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whistleblower bill passed parliament

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Parliament passes bill to protect whistle blowers | Business Standard

parliament Friday passed the Whistle Blowers Protection Bill with the Rajya Sabha giving its nod on the last day of the last parliamentary session of the UPA-II government.

The bill was taken up with an understanding to approve it as passed by the Lok Sabha so that it does not need to be sent to the lower house again. This is the only one of the six anti-graft bills that could secure parliamentary approval in this session.

There were several amendments from the government itself, but none of them were moved. Some other amendments were defeated by voice vote.

"We must pass the bill as passed by Lok Sabha," Minister of State for Personnel and Public Grievances V. Narayanasamy said shortly before the bill was passed.

Communist Party of India-Marxist leader Sitaram Yechury quipped: "So many amendments were circulated, but none were passed. This is a waste of stationery."

The bill, which provides for protection of whistleblowers, will now become law after the president's assent.

Had the amendments been passed, the bill would have been stuck as the lower house was adjourned sine die while the bill was being passed by the upper house.

Friday was the last day of the last session of the 15th Lok Sabha.

The bill seeks to establish a mechanism to register complaints on any allegations of corruption or wilful misuse of power against a public servant. It also provides safeguards against victimisation of the person who makes the complaint.

It seeks to provide "adequate protection to persons reporting corruption or wilful misuse of discretion which causes demonstrable loss to the government or commission of a criminal offence by a public servant".

While the measure sets out the procedure to inquire into the disclosures and provides adequate safeguards against victimisation of the whistle blower, it also seeks to provide punishment for false or frivolous complaints.

Protection to whistleblowers is endorsed by United Nations-adopted the Convention Against Corruption. This convention has been signed by 140 nations, including India.

Participating in the debate on the bill earlier, Bharatiya Janata Party's Ravishankar Prasad recalled the sacrifice of Satyendra Dubey, an Indian Engineering Service officer who was killed after he tried to reveal corruption in the Golden Quadrilateral highway construction project in 2003.

The need for a bill to protect whistleblowers was realised after his murder.
Security / Law / Strategic affairs
The Whistle Blowers Protection Bill, 2011
Commonly known as the Whistleblower's Bill, it seeks to establish a mechanism to register complaints on any allegations of corruption or wilful misuse of power against a public servant. The Bill also provides safeguards against victimisation of the person who makes the complaint. हिंदी के लिए क्लिक करें
Highlights of the Bill
  • The Bill seeks to protect whistleblowers, i.e. persons making a public interest disclosure related to an act of corruption, misuse of power, or criminal offence by a public servant.
  • Any public servant or any other person including a non-governmental organization may make such a disclosure to the Central or State Vigilance Commission.
  • Every complaint has to include the identity of the complainant.
  • The Vigilance Commission shall not disclose the identity of the complainant except to the head of the department if he deems it necessary. The Bill penalises any person who has disclosed the identity of the complainant.
  • The Bill prescribes penalties for knowingly making false complaints.

Expose: How govt posts were for sale by this man! BJP worker Champavat's arrest to open new chapters. This is how corruption happen in Gujarat.

I had a question to ask from Rahul baby ..............i was told by an italian aunty (who was supposedly called as mother of india.....).to file a RTI

the reply i got was - we need women empowerment

what was my question- Why is Rahul gandhi so dumb?



i hope this kid is provided with some security .................u never know what dhongressi will do
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Chat room discussion between Rahul, Modi, Kejriwal and others

It appears to be more sensational than Arnab’s interview of Rahul Gandhi. It can expose more truth than Cobra-Post, and India News combined together. Yes dear readers!! We have explicit access to one of the chat sessions of ChatRoom.IndianPolitics.com, where your favorite political figures meet behind the scene to discuss the current state of nation.

In a chat room this time.

So, here we are sharing the chat session script with you, which we got even before Wikileaks.

Note: Please keep this out of reach of children and heart patients.

