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Indian Raw and pakistani balochistan....Its not abt common indian ppl ...

Dear sir, I asked you a question about referendum. I would appreciate if you answer it rather than giving philosophy class. Regards.

There has never been any problem in Pakistani side of Kashmir so the referendum is not required yet. We will do it together... Only India is reluctant to go ahead as she knows the result could upset her reputation very badly. Besides one or two fake documentaries there hasn't been any issue in Pakistani side of the Kashmir.

Now back to topic
Before anybody replies to thread I would appreciate that he completely reads and understand the content of the original post...Thankyou
This is one proof for people asking proof for this threads initial post..

Dude , do you remember 1971 ??
If you people have so much fun in getting one inch of land we took almost half of your nation
Original Post By Zeeshan360

Well here it is so yu are admitting dirty role of india in creating muktibahni and killing thousand of innocent people...On the other thread your friend were trying their best to prove that India is not invloved in balochistan here is the prove that india was involved in east pakistan and is involved in balochistan today and infact India is involved in anywhere wherever there is something about pakistan and here this site defence.pk is an example where so many indian are present just to cause mischief...
You dont have terrorists right what about those who killed dozens of pakistani's in samjhota express blasts...
who were those who caused 1992 bombay riots and then the recent gujrat riots...
who is responsible for naxalism movement....you would say pakistan...

its useless though to argue with a nut like you who has no heart or feelings or even a slightest understanding of reality as for your justifucations it only proves that deep inside you know that you are wrong and you are doing all you can to convince not only yourself but also me that the heinous crimes indian army and therefore whole indian nation is committing in kashmir for years and years is justifiable....Shame on you just imagine if you are opressed with millions of troops at your door steps what would you do then....

we are talking only about kashmir.

extremists exist in many parts of india, just as they exist in many parts of pakistan. the former are our own problem to deal with, and the latter are yours. if BJP kills innocent muslims or if congress kills innocent sikhs, that is our problem and we must deal with it. if your extremists kill innocent hindus/sikhs/christians/ahmadiyas, then it is your problem and you must deal with it. because after all, it is an home grown problem

but when it comes to Kashmir, it's a different story all together. Fact is, these "jihadis" are funded by, and come from, Pakistan! Actually nowadays Pakistani "jihadis" attack other parts of India even. But let's ignore that for now and talk only about Kashmir.

You say Pak has only 30 000 armymen in "Azad" Kashmir. How many did India have, prior to the Pak-funded militancy in IJK? Indian army isn't there for no reason. Its our good fortune that Pakistan is bogged down by internal problems and has stopped focussing on Kashmir, resulting in a major reduction in violence in Kashmir.

I believe it is now time for Indian army to reduce its presence in the interior of the state.

As for what Kashmiris want, there's no one single answer.

Ladakhi Buddhists want full merger with India; they are completely against autonomy even, because they fear the Muslim majority will marginalize them.
Jammu Hindus want full merger with India, as do Kashmiri Pandits.
Jammu Muslims are divided between Autonomy and full merger with India, but not 'azaadi'.
Kargil Shias are pro India.

The problem is only in the Kashmir Valley. And even there, many people would be willing to accept more autonomy. There is never a single monotonous voice coming from Kashmir. There are several opinions within the valley.

After all, even Salman Rushdie is a Kashmiri from Srinagar, and in his words "Pakistan sucks". He is pro-India.There are definitely more like him out there. And Salman has lived in both India and Pakistan. So he's seen both sides. Most of those Kashmiris wanting to merge with Pakistan haven't seen the other side. God knows what they would do when they are able to compare both sides.

And those of you who are going to reply saying, "then why doesnt India hold referendum?"...the reasons have been repeated far too often: the referendum would have to be taken on both sides of the LOC. But Pak has changed demographics too much to the point where a referendum on that side would be irrelevant. Then, Pak was ordered to remove army, which never happened. On Indian side, there is the problem of Kashmiri pandits, who live outside J&K.
This thread is not about common indian people as they like anyother nationality on the planet are busy in arranging bread and butter for their families...its about the crimes their leaders have been committing ...how can they justify 17% hike in defence budget when india has millions of hungry kids without any education???

Because of crimes not committed by common Pakistani people, but their civilian & military leaders. We will stop spending on defence when Pakistan stop Anti-India activities. Till then :wave:
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