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Push from whom? BJP will not push for elections. opposition parties may try but they will not be successful. Moreover right now there coffers are depleted by 5 state elections so they wont be ready to spend again so soon on the lok sabha polls

Ultimately there wont be mid term polls. You can take that as a guarantee

You make a valid point about the money.
You find any offensive post, do report without quoting back or doing the same thing that you will be in violation of rule as well.

There is no staff member as Eagle.

I'm deeply sorry I'll report it next time. And I reported him for calling me a deviant.
First excuse from Congress for losing UP

The Hindu has a leftist slant is very well known.

They are so "decent" that they also publish fake and misleading news

For Example

1 In Ramjas Row they published the photo of SFI activist and labeled it as ABVP

2 The Hindu caught in ‘fake news’ scandal involving Donald Trump

3 The Hindu Confused News Broadcasting Standards Authority with National Broadcasting Standards Authority to claim govt does not know its own departments. Then they had to issue a clarification

4 Greek Embassy slams The Hindu for misquoting their minister in an anti-demonetization article

5 The Hindu lies to prove that government is not getting support on cashless economy

6 The Hindu blames Hindu groups only for a conference stopped by various groups

7 The Hindu editor claims ‘fake’ CBSE site as official GoI site, later deletes tweet

8 Niti Aayog CEO uses social media to call out The Hindu journalist’s gossip

Their Opinion pieces are also Anti BJP/ Anti Modi. There also they use false or creative interpretation of Data and Facts. I beleive these days it is called as "Post Truth"




Whatever it be please dont call The Hindu as a decent newspaper

One more example of "Decent" newspaper The Hindu

The Hindu twists statement of father who refused to take body of his terrorist son

ByOpIndia Staff
Posted on March 9, 2017

Saifullah, a terrorist with suspected links to the ISIS, was killed in a counter-terror operation in the outskirts of Lucknow on Wednesday. He was suspected to have played a role in an IED blast in Bhopal-Ujjain train and was reportedly planning other terror attacks at various targets.

His father Sartaj, who lives in Kanpur, was approached by the media for comments after Saifullah was killed and his identity known. An anguished Sartaj said that those who don’t heed to their parents’ advice meet such fate. He further announced that he won’t take his son’s body as a ‘traitor can’t be his son’:

From his comments, it was clear that Sartaj was not someone who suspected a foul play. In fact, he revealed that he had even beaten up Saifullah as he had strayed from the path. He did not sound like a victimised Muslim that the left-leaning media loves.

But today, The Hindu, a left-leaning newspaper with a history of twisting facts to suit an agenda, published the following news article:

How The Hindu twists sentiments of a father

The headline read “Bereaved dad wants terror charges proved”, suggesting that Sartaj was not sure that his son could be a terrorist (this despite him disowning his son earlier).

The sub-headline – ‘There was nothing in my son’s behaviour that suggested he could be a terrorist or even an outlaw,’ says Sartaj – (this despite Sartaj saying on records that he was angry with his son’s behaviour and had even beaten him up) further suggesting that Sartaj was someone who didn’t consider his son guilty, and by extension, the encounter was “suspect”.

It appeared a case of manipulation by The Hindu to suit an agenda – where every terror operation against Islamic terrorists has to be brought under the cloud of suspicion.

So much so, that they twisted the statement of a father, for whom Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had expressed gratitude and pride on behalf of the parliament and nation today.

It should be noted that the main body of the report also concedes that Sartaj was composed and has been sticking to his original stand of a ‘traitor not being his son’, but the headline tried its best to put the Lucknow counter-terror operation under the clouds of suspicion by using Sartaj’s name.

The report further quotes Saifullah’s brother Khalid, highlighting that his “composure” was not as remarkable as Sartaj’s (trying best to convey that the family didn’t trust the security agencies fully?), but as per the same report, even Khalid says that the family will not accept Saifullah’s body.

Nowhere in the report is a direct quote of Sartaj or Khalid where they are demanding that “allegations” made by the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) should be “proved”. Hope The Hindu has an audio recording to back that claim? If so, one wonders why there is no direct quote in the report.

The only direct quote that is remotely similar to what The Hindu claims, is Sartaj saying that he didn’t notice any behaviour that could suggest that Saifullah was a terrorist. That may well be to explain why he didn’t alert the police earlier. No way that can be interpreted as a demand to “prove allegations”.

Despite the family not behaving or issuing statements the way The Hindu would have liked them to, the newspaper went on and published a headline that puts question marks over the Lucknow counter-terror operation. Is this a deliberate attempt to build a narrative to claim another “fake encounter”?

Nonetheless, realising that perhaps they went too far in pushing the agenda or twisting sentiments of a father, The Hindu deleted the story from their website. The same story, with an additional paragraph, is now available with a different headline. Take a look yourself:

Did The Hindu change the headline on the website to escape criticism?

Exit Polls have Started

Goa and UP both not looking that great of BJP as per some polls.
AAP getting a few seats in Goa is also not good.
Why India's 'basket of deplorables' loves to hate Modi
The real target of DU students protests against 'stifling of dissent' is the growing ascendancy of BJP that threatens the established order.

President Pranab Mukherjee’s speech in Kochi last week was twisted out of shape by the media. Primetime news anchors, eyes glinting ominously, said the president had warned against growing intolerance.