Welcometo ChatRoom.IndianPolitics.com

Mani.S.Aiyer : Hey Guys!! Good Morning. Awesome Budget Chiddu bro.

P.Chidambaram: Ya, thanks a lot , it was my Harvard skills that made it possible.

Mani.S.Aiyer: Ya..Whatever !!!

*Rahul.G enters room*

Mani.S.Aiyer: Hey Rahul Baba, what’s up ?

Rahul.G: Mani Uncle, I am good, and stop calling me Baba.

Mani.S.Aiyer: Ok, Rahul Baba
, What happened in Chota Bheem yesterday btw?

Rahul.G: I don’t watch Chota Bheem now, I am a full grown up man for god sake.

P.Chidambaram: Ya, Rahul Ji. But yesterday’s WWE Smackdown was awesome.

Rahul.G: Ya Chiddu Uncle, John Cena nailed the trophy, so cool no?

*NaMo enters room*

*Apolitical.Bedi enters room*

*Neutral.Anna enters room*

*Apolitical.Ramdev enters room*

*Nationalist.HinduSena enters room*
Mani.S.Aiyer: Look Guys, the tea-seller is here, what’s up Tea-seller.

NaMo: Mitron, I am good and my Gujarat is excellent with all its inclusive growth.

P.Chidambaram: Haha..Hey Tea-Seller, does your inclusive growth include Advani Ji also ?

Rahul.G: HAHAHAHAHAHA..Chiddu Uncle Nailed it..LOL.

Mani.S.Aiyer: Hehehehehehe…tea-seller trolled.

NaMo: Wait a second mitron, let me call my #HDL fans here.

Mani.S.Aiyer: Wow !! Wow!! Hey Tea-Seller, we were just kidding dude. Why the hell you want to bring those loose canons here?

NaMo: Mitron!! Sometimes your words…they hurt

Rahul.G: Ya Modi Ji, we admire your work, specially the fact that you are building statue of our leader.

NaMo: Thank you Shehzade.

P.Chidambaram: ModiJi, will you please stop calling him a Shehzada!! Its insulting.

NaMo: HarvardJi, even a person who earns Rs12 per day in my Gujarat is a Shehzada, so how is that insulting ?

Mani.S.Aiyer: Ya..Whatever !!

*Meenakshi Lekhi enters room*

*Arnab Goswami enters room*

*Meenakshi Lekhi logs out*

*Arnab Goswami logs out*
NaMo: WTF Mitron!!

Rahul.G: Ya..really WTF!!

*Arvind.Kejri enters room*

*12,ooo unknown.activists enter rooms*

*Proud.Khaps enter room*

*10 Ugandan diplomats log out*
NaMo: Look, the anarchist aadmi is here, mitron!!

Rahul.G: Hahaha…nailed it Modiji, you nailed it.

Mani.S.Aiyer: AK, dude, what the hell are you doing here?

Arvind.Kejri: Aam Aadmi can and will enter everywhere now, your offices, your parliaments and even your chatrooms.

P.Chidambaram: Will the Aam Aadmi enter my washroom? It is dirty, may be your broom can do something there.

Mani.S.Aiyer: HAHAHAHAHAHA….Trolled !!

NaMo: Hahahaha..Mitron!! Very inclusive joke !!

Rahul.G: AK, why don’t you ask Somnath Bharti to resign?

Arvind.Kejri: But Rahul Baba, my entire Government resigned.

Rahul.G: Ya ya..but the real question is why are you not asking Somnath Bharti to resign?

Arvind.Kejri: WTF!!

NaMo: Seriously Shehzade, go to Diggi Uncle, you need more political Gyaan.

*Meenakshi Lekhi enters room*

*Arnab Goswami enters room*

*Meenakshi Lekhi logs out*

*Arnab Goswami logs out*
Arvind.Kejri: WTF Arnab is upto !!

