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Indian private firm to brew bear on Moon

Bad Guy

Nov 4, 2015
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Moon Beer? Brewing Experiment Short-Listed for Indian Lunar Lander
The spacecraft is owned by the Indian startup Team Indus, a participant in the $30 million Google Lunar X Prize competition. To win the $20 million grand prize, a privately funded team must successfully place a robot on the moon that explores at least 1,640 feet (500 meters) and transmits high-definition video and images back to Earth. (The second team to accomplish all of this will get $5 million; an additional $5 million is available for various special accomplishments, bringing the total purse to $30 million.)
Team Indus has secured a launch contract from the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for a booster flight.
Team Indus invited researchers who were under 25 years of age to imagine, design and build an experiment that would help humankind develop a sustainable settlement on the moon.
Nice thing, life'll become boring without bear on Moon. :D

Serious note,
Yielding life on Moon, performing fermentation and champagne for Vyomanauts (Indian abbreviation for crews what Americans, Russians and Chinese call Astro, Cosmo and Taikonauts).
Beer or bear? And nothing is the quoted text says anything about either beer or bear.
Beer or bear? And nothing is the quoted text says anything about either beer or bear.

Speaking of bears there is also an experiment for sending tardigrades among the short listed experiments.

One of which will go to the moon with Team Indus' rover and lander on board a PSLV, also with a rideshare agreement will go the Japanese Team Hakuto's rover along with Team Indus'.



List of all shortlisted Lab2Moon experiments.
You'll find the beer one too.
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without bear on Moon
honestly beer is written in the article everywhere and you still can not spell it right... stay away from beer.... -.- BEER you drink... BEAR.... -.-
honestly beer is written in the article everywhere and you still can not spell it right... stay away from beer.... -.- BEER you drink... BEAR.... -.-
Sorry, :P
was writing about polar bears elsewhere so typo mistake.

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