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dont understand why are these congi E-nrega workers spamming a thread about bjp or modi, Why cant they stick to their own thread about UPA and rahul(owl) baba?
This thread is for discussion on Bjp matters not for congis to spam here, no matter what they do it wont change our views here, we are not like the rats that abandoned ship after 4-0 loss recently we stick till the end.
Loser Arvind Kejriwal is badly exposed.

Soli Sorabjee backs Delhi LG’s decision

AAP and their supporters were using Soli sorabjee's advice to back their decision to adopt unconstitutional ways in presenting lokpal bill . Now Soli Sorabjee's has exposed the liars of AAP by supporting Lt Gov of Delhi's decision.

I have not yet seen a bigger liar in my life then Arvind Kejriwal. First, he vowed on his children not to take support from Congress and the very next day accepted the support. Then he pledged to abide by the constitution but worked in authoritarian, totalitarian and unconstitutional ways. Then the final lie he made was to use Soli sorabjee and other lawyers name claiming to have backed himon his unconstitutional bill but all came out and exposed him that he never consulted them on Lokpal to be introduced in unconstitutional ways.

He wanted to sacrifice his govt from day one so as to be called martyr of politics and finally used lokpal as excuse. But what a big LIAR he is, shame on him and his brand of filthy politics.. People of Delhi its time to teach him a lesson .
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Modi was canteen contractor after he came to amdavad,when he was 6years he used to sell tea on station with his father.

It's there in 7rcr with chetan bhagat 1'st part.

1.) Modi is a Teli, his father own 2 business.

a.) Oil Mill
b.) a Railway Canteen at railway station

2.) Modi's Brother Owned a Office Canteen at the Ahmedavad it was a staff canteen of Gujarat State Transport Corporation.

3.) Modi have not worked in his whole life, he don't know any hard work as he have not joined any job or profession.

4.) From the early age of 8 years he have joined RSS and till before deputed into BJP by RSS some25 years ago. He was the RSS Pracharak. And its not a propogenda as its said by the Modi himself.

Ok, so Modi's Chai pe charcha is a poll gimmick.........but kejriwal's resignation, RG's 12 cylinders, tearing of bill, etc. aren't a poll gimmick?? :lol:

If u accept that Modi is doing cheap stunt like falsy claiming himself as chaiwala i will also accept what you will say.

But i know you have duble standard ypu will be ignorant of Feku's lies but propagate against rahul/kejriwal, jayalalita, mamta
Congress knows so much about Modi then why don't they come up with a Biography on him. It will save some effort on their sympathizers part.
1.) Modi is a Teli, his father own 2 business.

a.) Oil Mill
b.) a Railway Canteen at railway station

2.) Modi's Brother Owned a Office Canteen at the Ahmedavad it was a staff canteen of Gujarat State Transport Corporation.

3.) Modi have not worked in his whole life, he don't know any hard work as he have not joined any job or profession.

4.) From the early age of 8 years he have joined RSS and till before deputed into BJP by RSS some25 years ago. He was the RSS Pracharak. And its not a propogenda as its said by the Modi himself.

You have to show proof's of what your are saying from reliable sources ,otherwise Bullshit .

1.Modi father was not that rich to own anything,his mother used to work too.
2.Tea shop at bus stand was of his uncle
3.sure you can have your opinion,but its not rahul gandhi who is sitting chief minister of gujrat from 12 years,he is self made man.
4.Yes so?Everyone knows he himself tells proudly he was an rss pracharak
First they ignore Modi, then they laugh at Modi, then they fight Modi, then Modi wins!

Look at these morons... they wanted to ridicule Modi by laughing at his humble beginning as tea seller. Now that he turned that barb to his advantage, these clowns are working overtime to prove that he is not what they ridiculed him about in the first place. Desperation knows no bounds:lol:
1.) Modi is a Teli, his father own 2 business.

a.) Oil Mill
b.) a Railway Canteen at railway station

2.) Modi's Brother Owned a Office Canteen at the Ahmedavad it was a staff canteen of Gujarat State Transport Corporation.

3.) Modi have not worked in his whole life, he don't know any hard work as he have not joined any job or profession.

4.) From the early age of 8 years he have joined RSS and till before deputed into BJP by RSS some25 years ago. He was the RSS Pracharak. And its not a propogenda as its said by the Modi himself.

If u accept that Modi is doing cheap stunt like falsy claiming himself as chaiwala i will also accept what you will say.

But i know you have duble standard ypu will be ignorant of Feku's lies but propagate against rahul/kejriwal, jayalalita, mamta
What are you trying to prove here?Post these in your UPA and Rahul thread, it hardly has any posts and here you are spamming us , thanks but no thanks, try to liberate more indians to vote for upa in your thread.

You have to show proof's of what your are saying from reliable sources ,otherwise Bullshit .

1.Modi father was not that rich to own anything,his mother used to work too.
2.Tea shop at bus stand was of his uncle
3.sure you can have your opinion,but its not rahul gandhi who is sitting chief minister of gujrat from 12 years,he is self made man.
4.Yes so?Everyone knows he himself tells proudly he was an rss pracharak
nah dont reply him bro, he is a E-nrega worker let him earn his money! :) Ignore him, lets discuss more saner things!
This is a Bus stand in modijis gujrat (recently completed) :smitten:


Reality of Gujarat Bus stations and stands


Rudardi, Gujarat


Surendernagar, Gujarat


A Section of the Central Bus Station of the Gujarat State Transport in Ahmedabad.

Looks like a village Bus Stop. No one tries to highlight the deterioration here.


A Scene from the same Bus Station. Ahmedabad is the fifth metropolis in India.


A Urinal attached to the same section of the Central Bus Station in Ahmedabad.The stink of the Urine pervades all over.


S T Bus Stand Junagadh


Surendernagar 2 Ahemedabad, Gujarat

Central Bus Station in Ahmedabad (Gujarat's biggest and most prosperous city)

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Reality of Gujarat Bus stations and stands


Rudardi, Gujarat


Surendernagar, Gujarat


A Section of the Central Bus Station of the Gujarat State Transport in Ahmedabad.

Looks like a village Bus Stop. No one tries to highlight the deterioration here.


A Scene from the same Bus Station. Ahmedabad is the fifth metropolis in India.


A Urinal attached to the same section of the Central Bus Station in Ahmedabad.The stink of the Urine pervades all over.


S T Bus Stand Junagadh


Surendernagar 2 Ahemedabad, Gujarat

Central Bus Station in Ahmedabad (Gujarat's biggest and most prosperous city)

Thanks for pointing out the process of improvement. Thanks again for highlighting it. :yay:

That is an amazing bus stand. :tup:
Come to India, and we kill you with our spicy food :D :D :devil:

Just kidding :)

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