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On Twitter some says It was well planed strategy that's why he did his PC outside 100 mtr radius LOL ! If this comes true.. Congress needs to learn some techniques from him. I think he knew what he was doing. He knows rules & regulations very well. He's not new into this.

P.S New member on PDF Hello guys :)
now a days new members hits bulls eye on 1st post itself..
What action can EC do anyway ??
It's such a tiny issue for any serious action. They may ask local DM for report. They can't ban him from campaigning or file an FIR. That would be hilarious. Honestly speaking... this EC has brought disrepute to itself by acting with such immaturity.
Because animals are not capable of giving consent. Only sex between consenting partners should be allowed.
lol who said animal cannot give consent,LOL some butchers here say you need the consent of the animal to be killed for food..
So they ask the chicken or goat do you consent to be killed as food for everyone?
Then they throw some water on its face the chicken or goat will shake its head due to water.
And lo, there you have it the chicken or goat gave consent.
Likewise people will find excuses to say that animal gave me consent,:omghaha::rofl:
It's such a tiny issue for any serious action. They may ask local DM for report. They can't ban him from campaigning or file an FIR. That would be hilarious. Honestly speaking... this EC has brought disrepute to itself by acting with such immaturity.

Honestly this seems more like a bait by Modi , deliberately holding the lotus card and then holding a speech . Though for what i don't know ...
It's such a tiny issue for any serious action. They may ask local DM for report. They can't ban him from campaigning or file an FIR. That would be hilarious. Honestly speaking... this EC has brought disrepute to itself by acting with such immaturity.
EC has already directed Guj govt to file an FIR against Modi and also media channels who carried the press conference.
The way he was displaying it goes to show that he wanted people to notice & make an issue out of it... & everyone fell for it! :lol:
It's such a tiny issue for any serious action. They may ask local DM for report. They can't ban him from campaigning or file an FIR. That would be hilarious. Honestly speaking... this EC has brought disrepute to itself by acting with such immaturity.

Sampath is known congress stogie! EVM frauds & Many voters names were deleted and he's acting so cool must have been some deal b/w congress & him :hitwall:

Congress don't know how to stop NaMo from becoming more & more popular. One way to stop becoming NaMo popular is to stop talking about him at all LOL but that ain't gonna happen hence more seats in BJP kitty :yahoo:
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