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Indian ripoff of Pakistani songs continues...

I liked the Pakistani original one better coz i can follow Hindi but not Punjabi... thanks for the videos.
OMG what have they done to such a beautiful song, seriously when ever a band/ singer copies a song one expects it to be an "upgraded" version in terms of quality and music but this is the worst rip off i have ever heard!!
OMG what have they done to such a beautiful song, seriously when ever a band/ singer copies a song one expects it to be an "upgraded" version in terms of quality and music but this is the worst rip off i have ever heard!!
Apparently it has also made it to a Hindi movie, its by a female vocalist.
Dude Indian Bollywood is full of it.There was movie indian movie i can't recall its name which was copy of Hollywood movie Collateral and then there was another indian movie Bitchoo which was also copy of Hollywood movie..
Pakistani version of this song

Indian Version

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This time my vote is for the second video..even though i cant follow it..

But who cares... music has no boundaries ,.. no languages.. just enjoy...... right????
Lol ajkal Arbion ke peeche paray huay hain.


Indian Copy:
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This isn't anything new, the foundations of your music is on fraudulent copies:


Indian Copy:
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What's the big deal in it, Isn't pakistan allowing piracy and pakistanis enjoying pirated movies.

Thts not done by Pakistanis.its the indians who smuggle the movies.
2)Pakistan doesnt copy indian movies or songs indian companies and singers do tht???

Heck u guys even label Pakistani rice as indian and sell its aboard:woot:,,,,not to forget ur obsession of selling idea tht Pakistanis are indians :rofl:.
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