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Blame the Government for non performance but don't forget the context. I have never seen so much negativity towards a new government - from opposition, media, leftist liberals, aaptards. This will only change if BJP gets majority in Rajya Sabha. If not then things do seem quite hopeless.

But remember Modi faced similar situation in Gujarat in his first term. But won the second Gujarat elections again. Don't be surprised if Modi wins again in 2019 even with bad performance in current term. People are seeing through the game plan of opposition, media leftists. And the fact that there is no credible leader against Modi (at national level) helps.
Do tell more about his crimes
It is hard to quantify the damage that scumbag has inflicted on India because it was not just the countless deals that he CHOSE to stall (S-70B, RSH, AH-64E, CH-47F, M777, MGS, Avro replacement etc) that HAVE negatively affected India's national security and HAVE cost the lives of some the very best Indians alive (service personnel) but the general disruptive and "better to be idle than do something" culture he created within the MoD (that obviously still exists today). This man was the longest serving DM in India's history- think about that for a moment, he had more time to f*ck up the system then anyone else. Parrikar hit the nail on the head when asked, in his first media appearance a few days after becoming DM, what the general state of affairs was within the MoD "we are in a mess, I can't spell it out"

The perfect illustration to show everything wrong with the previous DM is the AW-101 fiasco. The "Saint" unilaterally cancelled an ongoing deal based on little more than unsubstantiated media reports so as to protect HIMSELF and his oh-so-important image. So the consequences of this?

1) 30+ year old pieces of junk (Mi-8s) are STILL flying the highest echelons of the Indian establishment (PM, President, service chiefs) to this day. In other words the members of India's Nuclear Command Authority who India cannot afford to lose in something as avoidable as an aircraft loss. It should be pointed out that it is not my opinion that these Mi-8s are "junk" but an unavoidable fact- they should have been out of service a decade ago and the majority of the fleet reached the end of the service lives last year, the few still serviceable have less than 10 months of their originally certified lifespans remaining.

Oh and just to make the situation that bit harder to swallow- 3 brand spanking new AW-101s (of 12 ordered) are sat idle at Palam (the HQ of the IAF's Communication SQN that provides air transport to the aforementioned VVIPs) whilst the ancient Mi-8s are having to be cannibalised just to keep flying. I wonder what those ground crews and pilots must feel armed with this knowledge....

2) The funds (HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF USD) the IAF spent on the 12 AW-101s, training, spares, infrastructure etc has all been lost and will never be recovered.

3) His actions set a very dangerous precedent (unilateral contract termination) and hurt India's image significantly- especially in the defence industry (that is very close-knit and inward looking). The cost of this will mean either some companies may think twice about offering their products to India OR these products will be offered at a higher cost to offset the perceived risk of doing business with India- either way the Indian taxpayer and military loose out.

4) The residual effects remain today in a very tangible way. That shiny new, much talked about, Scorpene class SSK the IN is inducting next year has NO heavy weight torpedoes for its sea trials (so how can it actually be commissioned without having carried out mandatory weapons trials?) or its first deployment because the Black Shark torpedo procurement (that the IN had zeroed in on after an open tender) has been unable to progress as they are manufactured by a company in the group (Finmeccanica) that Augusta Westland belong to. The INS Kalervi's situation illustrates far too dramatically the "de-toothing" of the Indian Military that the "Saint" oversaw as DM.

It should be noted the DM/MoD have since repealed the nonsensical and self-harming "backlisting" policy that Anthony had completely overused during his time as DM that fed into an entirely predictable negative repercussion cycle for the MoD/Indian military. For example- company A, B and C compete for a tender, all of their products meet the technical criteria outlined by the military, company B's product is judged to be cheapest (L1) and exclusive talks begin with company B for their product. Company A and C engage in an entirely coordinated smear campaign against company B and its product- alleging graft and whatever dirt they like, during this time the MoD/DM are sent "anonymous letters" alleging foul play. The entire procurement process screeches to a halt as the DM (the "Saint") does not want to have his image tarnished.Then what happens? The tender is either restarted, this time with Company B exclude because it is now blacklisted (still no credible evidence of wrongdoing has been found) OR stalled indefinitely. If the tender is restarted company A and C will engage in the aforementioned tactics until one is left with the oh so predictable impasse- a single vendor procurement (ever wonder why SO many of these existed under Anthony?) and OF COURSE the "Saint" won't progress any of these.

Do you see how it all feeds itself and whilst the variables may change the outcome never does- procurement paralysis.

In the military an officer can be court-martialled (and imprisoned) for "dereliction of duty" for "conduct unbecoming" (a very broad and loose set of regulations) but the civilian in charge of this highly disciplined military can literally send service members to their graves and or threaten the lives of India's senior most officials and he is allowed to go about his life without a care in the world and even be projected as a potential future PM of India?

@Bang Galore @Koovie @levina @PARIKRAMA @nair @bloo @Dash @Spectre thoughts?
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Not possible even in theory. Muslims control 1/3 of seats and BJP is expecting single digit seats from phase V, which means that in order to get 2/3 majority, they would have to sweep all four phases.

Not really, Muslims as perceived are not majority. they are only majority in a small number of seats, rest MBG got votes from Dalits and Maha dalits due to Manji earlier

Bihar polls: Grand Alliance displaces NDA in 'satta race'; punters give Nitish-Lalu 127-129 seats, NDA 110 - The Economic Times

Looks like all the award returning etc has had an effect.

These people always put political interests before national interests. We deserve to remain a third world poop pond if we cannot vote for the larger good.

Media Hit job, Satta predicting 155+ for NDA
Not really, Muslims as perceived are not majority. they are only majority in a small number of seats, rest MBG got votes from Dalits and Maha dalits due to Manji earlier

Could you elaborate?

From what I am hearing, Seemanchal is muslim majority region of Bihar , and V phase is taking place there. Even BJP leaders are not expecting much from phase V.

Media Hit job, Satta predicting 155+ for NDA

Are you sure?

That would be a great relief if it is so, though I am despondent about BJP's chances in Bihar.
So ET's piece about punters was a paid news item. Shameful but not surprising. 3rd phase has made usual suspects restless.

सट्टाबाजार ने बिहार में बनाई भाजपा की सरकार, जानिए दिलचस्प आंकड़े 13104502

Rats abandoning sinking ship.Top Akali Leader of Punjab suddenly becomes cabinet minister in UP Akhilesh governement.
Akali Dal leader Ramoowalia quits party to become UP Minister | Business Standard News
Akali workers & leaders are resigning in large number nowdays. Although chances are modest but speculations are rising that Punjab government could collapse before 2017.
@ranjeet @Echo_419 @magudi @Star Wars @Darmashkian

Thats the best thing to happen for Punjab. Akalis need to be out for at least 15 years.
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