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The Indians -- overt and covert -- are pumping for Bobby JIndal, proving once again that their first loyalty is to their ethnicity.

The fact is that Jindal is a dud with ZERO chance for winning the nomination, let alone the presidency.

My bet is that it will be Jeb Bush v/s Hillary, and Bush will win.

If your diaspora was successful, you would do the same. Sadly it's not :(:(
Tshering - I don't even think Keralites (Mallyalees) have an issue with Hindi. I have come across tons of Keralites who have no sweaty palms and nightmares switching to Hindi if it comes to that. I find them quite sporty & enterprising when it comes to learning other languages.
China is not homogenous. Mandarin was forcefully taught to all so that all could understand each other. Otherwise they are free to speak to each other in their local languages. Had mandarin not been imposed, no Chinese from north, south, east or west could understand each other.

There is no language like Chinese.

Sriram ji, no one is imposing Hindi. But it is the easiest Indian language to communicate across the country. Look at how many states speak it. They speak their own mother tongue and also Hindi for maintaining inter-regional communication. Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra, MP, Chhatisgarh, Odisha, Himachal, J&K, Uttarakhand, UP, Bihad, Jharkhand, WB, Kerala (yes they do), Arunachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra, Sikkim and Assam (except the ULFA types).

I am myself a Sikkimese and speak Hindi. Not because of any force but because of choosing a common easy to learn Indian language to talk with people of other parts of India.

Before this whole regionalist politics in TN, I take it that Hindi was a passable chosen subject there until the DMK types came in and banned the language.

The other option for common language is Sanskrit, which none of our modern leaders chose.

An NDA government would love to bring Sanskrit back for all state languages, as it is the mother language of all Indian languages.

But then what would you say?

Please, you guys are fed with wrong lies that Hindi is designed to take over your native Tamil or Malayalam or whichever state you are from.


It is simply to maintain an Indian alternative.

English is a global language; let us keep it to that.

No one is asking you to learn written and crisp grammar of Hindi.

But being aware of basic communication would really be an asset. The beauty of our India is that all kids are mostly brought up in a multi lingual environment which is very beneficial for them later in life.

Sorry ji again u r wrong in facts, sanskrit is not the mother of all indian languages.. I want all indian languages get official status in India

Tshering - I don't even think Keralites (Mallyalees) have an issue with Hindi. I have come across tons of Keralites who have no sweaty palms and nightmares switching to Hindi if it comes to that. I find them quite sporty & enterprising when it comes to learning other languages.

WHy are you guys losing ur sleep if we find no use for hindi..?

We will not treat u guys like MNS, we will let you enjoy your stay here...
Just dont tell us to learn your tongue.. WE have better things to do like making our state even more prosperous.. I wish hindi speaking states learn from us we are better performing states in social as well as industrial sectors.

Telling us, speakers of oldest surving tongue called tamil to learn hindi which wont help us in any way, is like asking us to learn roman numerals,,

nothing wrong but it tickles ur funny bone..
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This is completely true. The Bush administration underestimated Modi's worth. To be fair, not many of us would have guessed that Modi would go on to become the PM of India as late as 2010-11. That combined with the constant lobbying from the Congress govt in India and a section of the "communist" intelligentsia (there are people who actually went to Washington DC from India to lobby against his visa approval, these people btw hate USA otherwise) resulted in that.

The left-wing control of the levers of power (government and media) makes me pessimistic that these kinds of slights won't continue. I can only hope that Modi continues to be the adult in the room and overlooks the childish actions of Obama until we are able to get adult leadership in the US. Time will tell. That said, an India that gets its economic house in order and resumes fast growth is unilaterally good for America, even if our diplomatic relations don't necessarily improve.
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I cannot believe people of my country hate each other Because one is from South and one from North. Because one speak in Tamil, Telugu and one speak Hindi, Punjabi. And the worse thing is that educated peoples like you in India talk this type of shit and fight with each others on topics of languages, Colors, Height and all other shits. I mean really that's what we are proud of? that make us Proud Indians?
If only one dumb guy start a conversation about this Shit all guys start giving him response in same manners. Please ignore this type of shitty guys who don't deserve our attention and talk about some good topics.
Well India is not my country and what can i say about its internal politics. Indians know better this Modi Awaisi stuff. I was just observing as a student of sociology that behavior of Indian Friends here doesnt look much secular. Its the same Ethnocentric Conservative Behavior as i observe in Pakistan here, but people here explicitly recognise themselves as conservative in Pakistan (All of them Muslims Sikhs Christians). But Indians call them Secular and such Offended response from Indians on a RELIGIOUS Speech makes me wonder.
BTW i on the real issue i do believe that all religions must be respected and no Hate speech should be done on Ethnic or Religious Basis but in Secular States any type of such speeches are generally tolerated and Ignored.

You have to understand that state is secular does not mean all the people are secular. That is why we draw a line about hate speeches and you can go to jail for spewing hate. You may have seen the news that some techie was murdered by some hindu goons for defacing the Shivaji image. Similarly, in Hyderabad we had three deaths of muslim youths from police firing. This time it was an incident between Sikhs and Muslims. As a society we want to avoid religious clashes and hence restrictions on hate speeches like the one made by Owaisi.

