current Pakistani claims are unfounded while if India literally diverts the flow on design it would make Pakistani claims legitimate. Most Pakistanis dislike India regardless of the water issue if Pakistani government listen to the citizens there would be a war every other year lol.
True. They are unfounded.
But the Pakistani public is still convinced that India is stealing their waters. So if then they can not force Pakistani Govt to take any action, what would change when India actually starts doing it.

Again, bear in mind, that even when India starts to channel some of the river waters to other rivers, the river flow in Pakistan would not be majorly affected. It would make a minor difference at best.

What would prevent Pakistani Govt from first posturing, then going back to their public claiming that India has accepted their terms and has promised/treatised to ensure proper water supply in the rivers that flow to Pakistan? Show it as yet another positive outcome for Pakistan and its military forces ability in coercing India, to the domestic audience?
Because I think that is the logical outcome.

You are assuming that because India would link the rivers, it would mean a major change in the river water volume of rivers that flow onwards to Pakistan. That is not the case.
yeah yeah tell that 93000 of your soldiers who were kept as slaves in our camps after the 1971 war

Your kind knows never to mess with actual Pakistan. It will make life hell for Bharotis and GOI know it very well. 71 was nothing more then civil war and done deal, Bharotis entered to score few brownie points after humilation of 65. But they couldnt dare to actually liberare so called Azad Kashmir ;) shamefull for country 7 times bigger population then ours

The day India try to break indus water treaty is the day bharotis will shit in their pants, midget donkeys. Thats why no one loss sleep over Bharoti threat of war or they messing with our rivers. As long as we get 80% of water it doesnt matter, all is good in that case.
Your kind knows never to mess with actual Pakistan. It will make life hell for Bharotis and GOI know it very well. 71 was nothing more then civil war and done deal, Bharotis entered to score few brownie points after humilation of 65. But they couldnt dare to actually liberare so called Azad Kashmir ;) shamefull for country 7 times bigger population then ours

The day India try to break indus water treaty is the day bharotis will shit in their pants, midget donkeys. Thats why no one loss sleep over Bharoti threat of war or they messing with our rivers. As long as we get 80% of water it doesnt matter, all is good in that case.
lol y u so mad?
Your kind knows never to mess with actual Pakistan. It will make life hell for Bharotis and GOI know it very well. 71 was nothing more then civil war and done deal, Bharotis entered to score few brownie points after humilation of 65. But they couldnt dare to actually liberare so called Azad Kashmir ;) shamefull for country 7 times bigger population then ours

The day India try to break indus water treaty is the day bharotis will shit in their pants, midget donkeys. Thats why no one loss sleep over Bharoti threat of war or they messing with our rivers. As long as we get 80% of water it doesnt matter, all is good in that case.

Continue with the street language if you it makes you look cool. Actually it only shows the mentality of pakistanis.

As for wars, save your soldiers from beheading by ragtag Taliban first, then talk about fighting other countries. They have been slaughtering your soldiers like animals, but your arrogance is somehow left untouched.
Continue with the street language if you it makes you look cool. Actually it only shows the mentality of pakistanis.

As for wars, save your soldiers from beheading by ragtag Taliban first, then talk about fighting other countries. They have been slaughtering your soldiers like animals, but your arrogance is somehow left untouched.

?? Maiosts freedom fighters just beheaded 7 of yours today. Its not me who brought our rivers in to discussion. You bhayas first troll and then cry
Your kind knows never to mess with actual Pakistan. It will make life hell for Bharotis and GOI know it very well. 71 was nothing more then civil war and done deal, Bharotis entered to score few brownie points after humilation of 65. But they couldnt dare to actually liberare so called Azad Kashmir ;) shamefull for country 7 times bigger population then ours

The day India try to break indus water treaty is the day bharotis will shit in their pants, midget donkeys. Thats why no one loss sleep over Bharoti threat of war or they messing with our rivers. As long as we get 80% of water it doesnt matter, all is good in that case.

Dont worry hindus are not good enough to take panga with us. Any linking with our rivers mean end of Bharotis ganga filthy people.
The usual will be your *** getting spanked, midget from ganga filth.

Shan got a new ID

@WebMaster @Oscar

We can't stand @good_boy and his goodness anymore :sarcastic:
?? Maiosts freedom fighters just beheaded 7 of yours today. Its not me who brought our rivers in to discussion. You bhayas first troll and then cry

Poor kid, first get a dictionary and look up the meaning of "beheading". You are one confused item
Why bhaiyyas cry after trolling and insulting, i just reply back.

Poor kid, first get a dictionary and look up the meaning of "beheading". You are one confused item

Ironic coming from you, maiosts playing with your soldiers heads is known fact. Your denial will not change anything.
Why bhaiyyas cry after trolling and insulting, i just reply back.

Ironic coming from you, maiosts playing with your soldiers heads is known fact. Your denial will not change anything.
Yes it is a known fact which is known only by you, which is why you haven't been able to present any source for any BS you have been spewing here. But I forgot, your madarsah teachers haven't taught you how to post links yet. I really feel sorry for you.
Yes it is a known fact which is known only by you, which is why you haven't been able to present any source for any BS you have been spewing here. But I forgot, your madarsah teachers haven't taught you how to post links yet. I really feel sorry for you.

Hindutva education have fucked your mind and now you are in denial, typical of bharotis filth.

Shan got a new ID

@WebMaster @Oscar

We can't stand @good_boy and his goodness anymore :sarcastic:

Who the f is shan? Did he **** bharotis? Why they keep reminding me im shan?
Hindutva education have fucked your mind and now you are in denial, typical of bharotis filth.

Yes, it is because of my denial that you haven't been able to find a link to prove any of your BS claims. madarsah logic.
@KingMamba @Contrarian Who's diverting water from the rivers covered under the IWT? We have imposed upon ourselves the limitation that we cannot and so we will not. We have stuck by the IWT, even the ICJ noted this when they awarded the Kishanganga case veritably in our favor by allowing us to divert an extremely large quantum of water for said project (much larger than the amount we had set before the court as the minimum required and much larger than the amount Pakistan was willing to part with) since the diversion still allowed the minimum flow to the lower riparian to be met. No one is going to dry up Pakistan, and we can very well operate within the confines of the IWT as we have shown with the various arbitration cases we have come out on top in in this regard. So no, war will not start due to us abrogating the IWT. Although I seriously hope that Pakistan will get its act together wrt building dams.

On the other hand Bangladesh might end up with a raw deal but then such is life, only in myths do the meek inherit the earth.
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