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Responding to a tweet, Sushma Swaraj helps son perform father’s last rites by getting embassy opened on a holiday
On October 10, Twitter user Sarita Takru reached out to Swaraj on the micro-blogging site informing her that she had lost her husband.
Express Web Desk | Published:October 12, 2016 3:12 pm
Sushma Swaraj helps son to perform the last rites of his father
External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj continues to prove that her department is just a tweet away should you need its services. Recently, she helped over 20 girls to return safely to Pakistan as they were worried if they would after given the tense status of relationship between the two countries. With an emotional touch, she responded to the head of the contingent saying, “I was concerned about your well-being because one’s daughter is everyone’s daughter.”

On October 10, Twitter user Sarita Takru reached out to Swaraj on the micro-blogging site informing her that she had lost her husband and her only son who is to perform his father’s last rites is in the United States. She told the minister that he needs to be in India but he won’t get Visa till October 13 because the embassy is closed. “@SushmaSwaraj lost my husband ystrday. My only child, Abhai Kaul, Am citizen, can’t get Indian visa before Local Thursday. Is this human?” wrote Takru. “This dreadful wait must end. Please give my son Indian visa in US so his father may be cremated. Please support. Need empathy,” she added.

Swaraj immediately swung into action and made sure the embassy worked during holidays to provide a visa to her son. “I am sorry to know about the sad demise of your husband. Just wait – I will help you. Our Embassy in US is closed for Vijaya Dashmi and Moharram. I have sent a message. We will open the Embassy and give visa to your son,” responded Swaraj.
A win in UP is assured if BJP declares an acceptable CM's candidate.
I suppose Rajnath Singh!
UP has been Congress mukt for quite some time now, the issue is if voters this time will rise above caste politics and vote for BJP beyond SP/BSP choice.
My Father-in Law told me sometime back that youth might change their voting pattern this time around and here lies chances for BJP and Congress too, if it plays Priyanka card well, they too might gain or atleast cause troubles for SP in several seats.

unfortunately yes.
Traditional BSP voters see Mayawati as protector of their "rights" and this pattern is unlikely to change.
Now I know why UP is the UP that it is
Lack of industry and atrocious law and order situation actually serves purpose of politicians in UP and it is difficult to get any administrative work done today without having some sort of Pehchaan or Chai paani.
Once you leave Noida and enter rural landscape of UP, it is quite evidnet that UP moves on some different timeline as against everybody else in India.
of all states that are in dire need of good administration and governance, UP tops the list. I guess here lies the trick for BJP to do well this time around.
JNU hypocrisy: No room for courses on Hinduism at premier university

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) is in the news again, but this time the national media has treated the news scantily. It has not paid enough attention to the fact that those who were agitating early this year to protect their right to dissent in JNU are now the suppressors of ideas coming from others who are not their “own”. For them, the university will do or practice what they want. It is they who will decide what is to be taught and how the university should be administered. Needless to say that these “dissenters” are mostly the so-called leftists and secularists; dissent for them means that they have the exclusive right to oppose things they do not like, but they deny the same right to those who disagree with them.

@Joe Shearer and other fanboys of dissenters

Rather than blame the fan boys and bigots, first tell me what the Hindutva Modi govt. has done about it ?

It has been more than 2 years of Modi govt. so how many courses on Hindu studies have been started and in which universities ?

Now I know why UP is the UP that it is. :tsk:
That has been happening in UP for quite some now. Five years for Mulayam and then five years of Mayawati. Both are very good at playing Muslim-Yadav or Dalit-Muslim card.

If you look at it Mayawati is a better choice then Mulayam or his son Akhilesh because though she is utterly corrupt, people have often praised her for better law and order situation then the SP's rule.
I suppose Rajnath Singh!
Maybe, but there must be more popular local leaders in UP for BJP then Rajnath. Not too sure about Rajnath Singh.
UP has been Congress mukt for quite some time now, the issue is if voters this time will rise above caste politics and vote for BJP beyond SP/BSP choice.
My Father-in Law told me sometime back that youth might change their voting pattern this time around and here lies chances for BJP and Congress too, if it plays Priyanka card well, they too might gain or atleast cause troubles for SP in several seats.
Muslims and Yadavs are gojng to vote for the SP and the dalits were always divided between BSP and congress. That's why UP has always been a difficult turf for the BJP. If what you are saying is correct then that is only possible if Modi wave is still alive and kicking.
Rajnath does not have the fire to stir up the crowd and make them trust him.

