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Indian RAAW involved in shia-sunni conflicts:Pak intellectual

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Yeah right!

Ayatullahs of Iran are RAW agents. Everyone knows.
Saudi Mullahs are RAW agents. Even the aunt and crickets know.






Thanks for the wonderful info dear. Thank you
Pakistan has always been in Denial. Thanks to its so called "Intellectuals".
Yeah right!

Ayatullahs of Iran are RAW agents. Everyone knows.
Saudi Mullahs are RAW agents. Even the aunt and crickets know.






Thanks for the wonderful info dear. Thank you
Its sad that Pakistanis ignore real culprits behind sectarianism and just blame RaW, because they don't wanna admit who is doing it, we are in denial. Once we realize that Saudi and Iran are behind sectarianism and do something about it, there will be no sectarian violence in Pakistan.
Even if RAW is involved which it may , its just still feeding on the sectarian violence and hatred which is present in the society
Even if RAW is involved which it may , its just still feeding on the sectarian violence and hatred which is present in the society

If Pakistani conspiracy theorists are true. The implication is RAW is one bada$$ organisation. Something indians will not take seriously
Islamists in Pakistan want to divert the attention away from the real culprits: Irani and Saudi Mullahs.

Well , I dont expect "sectarian biasness" from someone like you (otherwise neutral mostly)

Saudi Mullahs are the prime culprits and not the Iranians ( I am no Shia at all)

I have come to this conclusion on the basis of STATS basically, followed by "obvious facts"

in Pakistan:
Pro Saudi sects make 10 % of our population and run around 70% of total Madrassahs
Pro Iranian sect makes 20 % of our population and runs less than 3 % of total Madrassahs

Some 15 per cent of Pakistan's Sunni Muslims would consider themselves Deobandi and according to Heritage Online, nearly 65% of the total seminaries (Madrasah) in Pakistan are run by Deobandis, 25% by Barelvis, 6% by Ahle Hadith and 3% by various Shia organizations.
Deobandi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There was a dramatic increase in the number of Madrassahs in Pakistan during the years of Soviet War.Obviously Funding came from the Capitalist West and our Saudi brothers have been funding these "Terrorist Factories" to this day!!

Blaming Indian RAW for all is not justified . At max one can say that (may be) the Indians are exploiting the already deteriorated situation by providing arms and financial support to certain factions .
Well , I dont expect "sectarian biasness" from someone like you (otherwise neutral mostly)

Saudi Mullahs are the prime culprits and not the Iranians ( I am no Shia at all)

I have come to this conclusion on the basis of STATS basically, followed by "obvious facts"

in Pakistan:
Pro Saudi sects make 10 % of our population and run around 70% of total Madrassahs
Pro Iranian sect makes 20 % of our population and runs less than 3 % of total Madrassahs

Some 15 per cent of Pakistan's Sunni Muslims would consider themselves Deobandi and according to Heritage Online, nearly 65% of the total seminaries (Madrasah) in Pakistan are run by Deobandis, 25% by Barelvis, 6% by Ahle Hadith and 3% by various Shia organizations.
Deobandi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There was a dramatic increase in the number of Madrassahs in Pakistan during the years of Soviet War.Obviously Funding came from the Capitalist West and our Saudi brothers have been funding these "Terrorist Factories" to this day!!

Blaming Indian RAW for all is not justified . At max one can say that (may be) the Indians are exploiting the already deteriorated situation by providing arms and financial support to certain factions .

Your post correctly captures the aftermath of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.


in a very similar time frame,

Iranian revolution happened too.

Ayatullah Khomeni flush with Iran's petro-cash (1$=62 rials), funded terror and political parties of Shias in Pakistan and all over the world.

You don't see the same impact from Iran now because petro-cash has diwindeled to nothingness

now 1 US dollar is anywhere from 25,000 to 35,000 Rials.

As dollars are expensive for Iranian Mullahs, they only fund places like Lebanon and Syria and iraq

On the other hand,

Saudi rials has not suffered that steep of decline, so they continue to fund Jihadis.

Hope you understand.

Iranian Ayatullahs are as terrible as Saudi Mullahs.

Don't get charmed by their white faces and clean jubbas as if those were designed by Apple Inc.

Pakistan has always been in Denial. Thanks to its so called "Intellectuals".

What denial exactly?

Of all nations in this region, Pakistan has been most realistic. It has been fighting war with you at east and with foreign funded miltants from west, your country being one to provide them life line. If you want proof, it has been provided to your PM who himself stated it in a joint declaration.

Pakistanis have seen evidence of Indian terrorism in East Pakistan too. And it was not drama terror like Mumbai drama, which many in Indian sources claim was self orchestrated to malign Pakistan.
Wow... So, Indians created the Shia-Sunni rift among the Muslim Ummah 1400 years ago?
Iranian Ayatullahs are as terrible as Saudi Mullahs.
Don't get charmed by their white faces and clean jubbas as if those were designed by Apple Inc.


Agreed .
No one can be trusted whose Profe$$ion is "Religion"
Iranians tried but failed . Saudis are successful and that is what makes them the culprit !!

And there is no Shia/Sunni conflict in Pakistan ... Its more of a "Shia Killing" by some "self claimed" sunnis and ironically these fanatics kill other sunnis too ( "Mazar-going" ones who make over-whelming majority)!!

Agreed .
No one can be trusted whose Profe$$ion is "Religion"

Thanks. Glad you enjoyed the analogy.

Iranians tried but failed . Saudis are successful and that is what makes them the culprit !!!

Iranians will be back again as soon as their rial rebounds and dollars are cheap again in iran.

The fault lies with the way we practice Islam in Pakistan.

In our limited views, we think Islamic practice is always benevelent always good.

It is not.

If not used the right way, religion can be devastating for the host society.

Believe you me,

Pakistani Shias have done their cr@p work to the hilt.

Sunni kill Shias

Then Shias go burn down KIFC.

What the fork

What does KFC has to do with Sunnis killing Shias.

But no

KFC must be burned down because Ayatullahs have issued fat fat fatwas against Amreeka and Juice.

My Shia friend an intellecual guy once said,

When Ahmadis were declared non-Muslim, and persecuted,

Shiia Mullahs didn't raise a voice

Guess what

Now Shias are persecuted. Karma gets to you.

I replied.

When Ahmadis were being persecuted. when Shias are presectued

Sunnis like me kept quiet.

Guess what Talibarbarians are now murderering Sunnis.

So Karma got to us too


We never thought ourselves like true Pakistanis.

For us Arab Mullah and Irani Ayatuallah (depending on our muslik) was the true driver of the bus that will take us to Jannat.

Guess what

the two drivers the Shia and Sunni Mullahs

are taking our national bus straight to hell, death, destruction, and hatred.

And that's where we are at the moment

speeding down to Shia hell and Sunni hell.
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