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Indian propaganda journey l The claim of shooting down to the use of PAF F-16

That will be time to assign him (Rahul Kanwal of India Today) a "Traitor" designation.

However, why whole investigation resembles whatever been discussed here at Forum? At-least we have been helping them with ratings & reclaim lost credibility before anyone else.
They most probably got their videos from PDF.
I think Wing Comd Noman Ali Khan lead F-16 formation on 23 march flypast. Check commentry plz.
Qasam sy tang aa gaye hain better sab PDF waly mil kar chanda kar ky ek F 16 khredain aur girwaa dain so unki g**** sorry dil main thandak paryy aur hamain aaram millay har dafa ky yeh ronna sunnay syy :cry::cry::cry::hitwall::hitwall: sab nikaloo 50 -50 rupee
man common do we have to post every BS indian media say?
Qasam sy tang aa gaye hain better sab PDF waly mil kar chanda kar ky ek F 16 khredain aur girwaa dain so unki g**** sorry dil main thandak paryy aur hamain aaram millay har dafa ky yeh ronna sunnay syy :cry::cry::cry::hitwall::hitwall: sab nikaloo 50 -50 rupee
Wo or 2 jf17 jo multan main giry pak air defence se wo kon khareedy ga ab ?
I think it’s time Pakistan finally puts all doubters to rest by displaying all f-16s and allowing news channels to film the air strike area to show the world that no damage was done.
Wo or 2 jf17 jo multan main giry pak air defence se wo kon khareedy ga ab ?
woh??woh tu yeh wala tha they write with marker on tail ""F 16"" than throw from roof and said""F 16 gir giya,F 16 gir giyaa"""
f 16 b.jpg
this will eventually come down you, "PAF pilots in JF-17 showed a picture of F-16 to Abhidanan from the cockpit and Abhi got nervous and shot down their own helicopter which later caused technical fault in MG21 Abhi was flying and resulted in a crash"
At least they didn't claim Wing Cmdr Nauman is dead.

I will say one thing. An SU-30MKI wasn't shot down nor an F16 until proof is provided from both sides.
False flag abuses are coming. Brace

Pakistan can put this "Indian propaganda" to rest by doing a complete F-16 fleet count and tell the public. But I know they won't do it :lol:
They won't in war time. Especially not to indians. :). I know how hard you want to believe in that F-16 claim but there are so many journalists and bureaucracy against Current government and Army. Some of whom were celebrating the Indian raid. They would have found something if there was a plane shot down. For example people like Gul bukhari that write for the print etc woilw have exposed this. The second point. The morale of our pilots indicates that no Pakistani asset went down.
F-16s were in the air but didn't cross the border in my opinion. But the mirages bombed and lured the indians jets , and F-16s/jf-17s took shots at them. You can even find videos of hassan Siddiqui the other pilot flying the F-16 gathak larako viman as your media says

He did
I think Wing Comd Noman Ali Khan lead F-16 formation on 23 march flypast. Check commentry plz.
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