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Indian Rafale Deal Final By September. Any Breaths Held?

I am not mistaken by any way. In my post, I have clearly stated how LCA, Sukhoi, Mig-29 will/should be used post 2030. Neither I am talking about replacing the entire squadron by only 5th gen fighters. You have totally neglected the entire logic.
As per cost 126 Rafales for $20 billion which is equivalent to $160 million per plane will be on par or more costly than 5th gen fighters. Add to that upgradation cost Rafale will become more costly.

Exactly what I am saying that we can use Rafale as upper-hand compared to other fighters in the region only till 2030. After that Rafale will become obsolete or will be on verge of getting obsolete whereas the last 2-3 batches of Rafale will enter service post 2025 or some similar time frame. So we will induct a $160 million per plane toys to declare that it is obsolete.

I don't mind a deal for 2 squadron of Rafale but 126 fighters(this costly) is total waste of money. And moreover if we will cancel Rafale order it is not that we will not order anything. Order additional Su-30mki and LCA. Su-30mki will be able to carry Brahmos under it wings which Rafale can never. Add AESA on the nose of Su-30mki.

All the fighters of IAF in today's date (excluding Mig-21) can perform ground attack role. And there are many pandits who keep howling for fighters for only ground attack role only and try to show it's importance. But the truth is that, with the invent of smart bombs, Laser guided bomb, etc any fighter with little modification can perform ground attack role. And things will get better with the days to come. More smart bombs/precision guided bomb will come into picture.
Mate, it's as simple as this- you don't order the Rafale and the MiG-21s and 27s stay around until 2025-30 and more pilots WILL die not to mention that these 3rd gen a/c have no place in a modern af like the IAF. The MKI is a no go, the IAF doesn't want more than the 300 or so they are set to get- the heavy nature of the MKI and the incredibly high operating costs limit the marginal utility of further orders beyond 300.

The LCA's production rate is not going to go above 20 units a year until at least 2020 so it would take more than a DECADE at that rate to replace all MiG-21s and -27s.

When not just looking at the Rafale as a MiG replacement but what it actually brings to the IAF one has to say it is considerable in terms of strike ability, multi-role capability etc not to mention the CONSIDERABLE industrial benefits the Rafale will bring to the Indian aerospace industry.

it really is sign for the Rafale or the IAF is in for a LOT of needless pain.
Rafale's SPECTRA is extremely effective against enemy air defence,in NATO exercises it was the only aircraft to fool s-300 and penetrate.And su-30mki with full load will have 15 sqm RCS-thats enormous.Also rafale with meteor is better than sukhoi in A to A role.600-700 km is more than enough to strike road/highway/airbase targets in tibet in case of war.Remember china has s-300 and su-30 large rcs would make it difficult for it to penetrate the air defence without losses.
Again what is the alternative?pakfa isn't coming before 2025 in squadron strength.
Do we just wait for 11 years adding nothing but a mere trickle of lcas?Even new sukhois cost 100 million plus and IAF already have enough.2 sq of rafale is not cost effective due to setting up infrastructure ,nor will it fill the void-we will still be down to less than 30 sq.

su-30 mki is the most overrated fighter in world after jf-17.
once u look at the equipment it has u quickly come to know how badly it needs modernization.

everything from irst,radar,engines are hopelessly outdated by modern standards plus an rcs of 12 m2 is stupid
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