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HC high cour order plugs Rs2,000 crore mining scam in Gujarat | Latest News & Updates at DNAIndia.com

Gujarat high court order plugs Rs2,000 crore mining scam in Gujarat
Friday, February 14, 2014 - 19:27 IST | Place: Ahmedabad | Agency: DNA


Gujarat’s deep-rooted mining scam that runs into an estimated Rs2,000 crore got a jolt on Thursday when the division bench of Gujarat high court sealed the top with its order directing the state government to halt mining activities completely in the state. HC has directed the state to ask all lease holders of minor mineral mines to stop excavation work with immediate effect as they do not have environment clearance mandated by the February 27, 2012 order of the Supreme Court.

Incidentally, industry sources claimed that out of estimated 8,000 mines in the state, only one has the mandatory EC clearance.

With the order, mining of minor minerals like ordinary sand, red sand, black trap, marble, gabbro, slate, black stone, bentonite, limestone, brick clay, murrum and others (total 21) will come to a grinding halt.

According to a socio economic Review of Gujarat state, total minor mineral production in the state was estimated at Rs1,792 crore.

In an affidavit filed by advocate general of the state before the division bench, there are 7,990 mines in the state, of which, 2,887 are located in the vicinity of 5 km from protected areas like forest or declared forest and sanctuary or reserved forest areas. The court has directed that activity at these mines should be stopped immediately.

Further, the court has also directed that from now on, all mining permissions in the state should be through auctions. The state should ensure wider publicity to encourage more bidders’ participation in the bidding. The move, if implemented, is expected to increase state revenue manifold.

The judgment, dictated in the open court by justices Ravi R Tripathi and Mohinder Pal, brings to focus the menace of mining scam in the state. Citing the affidavit that included 1,000 plus pages of lease holders’ details, the court observed that there are hundreds of mines in the state that are unidentifiable. It means that exact location or place or survey number of mine is not available. The court further observed that renewal of mines, too, is not uniform. Taking a serious note of this, the court highlighted that some mines have been renewed after 20 years for yet another 10 years.

The HC order will have far-reaching impact on the construction sector as limestone, ordinary sand, black trap, black stone, chalk powder are some of the materials widely used in roads and building construction.

Its full impact will, however, be felt only when the state government seriously implements the order. advocate general has, meanwhile, assured the court that for environment protection, the state is anxious to implement whatever direction the court issues.
LOL, I can't believe that the new guy Kajriwel ALREADY has more support than Rahul. :P

Even a monkey would garner more support than Rahul... :lol:

No, i don't . . . . but i do expect them to not to show their hatred . . . over here. . . . . on this forum :(

C'mon.... you don't expect morals & ethics from someone who has multiple Id's representing different religions with a single aim of attacking one religion! It's pretty sad that big guys like @WebMaster @Oscar @Aeronaut are letting these sort of morons run wild in this forum!
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Shiv Sena Hoodlums at work. Threatening couples, making them do sit ups. BJP, of course, is a proud ally.

केन्द्र के UPA सरकार ने पेश किये रेलवे बजेट से भाजपा के नेता के गुजरात के साथ अन्याय होने का आरोप लगाया है। पर NDA के शासन में गुजरात को सिर्फ 24 रेल ही मिली थी और UPA के दो साल के शासन में गुजरात को 34 रेल मिलकर कुल 67 रेल मिली है। जो भाजपा सरकार अपने ही राज्यों के साथ अन्याय करती है तो पुरे देश का क्या करेंगे ?


मोदी जैसा नेता हज़ारों बरसों बाद जानम लेता है.....! Faceplam

Bullshit! This message is going around from last 2 years. Dumb followers forwarding such shitty stuff without verifying. This strategy has been used by Bhakts and BJP IT teams to create a fake aura around Narendra Modi that he can't do any wrong!!!

