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With 31'st fast approaching, lot of underlings have started reminder campaign. Their leaders however have gone strangely silent.
No new allegations from AAP or INC except asking for data and other BS
No new deaths in lines from Didi

Or maybe I stopped watching the "honest" news channels.
With 31'st fast approaching, lot of underlings have started reminder campaign. Their leaders however have gone strangely silent.
No new allegations from AAP or INC except asking for data and other BS
No new deaths in lines from Didi

Or maybe I stopped watching the "honest" news channels.
Probably silence before the storm.
After Mamta didi destroyed any semblance of secularism, the foul mouth of their party says this.

The same idiot was crying over "church attacks" as attacks on secularism.

Also don't forget Malda

The silence from Lyutens Gang/Leftist/Intellectuals/Secularist is as expected whats really surprising is the silence of BJP on this whole issue . why have they not made this as a big issue after all they know that even a stone thrown at a church in a BJP ruled state would make even the white house to release a statement painting India as intolerant :hitwall::hitwall:
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