They highlighted this part of the president’s long speech: “I do not consider a society or state to be civilised if its citizens’ behaviour towards women is uncivilised. When we brutalise a woman, we wound the soul of our civilisation. Not only does our Constitution guarantee equal rights to women but our culture and tradition also celebrate the feminine as divine. Protection and safety of our women and children must be a nationwide priority. The acid test of any society is its attitude towards women and children. India should not fail this test.”


Every word of this rings true. But most sections of the media did not highlight the rest of what the President said: “Universities must engage in reasoned discussion and debate rather than propagate a culture of unrest.”

President Mukherjee was telling the protesting students of Delhi University (DU) to stop turning universities into hotbeds of anarchy. The cabal of quasi-intellectuals though again raised the war cry: India has become intolerant; there is no room for dissent; freedom of speech is under threat; democracy is being subverted; nationalists are jingoists; nationalism is the pathway to fascism.

Students of DU, led by the Left, AAP and Congress, marched raucously against curtailment of their freedoms. They did not realise that their march contradicted everything they were protesting against. They spoke freely against the government. They exercised all the freedoms citizens in democracies enjoy. And yet they protested angrily that India was an intolerant, unfree country. The irony escaped them entirely.
Congress protests against “intolerance and the stifling of dissent” is the growing ascendancy of the Narendra Modi-led BJP government that threatens the established order. For nearly 70 years, politicians, journalists, intellectuals and industrialists formed a cosy clique. They called themselves the elite. There was little dissent.

How could there be? Members of the clique, despite cosmetic ideological differences, were cut from the same cloth. The British had gone, but their worst habits stayed: classism, snobbery, elitism. Emergency came and went. Indira Gandhi sent thousands of journalists, activists and Opposition leaders to jail without trial.

But as one of the founder-members of the crony elite, Mrs Gandhi is today regarded by some as India’s best ever prime minister, not the subverter of Indian democracy during 21 months of the fascist Emergency.

As the years rolled by, governments too came and went. The BJP took office in 1998. But Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee was cut in a Nehruvian mould. He admired dynasty. He was not the man to rock the boat. The Congress nodded in satisfaction. The crony elite was safe: out of office, but in power.


Then it all changed. The son of a mother who washed others’ utensils, and of a father who sold tea, became the prime minister. Worse, Narendra Modi had the effrorentry to mock the crony elite and especially its reigning family, the Gandhis. That was intolerable.

Students of history and media will notice that India became an intolerant society suddenly on May 16, 2014. Not during Indira Gandhi’s draconian Emergency. Not during the 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom. Not during the banning by Rajiv Gandhi of Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses. India became intolerant only after Modi became PM.

So intolerant that he allowed Arvind Kejriwal to call him a psychopath and coward without a word in recrimination. Mullahs issued fatwas to behead Modi. They did so freely, again and again, without fear or fetter. And yet the crony elite, furious with Modi for usurping their decades-old power, parroted the fiction that freedom in India was being threatened, dissent stifled, democracy endangered.


Large swathes of media, corrupt and intellectually lazy, amplified this fraudulent message. They picked stray cases to prove it: first, Kanhaiya Kumar, now Gurmehar Kaur. In Gurmehar’s case, the media cynically conflated the unacceptable online abuse and threats of violence against a martyr’s daughter with alarmist warnings of a general breakdown of law and order across India which of course was nonsense.

Gurmehar’s case has two elements. Both need to be treated separately. The first is online threats of rape. It doesn’t matter who the culprit is (his identity is still under investigation). Online abuse and threats of violence are a criminal offence. Punish them under the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC).

The second element in Gurmehar’s case, unconnected with the first, is whether as an alleged AAP supporter she was politically motivated to target the BJP’s often hopelessly witless student wing, ABVP. But even if she was, she is only guilty of deception by not making full disclosure of her political affiliation while appearing to be apolitical during her protest.

That’s not a crime. The threat to rape is.

Meanwhile, the death of Lance Naik Roy Mathew after a sting operation by a journalist for a website, designed to entrap him, shows how standards in Indian journalism have fallen. That’s what being handmaidens to a crony elite — India’s “basket of deplorables” — does to journalism: it sucks away both intelligence and integrity.
Chanakaya saying 285 for BJP and Axis saying 256 rest all are not giving majority to BJP
Chanakaya saying 285 for BJP and Axis saying 256 rest all are not giving majority to BJP
If this doesn't happen BJP certainly isn't forming govt. in UP even if it emerges as the single largest party short of majority. BJP and Mayawati are targeting a common demographic I.e the Dalit voters. Maya allying with the BJP will mean that she is giving credibility to the BJP even among the Dalit voters who voted for her. On the other hand if she allies with the SP, they keep their respective vote-banks intact (the UP Muslims are neither's votebank anyway given their opportunism). So for Maya to stay relevant and not give any kind of credibility to the BJP among the voters they both target, she will instead ally with SP.
If this doesn't happen BJP certainly isn't forming govt. in UP even if it emerges as the single largest party short of majority. BJP and Mayawati are targeting a common demographic I.e the Dalit voters. Maya allying with the BJP will mean that she is giving credibility to the BJP even among the Dalit voters who voted for her. On the other hand if she allies with the SP, they keep their respective vote-banks intact (the UP Muslims are neither's votebank anyway given their opportunism). So for Maya to stay relevant and not give any kind of credibility to the BJP among the voters they both target, she will instead ally with SP.

BJP will get majority on its own.
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