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Indian Railways 2020!

The pride of Indian Railways, our very own pre-semi-bullets:

The great Indian Railways:

IR can hit speed of 200-220 but problem is it cannot maintain that speed for more than 30 minutes , since they are too much trains running on the same track , Bullet Trains will require separate dedicated lines , which means more Land purchase . If you want to live in a Bubble , so be it , I am a Realistic and support modi , In India people do not want to pay small Rail price hikes and you expect them to pay airfares like fares for Bullet trains ??

Bandra–Worli Sea Link B is becoming biggest dud , since people do not want to pay tolls on it and are happy to be in traffic jams . Year on Year traffic movement over Bridge is going down . if the trend continues , government will never recover money spend on it . this is Typical Indian mentality , they will like Bullet trains but also want fares of Local trains .

Modi-ji will change the mentality of the people in no time. With Modi-ji, every difficulty will be overcome.

We are well on our way to becoming a superpower.

There is absolutely No question of surpassing. Chinese government has killed their culture. There is a rogue and corrupt regime in place. Their generation has become intellectually incapable to doing any high intellect work except some routine service jobs.

Indeed, India has already surpassed China. The world doesn't know it. It's up to us to spread the knowledge and educate people.

Modi-ji will make the world wake up to the fact that India has arrived and surpassed China and USA.
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There is absolutely No question of surpassing. Chinese government has killed their culture. There is a rogue and corrupt regime in place. Their generation has become intellectually incapable to doing any high intellect work except some routine service jobs.

How central planning has groomed China - News

How central planning has groomed China
Traveling to China is always a somewhat depressing experience for an Indian of my generation. That is because till my middle-age, both were what was unfashionably called underdeveloped countries and today it would seem that China is another planet.

In 1990, China’s GDP was roughly the same as India’s and parts of its infrastructure, such as its railway system, were considered inferior. Today, China’s GDP is around $9 trillion and India’s is $2 trillion.

Last week when I rode the high speed train travelling at 300 kph from Shanghai to Beijing, the extent to which China had pulled away from India hit home again.

While China is evolving with central planning, the Modi govt is planning to do away with the Planning Commission. Pic/PTI

The railway station was little different from the Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport terminal next door. The train was, of course anything beyond what you get in India. On the 1,500 km track from Shanghai to Beijing there were no signs of the distressing poverty an urban squalor you see in India.

This brings me to the main subject of this column which is the talk about how the new Modi government is planning to do away with the Planning Commission. The body is viewed as being archaic talking shop used to park loyalists.

But just what sophisticated central planning can do is visible in China. Despite talk of increasing marketisation of the Chinese economy, there should be no doubt that the Chinese miracle is a product of careful and sophisticated central planning.

The Shanghai-Beijing train or the modern terminal are not a stand-along prestigious project, but part of a system that covers or will cover most of China. Indeed, the ambitious Chinese want to build high-speed trains around the world.

Planning is afoot for trains connecting China with Europe via Central Asia, Iran, Turkey and Bulgaria and to Singapore via Laos, Thailand and Malaysia. A proposal to fund a line in India was turned down by the Planning Commission last year because it would not be economical. Already there is regular freight train service between China and Europe.

The railway technology was acquired in the 1980s and early 1990s from France, Japan and Germany and “indigenised”. Being relatively unsophisticated, the Chinese quickly mastered it and are now major players in the high-speed train markets, displacing those very countries that initially supplied it technology.

But it is not just by the metrics of railway construction that China is defined. With just 2/3 the arable land as compared to India, China is by far the larger agricultural output. China was not an exporter of fruit in 1990, whereas today, it is the largest producer and exporter of apples.

Indeed, the Chinese variety of the Fuji apple is the super-star of Indian markets, outpricing the products coming from the US or New Zealand and our own Himachal and Kashmir. China may not be an innovator in the scale of the US, Germany or Japan, but it is getting there.

In the area of IT, China has produced companies like Alibaba and its rival Tencent which are world class. Alibaba is bigger than Amazon as an online retailer. Indeed, in Internet, the Chinese have created their own universe and are now blocking western companies like Google.

As a result I could neither access Gmail, nor use the search engine in my week in China. Reports are that the next target is Microsoft. Chinese products like instant messaging app WeChat have now gained popularity abroad.

All this has come through central planning, not of the stodgy Soviet/Indian style, but a sophisticated and agile one that China has pioneered. A lot of this has its origins in a plan drawn up based on a letter received by the Chinese supremo, Deng Xiaoping on March 3, 1986. This plan, called 863 Program (in the Chinese style, 86 is for the year and 3 for the date).

