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Indian Pursuing Terror for Hegemonic Ambition


Dec 14, 2008
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India Pursuing Terror for Hegemonic Ambition

India since independence pursued policy of hegemony and dominance in the South Asia. n. While part of that hegemonic ambition comes from colonial past, most of that hegemonic desire comes from entrenched extreme view of Hindu dominance and supremacy. With rise of economic condition indian hegemonic appetite has grown further and louder. Even areas that were never part of indian in pre colonial time are claimed by india and even forced secession by coercive and deceitful means. Sikkim, Kashmir and Bhutan are in large part victim of indian expansionist policy. All other indian neighbors Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka and Nepal also had been victim of indian expansionist and hegemonic policy. And in pursuance of its hegemonic policy india has hosted, trained, funded terror and separatists group from each of these countries. In process india destabilized and undermined sovereignty of each of its neighbors.
In Bangladesh india trained, funded and sheltered “Santi bahini” terrorist group in Chittagong hill tracts region for decades. As a result thousands of Bangladeshis and army personal lost life and development of that region has been stagnated.

In Srilanka, Tamil tiger terror outfits were funded, sheltered and trained by india. Indian even directly interfered in Srilanka by undermining Srilankan govt. We all know the fate of Tamil tigers now.
In Pakistan Indians are actively training, funding and providing logistics for BLA terror groups and Taliban terror groups.

Indians even helped Myanmar insurgents groups one way or another.
Currently indian operates tens of so called consulates in Pakistan Afghanistan border to manage and direct Taliban attach inside Pakistan. While proofs of such indian terror involvement were handed over to indian PM, indian media very conveniently kept quite and kept indian people in the dark about it.

Besides, funding, training and directing terror groups against neighbors, india hosts and aids multiple opposition groups to interfere in neighbors internal and political affairs. Most famous off course, aiding and sheltering Dalai Lama and his entourage to interfere in Chinese affairs.

Indian also sheltered controversial writers and outright terror ring leaders from Bangladesh Awami league in india to interfere in Bangladesh internal matters.

India even instigating arms conflict between Bangladesh and Myanmar in order to impose indian defense will and policy on Bangladesh. On this venture indian has increased arms supply to Myanmar junta, depicted Bangladesh as enemy to Myanmar (through traing and simulation) and pursued Myanmar govt to adapt contentious boundary claim.

Indian desire does not end there. As far as Tajikistan and Mongolia even considered by Indians as fair game to spread its sphere of hegemonic influence. Only future economic condition and its neighbor’s appetite would determine how far india will extend its terror reach.
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Indian hegemony continues to harm relations with neighbors

October 14, 2009

Nobody can deny that today's India is a power. In recent years, Indians have become more narrow-minded and intolerable of outside criticism as nationalism sentiment rises, with some of them even turning to hegemony. It can be proved by India's recent provocation on border issues with China.

Given the country's history, hegemony is a hundred-percent result of British colonialism. Dating back to the era of British India, the country covered a vast territory including present-day India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh as well as Nepal. India took it for granted that it could continue to rule the large area when Britain ended its colonialism in South Asia. A previous victim of colonialism and hegemony started to dream about developing its own hegemony. Obsessed with such mentality, India turned a blind eye to the concessions China had repeatedly made over the disputed border issues, and refused to drop the pretentious airs when dealing with neighbors like Pakistan.

Many Indians didn't know that Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, had once said that India could not play an inferior role in the world, and it should either be a superpower or disappear.

Although the pursuit of being a superpower is justifiable, the dream of being a superpower held by Indians appears impetuous. The dream of superpower is mingled with the thought of hegemony, which places the South Asian giant in an awkward situation and results in repeated failure.

Throughout the history, India has constantly been under foreign rule. The essence for the rise of India lies in how to be an independent country, to learn to solve the complicated ethnic and religious issues, to protect the country from terrorist attacks, to boost economic development as well as to put more efforts on poverty alleviation.

Additionally, the hegemony can also be harmful in terms of geopolitical environment. The expansion of India is restricted by its geographic locations. It has Himalaya Mountain to its north, a natural barrier for northward expansion; it has Pakistan to the west, a neighbor it is always at odds over the disputed border issues.

To everyone's disappointment, India pursued a foreign policy of "befriend the far and attack the near". It engaged in the war separately with China and Pakistan and the resentment still simmers. If India really wants to be a superpower, such a policy is shortsighted and immature.

India, which vows to be a superpower, needs to have its eyes on relations with neighbors and abandon the recklessness and arrogance as the world is undergoing earthshaking changes. For India, the ease of tension with China and Pakistan is the only way to become a superpower. At present, China is proactively engaging in negotiations with India for the early settlement of border dispute and India should give a positive response.

Indian hegemony continues to harm relations with neighbors - People's Daily Online
How about putting some proof :cheers: why just cut & paste articles ?:what:
Indian intelligence network in Afghanistan main cause of destabilization in Pakistan

Akhtar Jamal

ISLAMABAD — According to informed sources Indian intelligence officials working in the disguise of diplomats in Embassy and Consulates in Afghanistan have set up a vast network to destablise FATA, Northern Areas and Baluchistan engaging dozens of Afghan-Indians, drug dealers and Afghan warlords.

According to sources several agents hired by the RAW but captured recently in FATA, Waziristan and Southern Eastern areas have provided extensive details claiming that the Indian had managed to penetrate deeply in collaboration with Indian allies in the region.

According to one spy who was recently killed by Taliban an Indian intelligence official named as C.R. Garg working as Attaché and P.S. to Indian Ambassador in Kabul had recently offered as much as US$2000-3200 per foreigner killed in Pakistan.