In a secular state, there is separation of religion and state which is mostly followed in western countries. In case of India secularism means the state treats all religions equally. There is no state religion. Religious laws supersede state laws. That is why Indian muslims can still follow sharia under muslim personal law and the rest Hindus, Christians and others follow our common law. There is no uniform civil code for all religions which is very much needed now.
NEW DELHI: Don't give theories, give practical doable policies, come thoroughly prepared for meetings, make bullet point presentations instead of bulky ones, be ready for followup meetings, and keep your offices clean — these are the highlights of Narendra Modi's working style, as seen by ministers and senior bureaucrats.

ET spoke to a number of ministers and officials — all of whom spoke on the condition they not be identified — to get a sense of how PM Modi, already known for keeping a punishing working schedule, is in his office.

Wednesday's morning meeting between the PM and senior ministers on the President's address to Parliament was typical of Modi's working style, a minister said. "We were asked to bring specific inputs that can be incorporated in the address, not general policy suggestions," a minister said.

He also said Modi is "not in favour of theories... he wants action points". "He has questions for all ministries... and expects good answers," this minister said. "You can get shown up if you are not well-prepared".

Modi wise to common tricks of babudom

Another minister said, "If you are making a presentation, make sure you have a smart bullet point summary-...don't offer a big, bulky document... he dislikes vague generalities as much as he does red tape and procedural hurdles."

"He insists on follow-up meetings when points are not clear or when his questions have not been answered fully," another minister said. "We have to get back to his office fast...it's like a board meeting of a big private sector company," this minister said.

"Our working schedule is particularly hard now because of the budget," a minister said. Working hours are particularly long now for ministers and bureaucrats in finance, industry and commerce, and infrastructure ministries.

"Hopefully, once the budget is presented in July, we can have a somewhat easier existence," said one minister. But most don't think that's likely. "All cabinet ministers have been asked to reach their offices by 9 am. Meetings with senior bureaucrats and others begin at 9:30 am sharp.

This goes on till after the lunch break. Modi himself has meetings in the evenings as well," acabinet minister said. This working style is unlikely to change in a Modi sarkar, the minister said."I walk into my office at 9 am and have rarely left before 9 pm.

Since I am new to the ministry I have to put in extra effort to understand the issues and finer details and so I have to spend another four hours at home," another minister said.

"Officers cannot leave till the ministers are in office. Following in the footsteps of Modi, ministers have started calling babus late evening and even early morning to discuss issues," a senior official said. Cleanliness is another Modi trait that GoI is slowly learning it has to adopt. Last week, Modi did the rounds of South Block, where the PMO is located.

The result - a message for cleaner offices. "He found one of the offices filled with smoke and politely told the officers that there is a 'no smoking' board outside. In another room he found several dirty tea cups littering the desks. He just mentioned them and walked out but that was enough for us to get the message," a bureaucrat said.

And the PM, babus say, is wise to some common tricks of babudom. "He knows what tricks babus use to shirk work or not do a job. So it is not surprising ..

Read more at:
Narendra Modi's working style: Don't theorise, give bullet points and keep offices clean - Page2 - The Economic Times

@nair @levina @acetophenol @jarves @abjktu @kurup @Contrarian
@Cherokee @seiko @PlanetWarrior @Tshering22
@Indo-guy @OrionHunter
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Sorry ji again u r wrong in facts, sanskrit is not the mother of all indian languages.. I want all indian languages get official status in India

WHy are you guys losing ur sleep if we find no use for hindi..?

We will not treat u guys like MNS, we will let you enjoy your stay here...
Just dont tell us to learn your tongue.. WE have better things to do like making our state even more prosperous.. I wish hindi speaking states learn from us we are better performing states in social as well as industrial sectors.

Telling us, speakers of oldest surving tongue called tamil to learn hindi which wont help us in any way, is like asking us to learn roman numerals,,

nothing wrong but it tickles ur funny bone..
I can give you a very long and detailed reply but since you are closed minded and will not listen to any reason I will refrain from doing so.

I will just say one thing, learning Hindi will help you communicate with people of 28 other states of India. If you feel this is not something worth it then I have nothing to say
To all the south indian.. And north indians, and west indians and east indians and also central indians..did i left any one now..just tell ne one thing straight ..why all u mother of bastard thoughts using english like @ sriram , why tell me sale angrej chale gaye par english reh gayee..why tell me why u dont use hindi or any other mass communicable language other than fucking english.....just because its a mass spoken language .. But let me make it straight ..only 30% odd ppl of india can able to speak this shitti language but ..on the contrary hindi can be understandable by more than 70% ..except you hypocrite ppl, who will speak english to kiss englishmen ***, just like it was before independence..so do the fuckin math..salon tum logon ko to hameshan goron ke tatte chaatne ki aadat hai that's why india become slave of firangies...because of u being black and they being goras so u always think that if u lick their balls n suck thier ducks off..might change ur geans to white ..so just grow up ..and only one language can be official for pan india..or else we have to write every thing from constitutions to a simple land records in 18 different languages... Totally waise of time b wealth ..
It is a wise decision. Modi does not have a good command of English, so it is better that he uses Hindi and have a translator.

Not enough you speak the language, you need to be able to think in it & think quickly on your feet when it is necessary. Modi may speak English but the train of thought is being translated from another language. Wise decision to decide to speak in Hindi.
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