*Manish.Tiwari enters room*

*Oxford.Dictonary enters room*

*Thesaurus.com enters room*
Manish.Tiwari: Namaste netizens, accept my salutations for this propitious day.

NaMo: Mitron, please send me dictionary.

Arvind.Kejri: Inse Aam Aadmi ki language nahi boli jaati, yeh junta ko gumrah karte hain.

Manish.Tiwari: Mr.Kejriwal, please tell me who is misleading this genteel nation on the issue of misgovernance? No one knows what you exactly want?

Arvind.Kejri: Mai hu aam aadmi, mujhe chahiye swaraj.

NaMo: Mitron!! He wouldn’t talk to us, let me call Sushma Swaraj Ji here.

*Arvind.Kejri logs out*

*12,ooo unknown.activists log out*

*Proud.Khaps logs out*

*10 Ugandan Diplomats enters room*
Mani.S.Aiyer: Hahahaa…Bhagoda Kejri.

NaMo:Bhagoda Kejri….Mitron!!

*Meenakshi Lekhi enters room*

*Arnab Goswami enters room*
Meenakshi Lekhi: Arnab why are you snooping me?

Arnab Goswami: Hold on a second Miss.Lekhi, I am a responsible journalist and not Narendra Modi Gujarat Government.


Arnab Goswami: Why are laughing Mr.Aiyer? Is this some kind of joke to you? The nation wants to know if UPA ministers like you are so drunk in power..sSo drunk in power that they laugh upon a responsible journalist ?

Mani.S.Aiyer: But Arnab I was…

Arnab Goswami: You didn’t answer my question. Anyways, Miss.Lekhi, coming back to you, why did you log out every time I logged in here? To avoid my questions? Well you can’t , the nation wouldn’t accept such rampant behavior of politicians like you.

Meenakshi Lekhi: Arre Baba leave that, tell me Arnab, are you paid well in TimesNow, because we have a job in BJP for you.

Arnab Goswami: Hold on a second…what did you say? What did you say Miss Lekhi? Admin get me one to one with Miss Lekhi here, no one interrupts..No one !! Miss Lekhi…Never ever, ever , ever……

*Arnab Goswami is kicked out of room by Admin*
Meenakshi Lekhi: Sigh!! Thank God Mukesh Bhai, you saved us. You are the best admin.

Mukesh.Ambani: Don’t worry guyz, this chatroom is my Dukaan. I will not allow anyone to misbehave with you, feel free to talk now, now that I am administrating it from over. Don’t Worry!!

NaMo: Ok Mitron!! I am leaving now. Have to attend a rally.

*NaMo logs out*

*Apolitical.Bedi logs out *

*Neutral.Anna logs out room*

*Apolitical.Ramdev logs out*

*Nationalist.HinduSena logs out*

*Arvind.Kejri enters room*

*12,ooo unknown.activists enter rooms*

*Proud.Khaps enter room*

*10 Ugandan Diplomats log out*
Arvind.Kejri: Ambani Saab, tell me one thing…KG Basin..

*Mukesh.Ambani logs out*

*CII logs out*

Chat room discussion between Rahul, Modi, Kejriwal and others | My Faking News
In UP, of the total 80 seats, BJP is likely to win 40 seats, compared to 10 in 2009. While Congress, which had the most (21) seats in 2009, will be reduced to just 7 seats on it own, and 4 more with RLD.

No point... one of them will keep coughing all the time, other one will keep repeating the same stuff over & again for every question thrown at him & only one will talk sense. Outcome will be pretty much on the expected lines....;)
No point... one of them will keep coughing all the time, other one will keep repeating the same stuff over & again for every question thrown at him & only one will talk sense. Outcome will be pretty much on the expected lines....;)

Interviewer: What are your views on how to bring Indian economy into high growth again?
NaMo: Ah yes, what I'll do is..
Interviewer: Hold up, first, what about 2002?
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