The spy was given a telephone number for urgent contacts. Another Indian senior official named as Malkit Chand also working as Third Secretary (Education) & Director (Indian Cultural Center) was engaged in transferring Pakistani Baluch students from Afghanistan to India for special training and financial assistance. Baluchi students particularly the children of Baluch refugees are being offered upto US200-300 per month if they agree to proceed to India.

Chandra Mohan Mishra a Third Secretary at Indian Embassy in Kabul and J. Baby working as an Attaché (Technical) have also held several meetings with Blauch militants during mid-2008.

Other Indian intelligence officials engaged in financing and sending Pakistani youths from tribal areas to several other Central Asian states and Middle East are posted in Consulate General of India, Mazar-i-Sharif are Dinesh Behari working as a Consul and D. N. Dutta working as a Vice Consul in Mazar-i-Sharif. Two spies recently arrested in tribal areas were carrying Thuraya satellite phone numbers 00-873-763095858 and 00-873-763095867 and 0700501385 which belonged to Indian intelligence officials inside Afghanistan.

Another Indian agents Sanjay Asthana working as Vice Consul in Habibabad,, Jallalabad was in touch with his “assets” using phone/fax number of 0797638744.

An Indian official based in Herat, Manohar Gangesh working as Consul and posted at the Indian Consulate. He was in contact with local agents who organize secret meetings and trainings for so-called Islamic militants.

A militant leader claimed that he discovered the telephone number of a senior Indian intelligence official Raju Balakrishnan working as a diplomat and Vice Consul in Herat 0799427738 from the possession of a recently captured spy after his detailed interrogation.

According to a reliable sources early this year Indian agents working as Muslim militant leaders by the name of Yasin Khan (Original Indina name Amat Verma) and “Nasir” identified as “Santosh” were operating a massive network of terrorists in Jallalabad while another so-called “Islamic militant leader (original name Sudesh ) was also had been operating in Khost. Local Afghan commanders, drug dealers and military commanders of foreign country were well aware of their activities but overlooking the covert operations against Pakistan.

RAW Network In Afghanistan Destabilizing Pakistan Pak Alert Press
LTTE's India links were far more dubious than are made out to be

Manvendra Singh

NEW DELHI, November 12: Soldiers are the only innocents in politics. So it seems from the tale of a distraught father looking for his Army-officer son, evacuated with a head wound. The father walked into a hospital room only to be told by the nurse that, ``These four injured are cadres of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), and your son is in the next room''.

This was in November 1987, the injured Army officer served in the Indian Peace Keeping Force, and the mistaken hospital room was in Chennai, India! In the truest sense of non-alignment, the Government of India and its state government in Tamil Nadu were simultaneously treating the LTTE cadres injured by the IPKF; and the IPKF personnel injured by the LTTE.

A cross-section of officials who dealt with India's crisis in Sri Lanka are clear about New Delhi's duplicity in dealing with the LTTE. The furore, therefore, over portions of the Jain Commission report pointing fingers at one of the Dravidian political parties is misplaced on account of one basic fact, every political organisation in Tamil Nadu, national or regional, was involved in promoting and sustaining activities of the LTTE and they were aided by the intelligence agencies of the Centre as well as the State Government.

``So much of this mish-mash, cross wiring of political and military decisions left us wondering as to who was actually in charge of policy'', says Major General (Retd) Ashok Mehta, a division commander during IPKF operations.

From the beginning of India's involvement with militant Sri Lankan Tamil groups in 1981, until late 1993, its intelligence agencies were actively involved with, and in the promotion of, the LTTE; and for most of this period, the Congress was the ruling party.

The recently published book Assignment Colombo by J N Dixit, the former Foreign Secretary and the then High Commissioner in Sri Lanka, is replete with instances of active contact maintained by agencies of the governments of India and Tamil Nadu with the LTTE, even after the commencement of `Operation Pawan' by the IPKF. Dixit is explicit in stating that, but for the armed forces, no other Indian agency conducted itself with honour and integrity during the entire involvement with the Sri Lankan Tamil problem.

``As a result, what we had in Sri Lanka was a mess and Delhi was neck-deep in what it had created'' said a serving officer. ``So we don't even know whether, first, information about the IPKF was being passed on to the LTTE, and secondly, how much help is given to them after all that has happened'', he added.

Even while Indian soldiers were dying in the jungles of north and eastern Sri Lanka, New Delhi was still engaging the LTTE in talks, and Chennai was allowing the militants to rest, recoup and refit in Tamil Nadu. And some intelligence agents were ambushed in the company of LTTE by the IPKF, unaware that New Delhi's operatives were even there and, above all, moving with the militants.

Similarly, the intelligence agencies even organised an ambush in Amparai by the Indian-raised Tamil National Army on a Sri Lankan Army brigade commander without the knowledge of the IPKF leadership. There is even the case of detailed maps made available to the intelligence agencies, but locked away in dusty cupboards, while the IPKF casualties mounted because of insufficient information.

While a senior intelligence official was arrested for passing information to a western country, officials closely involved with the crisis declared unequivocally that each agency was pursuing its own agenda in Sri Lanka and each kept the government informed, but only from its parochial perspective.

``So while its soldiers were fighting in the jungles, its diplomats managing the crisis, New Delhi continued to hobnob with the LTTE through its intelligence operatives'', said a serving official, once closely involved with the crisis. Such contacts, therefore, resulted in Rajiv Gandhi meeting Kasi Anandan, a senior LTTE functionary, at his 10 Janpath residence months before he was assassinated.

LTTE's India links were far more dubious than are made out to be
Sir you can do better than posting an article from 1997, 12 years old.

Nothing new in this report. It was news at that time, now it is known fact of the past.
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