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Indian Railways Freight Transportation: Past, Present & Future

cheers mate!
well the official world is that they'll start regular service in November this year. clearance based on oscillation tests have been given by Safety commissioner, however some concerns remain regarding unfenced part of tracks.
apart from the HST, there are plans for a new airport to serve tourists coming to Agra. the existing one is an Airforce base and hence limited and poor air connectivity.
Yes, railway should be fenced.
And no people should be walking on platform especially for small stations where non-stop trains are passing by without slowing down. For populous countries like China&India, do u agree?
Imagine if someone is walking on the adjacent platform or some railway repairmen walking on the track misreading timetable. (last year, 4 railway workers lost their life right on tracks because their timetable had not been upgraded)

On 9 Sep, one train was late for 40 minutes on Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR because of....

I think the Japanese law should be adopted in China, anyone who sabotages railway should pay for the loses. If he/she dies, his/her family should pay. That man did learn from Japanese how to commit suicide painlessly and quickly, but we haven't learned from their law.
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Yes, railway should be fenced.
And no people should be walking on platform especially for small stations where non-stop trains are passing by without slowing down. For populous countries like China&India, do u agree?
Imagine if someone is walking on the adjacent platform or some railway worker walking on the track misreading timetable.

On 9 Sep, one train was late for 40 minutes on Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR because of....
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I think the Japanese law should be adopted in China, anyone who sabotages railway should pay for the loses, if he/she dies, his/her family should pay.
impact at high speed is quite devastating not only for cattle or unfortunate soul that comes in way but also for train.
in India drivers have instructions to bring train to immediate stop if they runover or impact anything and not proceed further before inspection.
i recall one of your pics of a Chinese HS track with rapeseed fields, having concrete fencing. & i think thats a must considering safety.
impact at high speed is quite devastating not only for cattle or unfortunate soul that comes in way but also for train.
in India drivers have instructions to bring train to immediate stop if they runover or impact anything and not proceed further before inspection.
i recall one of your pics of a Chinese HS track with rapeseed fields, having concrete fencing. & i think thats a must considering safety.
Most railways in China including slow traditional railways are protected by fences.
Unfortunately, fences cannot stop deliberate sabotage. :(
Now they are not just sending more patrolmen but also plan to instal more automatic foreign body detection devices.
What a waste!
I'm for Japanese laws!
Japan has a lot of strict laws about railway.

This is really increasing investments on a large scale, but becomes like norms in China.:(
Diesel Locomotives

WDG 2 (later classified as WDG 3A)
WDG 3A class is the first Dedicated Diesel freight loco on IR. This class for originally classified as WDG 2 and introduced in 1995. Later with new classification system (using first digit of Horse power as class marker), WDG 3A was adopted. This loco is a Co-Co (6 axle), ALCO 251C, 16 cylinder design rated at 3100 HP, using an AC generator with DC traction motors.


In 1995, India signed a contract with General Motors EMD (Electro Motive Diesel), USA, for supply of 21 GT46MAC locomotives. This is a Co-Co (6 axle) locomotive rated at 4,000 HP. Later under a ToT agreement, DLW (Diesel locomotive Works, Varanasi) started production of these locomotives with creation of maintenance facilities at Hubli (in Karnataka) and Siliguri (in West Bengal) and later at Sabarmati (Gujarat). Later more sheds created facilities for homing these locomotives.
The loco uses 2 stroke 16 cylinder 16-710G3B engine and has an AC generator with AC traction motors.

First WDG 4 locomotive in India

In May 2007, a 4,500 HP version of this locomotive was produced and since then in this configuration. Older locos (around 114 in number rated at 4000 HP are now progressively upgraded to 4500 HP configuration).

Recently a twin cabin version of this locomotive, classified as WDG 4D (D: Dual cab) has been launched and now all new locos are equipped with twin cabs.

Till date more than 1200 locomotives of this class have been produced.

WDG 5 (nicknamed Bheem)

Starting in 2010, DLW Varanasi, in co-operation with EMD, customized GT80MAC, to an Indian locomotive classified as WDG 5. This is a Co-Co locomotive rated at 5,500 HP, having a traction effort of 560 kN and uses a 2 stroke , GT 50AC, 20cylinder engine, with AC Generator and AC traction motor configuration. The loco is cleared to operate at 105 kph. Almost all components have been made in India.



I think I was at this thread before @anant_s , just forgot about it. Great to review it again.

Did you catch the drone footage videos released of the DFC in progress?:

I think I was at this thread before @anant_s , just forgot about it. Great to review it again.

Did you catch the drone footage videos released of the DFC in progress?:

DFC is progressing really well. Mughal Sarai Son nagar section is slated to be commissioned and start operation this year itself.
DFC is progressing really well. Mughal Sarai Son nagar section is slated to be commissioned and start operation this year itself.
A 508-km section of EDFC is still undergoing land acquisition and that can derail whole project.It was scheduled to be completed by end of this year.

Any news on Alstom and GE factories?
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