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Indian RAAW involved in shia-sunni conflicts:Pak intellectual

what is RAAW????

Research and AS*hole Analysis Wing???India doesn't have any such organisation.. :rofl:
Pakistan's corruption, inflation, poverty etc. all are RAW's work. :coffee:
as imentioned before, I can believe the allegations about Baluchistan separatists, but funding TTP and sectarian extremists?

think about it,
it makes a lot of sense actually, RAW does in pakistan what ISI does in India... there is no ideology involved there..
do you think ISI will not support maoists or NE separatists if they get chance, obviously they will.

If you read between lines of what vk singh said, there is something going on.
RAAAAAAAA invented a time machine , sent an super agent 1400 years back and created rift in Muslim Ummah by their evil yindoo baniya chanakiyaa yaya plot . That rift my friends today is known as Shias and Sunni .
Pak intellectual? This guy is just another journalist. Pakistani intellectual is an oxymoron. When I think of intellectuals names like Chomsky, Hitchens, Tariq Ali or Sartre come to my mind. There is such a dire scarcity of thinkers and intellectuals in Pakistan that even gupbaaz like Hasan Nisar are considered intellectuals and national philosophers. khabees mullahs, brave kamandos, karupt politicians are a dime a dozen in this country. But intellectuals? No, not even one....I can recommend this book if you want to know the real reasons behind religious and sectarian intolerance in Pakistan.

Indian intelligence agency 'RAW' spreading sectarian violence in Punjab during Muharram

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Indian intelligence agency 'RAW' spreading sectarian violence in Punjab during Muharram

بھارتی خفیہ ایجنسی ''را'' کا پنجاب میں فرقہ واریت پھیلانے کا انکشاف


اسلام آباد: (دنیا نیوز) حساس اداروں نے رپورٹ جاری کی ہے کہ بھارتی خفیہ ایجنسی "را " کالعدم تنظیموں کو مالی

معاونت فراہم کر کے محرم الحرام کے دوران پنجاب میں فرقہ واریت پھیلانے کے کوشش کرے گی۔

انٹیلی جنس زرائع کے مطابق بھارتی خفیہ ایجنسی را پنجاب میں فرقہ واریت پھیلانے کے لیے دو کالعدم تنظیموں کو

مالی معاونت فراہم کرے گی جو آٹھ ، نو اور دس محرم الحرام کے دوران اپنے مذموم مقاصد پورے کرنے کی کوشش

کر سکتے ہیں۔ انٹیلی جنس رپورٹ کے مطابق دہشت گروں کا ہدف مجالس ہوں گیں اور دہشت گرد فائرنگ کر کے

مخصوص افراد کو نشانہ بنائیں گے۔




Islamabad: (Staffing) intelligence agencies issued a report that Indian intelligence agency "RAW" by providing financial support to organizations banned during Muharram in Punjab will try to spread sectarianism.

According to the Indian intelligence agency RAW intelligence means to spread sectarianism in Punjab, provide financial support to two banned organizations that the eight, nine and ten during Muharram can try to fulfill their ulterior motives. Intelligence report According to extremists meetings will target specific individuals and terrorist will attack by shooting.
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