Tomorrow if in reality any such CD appears(related with Saheb's stalking episode) then these Bhakts with come up with same arguements ""देखा हम ने कहा था ना, यह हमारे भगवान को बदनाम करने के साजिश है""


Many tea-stalls were forcefully closed at the SG Highway in Ahmedabad when the Chai Pe Charcha program of BJP's PM candidate was to start on 12 February. अहमदाबाद समेत पूरा गुजरात ऐसी तानाशाही 12-13 साल से सहन करता आया है। भाजपा के पीएम उम्मीदवार जब चाय पे चर्चा करे तब किसी को अपना धंधा-रोजगार चलाने कि इजाजत नहीं है गुजरात में ! जब वे रास्ते से गुजरे तो पूरे गुजरात को रुक जाना है, जब वे सार्वजनिक सभा करे तो पूरे राज्य कीं बसों को उनके सभा-स्थल पे भेज देना है ! क्या ऐसी नाइंसाफी करने वाली ही सरकार पुरे देश में चाहिए?

Frustrated congress maggots :bad::bad::bad:
How are chances of BJP ? ? Most Villagers supporting congress, Main cities supporting BJP and aam aadmi party.... Due to higher population of villagers, they will play key role in the election and Congress is still feeling bright future in 2014 election. What you say.....
How are chances of BJP ? ? Most Villagers are supporting congress, Main cities supporting BJP and and aam aadmi party.... Due to higher population of villagers, they will play key role in the election and Congress is still feeling bright future in 2014 election. What you say.....

surveys are saying bjp led NDA

but surveys could be wrong......
aam aadmi party....no chance....they are destroyed.....

possible govt.
1-bjp led NDA with allies
2-congress backed by allies
3-third front backed by congress

i will say a tough fight between nda and congress.....those who can garner more support from regional parties will be the winner
surveys are saying bjp led NDA

but surveys could be wrong......
aam aadmi party....no chance....they are destroyed.....

possible govt.
1-bjp led NDA with allies
2-congress backed by allies
3-third front backed by congress

i will say a tough fight between nda and congress.....those who can garner more support from regional parties will be the winner
this is truth


AM Ahmedabad Heroes: Mukul Sinha

Nominated for : Fighting for human rights.

Initiative - Took up the cases of displaced, riot and fake encounter

Nominated for Fighting for human rights Be it getting justice for the 2002 riot victims or fighting for the victims of fake encounters, causes have found a doughty champion in Mukul Sinha, a physicist-turned-advocate who has made it his life’s mission to help those shortchanged by the system. His relentless crusade to get justice for the marginalised communities has often resulted in a face-off with the policy makers, earning him the tag of being ‘anti-government’. But the 62-year-old has never shied away from fighting for what he believes in, making use of the weapon at his disposal -- the law.

Sinha’s first brush with activism came while he was still a PhD student at a noted science institute in the city. He had raised his voice in favour of Class IV employees of the institute. He was shown the door for his troubles. However, Sinha had found his calling. “I made the first union for the class IV employees in 1979 at that institute,” Sinha said. Later, realising the struggles of industrial workers in Gujarat, he was instrumental in the formation of the Gujarat Federation of Trade Unions. While fighting for the rights of the working class, he ventured to study law and obtained the degree of LLB in 1988. Since then, he has helped scores of people including the mill workers, slum dwellers, riot victims and families of those targeted in fake encounters.

Sinha has helped the underprivileged sections by advocating their cases. His efforts have resulted in houses for thousands of people who were displaced due to developmental schemes. Sinha approached the courts, fighting for the rights of the people and forced the state government to allot these displaced people houses.

Using his knowledge as a scientist and an advocate, he tabled a report titled ‘Kutch quake profile’ in Gujarat High Court, seeking orders to incorporate quake resistant design code in the building regulations after the 2001 earthquake. The report was appreciated internationally.

Everything changed for Sinha after the 2002 riots and the subsequent encounter cases. Sinha participated in the proceedings of Nanavati Commission, inquiring into the Gujarat violence of 2002. Sidelined and victimised during and after the riots, the victims in minority community found their saviours in Sinha’s organisation, the Jan Sangharsh Manch, a civil liberties forum established in 1991 to aid victims of human rights violations. Sinha and his group of social activists and lawyers have given these people some hope for justice and acceptance. “It is JSM that analysed the records of call made during the 2002 riots, submitted by IPS officer Rahul Sharma to the commission, and helped make a rock-solid case against Maya Kodnani, a former state minister and others involved in the 2002 massacres,” he points out.

