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Indian RAW kidnaps retired Pakistan Army officer from Nepal


RAW deals with extremists who are danger to India.

Seems you and that idune guy got bored because offlate your threads here are not getting enough response.

Nope, I am not bored. Only disappointed by the antics of Ajit Devil.
Nope, I am not bored. Only disappointed by the antics of Ajit Devil.
The name devil you have given to him points to the fact that he is doing his job.


Kul Bhushan Jadhav was arrested by Pakistan's Intelligence Bureau as he had dropped his guard and started talking like a Marathi Manoos during his telephone conversations with his family, disclose senior officers from central intelligence. Pakistan has alleged that he is a R&AW (Research and Analysis Wing, India's external spy agency) agent. India has told Pakistan that although Jadhav could be an Indian, he had nothing do with the government.

Top intelligence officers have revealed that after 14 years of working in the region he had become a bit complacent. It is suspected that his phone was on surveillance by the Pakistani agencies and those who were monitoring his communications found something amiss and out of character as Jadhav is alleged to be operating under the cover of a Muslim businessman. Jadhav's habit of speaking to his family in Marathi and with extreme familiarity and comfort level in the language betrayed his cover his passport identifies him as Husain Mubarak Patel; but his mannerisms were nothing like that of a Muslim Patel.

Patel's passport was apparently issued from Thane Regional Passport Office (RPO) showing his birth place as Sangli, Maharashtra. "We have tried to establish the veracity of Patel's passport and found that it was not issued from our RPO," says Thane police commissioner, Param Bir Singh. "No police verification report was ever submitted by Thane police. In all probability it could be a bogus passport," he added. Jadhav, who last visited Mumbai some four months back, was under watch by the Pakistani agencies during his movements in Iranian cities in the course of his work, his close friends from Mumbai police told this newspaper.

Jadhav could have been honeytrapped before his arrest and then subjected to ruthless methods of interrogation and torture to extract information from him over a period of several weeks, they feel. The family had lost contact with Jadhav since February leading to the suspicion that he was in the custody of Pakistan for a while now. As a result, two other local contacts who were supposed to provide back-up assistance to Jadhav are also reportedly missing for over a month. The standard operating procedure is to always have some `contacts' on standby to be the contact persons in times of emergency or when there is total blackout of communications and inaccessibility of the person of interest.

Both the Indian contacts are inaccessible and have probably gone underground or are on the run unless they have already been arrested and thrown behind bars -disclosed officers from the Mumbai police. The fallout of the Jadhav's arrest is the frantic counterwinding operations launched by the Indian agencies in India as also in Pakistan. According to experts, the operations which are connected to an operative have to be immediately erased or folded up soon after he is outed so that there is always a plausible deniability.

Shirish Thorat, New York-based security expert and former Indian police officer said, "In the event of an asset getting arrested the handlers immediately secure other related assets like Agents in Places (AIP) or regroup their operations and fold up all the ongoing or future tasks. This discontinuation of operations is far monumental a disaster than the arrest of an operative.

" In Jadhav's case too, the agencies have launched an expeditious exercise to retrace his footsteps and shut down all of his possible ongoing operations. The first step is to disown Jadhav as their operative and also ask the family to disassociate with him. Jadhav's family wanted to approach the top echelons of the government, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah, to exert pressure on Pakistan to release him. When asked whether the ministry of external affairs has officially informed the Mumbai police so that the Jadhav family can be intimated about his arrest in Pakistan, Deven Bharti, joint commissioner of police (law and order), replied in negative.


The sources you have quoted, first one a little known source which seems to have been planted by Pakistan. The othe one is Pakistani source.
A sad news. At least a test for so called Human Rights preachers. Such acts are international crimes as done by RAW. ICJ's worth been always doubted when we see favouritism. We support Habib.
Nepal is being used by Pakistani ISI to sponsor terror, fake currency and other activities against India. Recent Train mishap is also linked to ISI modules in Nepal.
I was hopping that u will say ISI is reason of indian population but dang u didn't.
All u failour is cuz of Pak and every achiement is cuz of ur own lol.
Suggestion: keep ur track clean from human waste or u will again blame Pak.
Inna lilla hi waena elahi rajion..

if i were there i would like to die by fighting with enemy instead of surrender.. and i hope this soldier had same opinion as mine.
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If RAW is involved, then ISI must hit the kaali maatas hard. Kidnap few high-ranking cows from Delhi and televise a Master Chef session on Facebook Live showing how to make tak-a-tak, haleem, nihari, biryani, siri paayey, raan roast, maghaz fry etc. That will send head Hindutva master Modi in a tizzy and Habib shall be returned quick time
And that's what we ll claim as well, that we caught your man in India, India and Nepal have an open border after all. And don't worry we too will back it up with a confession video, with a much better production quality of course:lol:
you just will get confession video of a man 1 day crimes in nepal.
We got 54 indians of kalboshan network and more than 700 operatives working for them. Afterall there is a reason for peace in Pakistan.
Plz ask him to confess the death of gandhi too. BJP will become kings.
Kidnap few high-ranking cows from Delhi and televise a Master Chef session on Facebook Live showing how to make tak-a-tak, haleem, nihari, biryani, siri paayey, raan roast, maghaz fry etc.

Damn mate...I spilled my drink :D
Good one though.
The drama they scripted over kulbhushan got no entertainment so they are trying to exercise it them-self so Modi jee can go to the world and say..look we told you so...ex servicemen can be deceived, kidnapped and framed. Entire Bollywood is now sitting in Indian foreign office.
Pakistani service members both active and inactive seem to be very active on social media so the chances of something like this happening was just a matter of time. Especially after RAW suffered that major humiliation with the arrested spy last year.

Anyways, India is on the front foot and has been huffing and puffing for a while now. It will keep pushing the envelop as much as it can get away with because the Pakistani military, government and media all seem to be out of synch and more entrapped with domestic dynamics.

Hope this poor guy returns to his family safe and sound. They did a good job breaking the story before the Bollywood scriptwriters had time to get all creative and loud.
india is on back foot as they will now have to prove pakistani proofs of his 1 day trip in nepal, his job interview proofs wrong. Which they can't. After all he is not hussain mubarak patel. Indians were unable to prove us wrong with any proof as their man was using false identity.
Pakistan will have now have a right to retaliate and kidnap indians whenever and where it wants.

The man has been missing for the past 3 days. And as I said earlier, this could be an ISI operation gone bad. Maybe the ISI wanted everyone to believe that he was there in Nepal of all places! for a job interview. So created a fake website, exchanged phone calls, emails, so that in the future if things do go pear shaped (like it did), they can show these evidence to claim his innocence.

Are you telling me an intelligence officer is so dumb that he didn't even bother to do a background check on the company and walked right into a trap?
if that is the case then ISI did well. We used even the kidnapping against you. Now you have to prove us wrong unlike kalboshan case where you were also on the back foot.
was raw sleeping when he was caught in balochistan??? you could have done the same but alas they couldn't have proved both kalboshan and hussain patel wrong.
Nepal is being used by Pakistani ISI to sponsor terror, fake currency and other activities against India. Recent Train mishap is also linked to ISI modules in Nepal.
can you back this up with any links or sources or are you just talking out of your back side again !!

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