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Indian RAW's Kulbhushan S Jadhav sentenced to death for espionage & sabotage against Pakistan

Now he will Raised as hero !!!!what he Is

By .1.25 billion$ indians

Thank you Pakistan to make him legend like sabarjit

What a honour way to die !!!

People in espionage never get credit for there work.kulbhushan yadav became example for future generations to join world of intelligence
Firstly with all due respect you overestimate and exaggerate ISI influence in Afghanistan.
Secondly assuming he is a raw operative just because he is an ex military officer will give India chance to do the same!!

Seems like my effort wasn't worthy to put maximum to understand rather getting a reply for the sake of reply only. I will rephrase the same in simple & precise way again as if R&AW can be credited for its presence in Afghanistan then why to underestimate other agency. You have no idea what I said. Doval shows its presence in Afghanistan like a guest/very late and will remain the same because, IMO, Pakistan is very well familiar with the ground realities, being there from start hence, underestimating wouldn't help pass the storm. The relevant people are aware that one wouldn't challenge up against other until & unless not prepared for the worst or game next level.
Now he will Raised as hero !!!!what he Is

By .1.25 billion$ indians

Thank you Pakistan to make him legend like sabarjit

What a honour way to die !!!

People in espionage never get credit for there work.kulbhushan yadav became example for future generations to join world of intelligence

Here I agree with you.. You guys should accept him as your hero at least...

He did what he was required to do, for his country, for you people..

Don't take away any credit from him after he is hanged.
@Mentee, I think we have got someone who can answer our question..


Why was he in possession of a passport with a Muslim name? I know you guys will say that Pakistan faked this passport, but then another question, why this man had the Iranian visa with the same fake Muslim name on it? BTW, Iran confirmed that the visa is not fake..
First hold a open transparent trial and then ask questions , only ppl who want to hide things have kangaroo court. Now how do we verify that the passport or visa is not faked by pakistan ?
Isn't it great to see common Indians thinking they know better than the ISI: The same intelligence agency that they blame for a poorly built rail network?

i'm a pretty open minded guy , but you are fooling yourself if you think a agent of 11 years exp ,who is missing his only ship used a Iranian passport to get-into Pakistan , if he was planning to infiltrate he would have used a Pakistani identity, the entire idea of a "master mind" travailing deep into enemy territory is ridiculous. ships don't grow wings and disappear.
Why is it necessary that "he would have used a Pakistani identity"? Could he not have used an "Iranian passport" to hide under the cover of an innocent Iranian fisherman or sea merchant?

Sensible decision. This case mirrors the incident of Kashmir Singh. After many years of claiming his innocence by successive Indian governments, upon his release he finally bragged about his assignment as a spy in Pakistan. India will most likely celebrate Kalbushan Yadav as a great hero once he's executed.

I hope Pakistan ultimately releases an official book or documentary on his capture. No doubt one of the greatest busts in modern intelligence anywhere in the world.

It was never proven that he was arrested in balochistan so the question of visa does not arise. Pakistan did not give access to indian consul on the fear that secret about his kidnapping would come out.
Can you provide evidence of this?
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Killing children and civilian of other country is the core Service of your country Right? Thats how exactly Terrorist Modi heading the state because of such asshole mentality people!

Let's not be holier-than-thou here.

We both know that there are intelligence officers of either countries posted in each other's nations. These officers are tasked with gathering intel and attempting sabotage if necessary to secure the countries' interests. Spies are not posted here and there for doing charity work or humane tasks.

After all the wonderful things your 'peaceful' people have done in India, you should be the last one to talk.
First hold a open transparent trial and then ask questions , only ppl who want to hide things have kangaroo court. Now how do we verify that the passport or visa is not faked by pakistan ?

I told you, passport can be faked.. But the visa on it is from Iran, a third country in good terms with India nowadays.. They confirmed.

If you have any doubts, the copies of his visa are available online.. Ask your government to check with Iran if this guy applied for the visa with the same passport and got it or not?

And transparent trial is only for those who enter the country legally..
Excellent news....congratulations to the whole mankind :)

I always said that we don't wish any harm to Mr Kul Bhagan Yadhida any harms, we just want to lengthen his neck at least twice its original length so that none his compatriots dare to venture into our territory with any ill-intentions.

Enjoy this informative video especial gift for indians

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i'm a pretty open minded guy , but you are fooling yourself if you think a agent of 11 years exp ,who is missing his only ship used a Iranian passport to get-into Pakistan , if he was planning to infiltrate he would have used a Pakistani identity, the entire idea of a "master mind" travailing deep into enemy territory is ridiculous. ships don't grow wings and disappear.
You mean he is not Kalboshan Yadov? Is he Mubarik Patel ? Atleast acknowledge his real name first
First hold a open transparent trial and then ask questions , only ppl who want to hide things have kangaroo court. Now how do we verify that the passport or visa is not faked by pakistan ?
we provided the Indian govt with all details of colonel Zaheer . But incase of yadhv you guys are mum . And what about his family ? Not a single word from em ?
lol@shaheed, Hindus have borrowed the concept of SHAHADAT from Islam, there is nothing as such as SHAHEED in Hinduism

Quite wrong.

Shaheed maybe a relatively modern word but the Hindus and us other peoples of our country have had the concept long before you guys existed. In different languages it has different synonyms. Honestly man, 15 centuries is not very old in our cultures' timelines.
No need to torture him.. Every night, he should be told that he will be transferred to "that part" of the jail next morning.. That's enough... Actual transfer will be injustice to this poor soul..
Yes that's an excellent idea too
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