Sinha has also taken up the cases of Sohrabuddin, Ishrat Jahan, Javed and Sadik Jamal, all killed in fake encounters, and in doing so locked horns with the state government. His efforts led to cops D G Vanzara, Rajkumar Pandian and Dinesh Kumar being charged with murder and their arrests.

Says Sinha, “It was our efforts that led to the arrest of rogue cops who were killing Muslims in the name of fake encounters.”
How are chances of BJP ? ? Most Villagers supporting congress, Main cities supporting BJP and aam aadmi party.... Due to higher population of villagers, they will play key role in the election and Congress is still feeling bright future in 2014 election. What you say.....
Congress will not even get triple digit score let alone form govt. NDA led by BJP is favourite and 90% chances that they will form govt. And villegers supports Congress is wrong. They support anybody who is from local wether that in BJP or Congress. Congress had advantage in past because BJP had no support in whole south and NE states but this time Congress has lost all their supports too and reginoal parties would gain from that but advantage for BJP is that this time BJP has biggest support from North, West, East(Bihar, Jharkhad but not Bengal and Odisha) and Central India so BJP is emerging with more that 200 seats and thats for sure.
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Rahul Gandhi consideres one rank, one pension demand for Defence Pensioners

Rahul will meet a delegation of ex-servicemen (ESM) on Friday to discuss the OROP issue. The OROP will ensure that retired soldiers of the same rank and the same length of service receive the same pension, irrespective of their date of retirement. The push for OROP, will benefit around 3 million pensioners including about 600,000 widows.

Rahul Gandhi meets Ex Servicemen, extends support

खून जमाती ठण्ड में भी, सीना ताने खड़े हुए, बदन जलाती गर्मी में भी सीमाओं पर अड़े हुए
बाँध शहादत का सहरा, मृत्यु से ब्याह रचाते हैं , देश के वीर सिपाही देखो माँ का कर्ज चुकाते हैं

Congress VP Rahul Gandhi met ex-servicemen yesterday and assured them to do whatever he can do for this cause.
When they have no substantial point to make... they end up posting BS.. & blow their trumpet claiming they are debating. Take this Fakir clown... all he does whole day is post fake posters.. & he thinks he is debating. Now.. that alone should give an idea about their intellectual capability! It could be patronizing..but it's only a matter of time. I have seen quite a few posters running with tail between their legs post 8th Dec... & never got back to this forum, unless as a supporter of different political party or with duplicate IDs. So.. couple of more months.. & the nugget will dissolve on it's own, settle at the bottom! No need to keep flushing it again & again...
Yep one tweddle dee has left and tweedle dum has changed party, now a E-nrega worker is doing overtime., guess that 500 crore image makeover was a waste , they are maligning the image of OWL baba even more than help it rebuild.
LOL, I can't believe that the new guy Kajriwel ALREADY has more support than Rahul. :P
They think he is a messiah, all he does is fools people around in only 48 days he resigned since he wants an escape route, cut losses and run as he cannot deliver the promises he made before election, his subsidy farce will come to an end in 10 days with 10 hour power cuts in delhi since they didnt pay the electric companies.He wants to get out before that happens, since after 10 days people will start cursing him.

In last Cvoter survey

NDA around 227
UPA around109
OTHERS around 210

So NDA just need 50 or 60 MPs from 210 quite possible

I think modi is coming
Bjp needs to cut the others vote share from 210 down to 100, otherwise you know these third front can play dirty tricks along with upa

I request you to read my earlier posts. I never spoke against learning Hindi or any language. I'm asking for equal rights and since due to Hindi majority its almost gets imposed indirectly/directly.
We accepted Cricket, Electricty, Engines everything given by a English men so why not English?

I arguing just for the sake of equal rights...Myself can speaker read and talk fluently in Hindi.
I would support a indian language any day over english, while i respect you for sticking to tamil.Both Hindi and tamil and all major indian languages have sanskrit influence.Hindi has pan india effect, so why not learn it? but also you free to talk tamil back home or with those who know it.
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Rahul's govt was in power 10 years, why he didn't do anything on 'one rank, one pension' and just meeting. If he was serious, hw would have done it in last 10 years. All's bluff and public know it.
i m assure it will b done before election
he is the man who delivers what he speaks
have some PATIENCE
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