The gist of the letter from top nuclear weapons and missile scientists was that China risked being left behind if it allowed its science and technology to be overly focused on military issues. What it needed was a broad thrust across several key science and technology fields.

As a result of this, big money, in terms of billons of dollars was pumped into laboratories, universities and research institutes in fields ranging from biotechnology, information and communications technology, to deep sea research, lasers and robotics. In 2001, clean energy was added to the list.

The programme, reviewed periodically not only by Chinese, but also foreign experts, has provided China with its space capsule Shenzhou, the deep submersible Jiaolong, Longson processor and thousands of patents. In addition to this, there have been important spinoffs for the military like the hyper technology vehicle.

Of course, these efforts have been supplemented by cyber-theft and espionage on a grand scale, but that should not diminish the effort and investment that has gone in projects that aim to make China a high-tech power.

In this period, India also sought to do what China did. In the Rajiv Gandhi government (1984-1989), mission areas were selected and fields like supercomputers and telecom were targeted through agencies like CDAC and C-DOT, and mission areas identified for oilseeds, water, immunisation, literacy and so on. But these programmes imploded with the Rajiv government.

An important difference has been the political stability and continuity provided by the authoritarian Chinese system, and the lack of focus of the Indian one. The difference is actually less with regard to the system, but more the leadership that was provided, both at the political, as well as the mission level.

Most of India’s S&T bureaucrats have proved to be as shoddy as the politicians who led us. I need not take names, some are still around.

There were important exceptions like Verghese Kurian, who enabled India to become a “milk” power. But in most other areas we have lost our way because of the inability of the political system to provide the right kind of leadership to the country.

The writer is a Distinguished Fellow, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi
Are you so devoid of pride and faith in your country? Do you not believe that India can compete with and surpass China?

I have a much realistic pride and faith for my country. And I know and smell a troller / double flagger like you. Admit it, you are a Chinese troller who has taken another Avatar and taking pot shots at our inability by posting tons of China youtube footages.
I have a much realistic pride and faith for my country. And I know and smell a troller / double flagger like you. Admit it, you are a Chinese troller who has taken another Avatar and taking pot shots at our inability by posting tons of China youtube footages.

You have little pride in your country. People who take pride in India have unwavering faith in her. Only five years ago, all the talk was overtaking China and becoming a superpower by 2020. Every Indian was brimming with hope and optimistic about India's prospects. Yet, only a few years of difficulties later, many Indians have abandoned hope. You are one of them. People who are proud of India only when India is doing well are despicable.

India is a great country and great power. India will overtake China under Modi-ji in the next five years and become a superpower by 2020.
Ok Pakistani / @RisingShiningSuperpower we get your point and have to say nice trolling since you managed to stretch this thread to about 16 pages .

How is it trolling when I'm stating the truth? Truth alone prevails.

Is it not true that Modi-ji is a visionary leader?

Is it not true that India will overtake China soon?

Is it not true that India will become a superpower by 2020, as predicated by so many esteemed persons?

Is it not true that India has the demographic dividend?

Is it not true that India has the democratic dividend?

Is it not true that India is the tortoise and tortoise wins the race?

Is it not true that India has inclusive growth?

Is it not true that slow and steady wins the race?

Is it not true India invented zero?

Is it not true that Indians are Aryans?

Is it not true that Germans came from India?

Is it not true that Indians invented microchips 3000 years ago?

Is it not true that ancient Indians achieved space travel?

Is it not true that 38 per cent of doctors in US are Indians?

Is it not true that 36 per cent of NASA scientists are Indians?

Is it not true that 34 per cent of Microsoft employees are Indians?

Is it not true that India invented Yoga?

Is it not true that India has Bollywood?

Is it not true that IITs are ranked in the top 10 universities in the world?

Truth alone prevails.

Indian Railways will overtake Chinese railways by 2020!

India will overtake China and become a superpower by 2020!

Jai Hind!
Under Modi's leadership, Indian Railways will definitely surpass Chinese Railways before 2020!

We already have very advanced semi-bullet trains, and we will have a fully indigenous bullet train in a few years.

I have included some videos of Chinese bullet trains to show much we have to catch up.

To surpass Chinese Railways before 2020 is difficult, but Indians can accomplish anything! Modi's is a very strong and wise leader, and I'm sure we can do it!

Are you american Indian?

BTW it will take much time before we catch up with CR.

Good thing is we have already started working on Semi HSR.

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