Neither does he have the intelligence or the courage to attract the voters and win their loyalty. He has no leadership qualities. At best he is a bad bureaucrat.

If he is made the face of UP BJP, then BJP will end up LOOSING votes, not gaining them :lol:
I suppose Rajnath Singh!

If BJP does that, it is going to lose 100%. Rajnath neither has charisma ,nor he has a very large vote bank backing him, nor is he a good administrator. He was made home minister as BJP needed a Rajput face from UP.

He is okay as far as leaders from UP are concerned (as last good leader UP produced was ABV) because of general low quality of leaders that UP produce, but in a one-on-one Mayawati ,with her Muslim-Dalit vote bank, would trounce him.

UP is so divided on basis of caste that only Hindutva card ,with some smattering of development, is going to work in UP. People do not care for development very much here, and those who do either migrate to other states or NCR region.

Like I said before and I will say it again. Kerala, WB, Bihar and UP all need presidents/emergency rule for a good decade at least (for varying reasons...but similar theme).

This will be a cancer which will need more drastic bloody surgery the longer we wait.

Problem of UP could be easily solved by dividing it in four states. It would destroy Muslim-Yadav arithmetic by separating areas of Yadav dominance and Muslim dominance. Mayawati would still win in one state, but rest three would be up for grabs. Even if this division bombs, at least two of four states would be better off.

It is Kerala which is a cucked out lost cause and need a brutal exorcism to make it a rational state. Bihar does not need president rule as Nitish-Lalu combine would collapse by next election. WB would also be a good candidate, but they are even worst than Mallus, as mallus are not as lazy as Bengalis, and I do not think even president rule would help them.
Problem of UP could be easily solved by dividing it in four states. It would destroy Muslim-Yadav arithmetic by separating areas of Yadav dominance and Muslim dominance. Mayawati would still win in one state, but rest three would be up for grabs. Even if this division bombs, at least two of four states would be better off.

Yep!!! This would be good to do. It should not have stopped at Uttarkhand.
Yep!!! This would be good to do. It should not have stopped at Uttarkhand.
Mayawati herself was in favour of small states. UP is a Massive state both in terms of population and area. It will help in division of the state
Mayawati herself was in favour of small states. UP is a Massive state both in terms of population and area. It will help in division of the state

She wanted that to split Yadav vote and become a National party. It would be a good strategy to split Yadav votes. Its too late now.

Splitting AP, killed the congress in AP.
Mayawati herself was in favour of small states. UP is a Massive state both in terms of population and area. It will help in division of the state

Mayawati wanted that so that she could become CM for life. Though it does not mean that this idea has no merit. A four piece division would break traditional power structure of UP, with all four states evolving different governance pattern.

At least two of these four would progress greatly.

She wanted that to split Yadav vote and become a National party. It would be a good strategy to split Yadav votes. Its too late now.

Splitting AP, killed the congress in AP.

People of UP are 'meh!' about division. In AP, people were emotionally invested in maintaining unity.

As per recent India today survey BJP will get 170-180 odd seats with 31% of the vote share in UP...

Seat projections look legit.

BJP win around 120 seats based on its core votes, and before it collapsed due to its lack of integrity and greed, it used to get these many seats and was kingmaker in UP politics.
Mayawati wanted that so that she could become CM for life. Though it does not mean that this idea has no merit. A four piece division would break traditional power structure of UP, with all four states evolving different governance pattern.

At least two of these four would progress greatly.

People of UP are 'meh!' about division. In AP, people were emotionally invested in maintaining unity.

Yup, people of UP are more logical than emotional. They do not seem to care beyond their immediate need, so a state split will not bother anybody. In fact, it will actually improve administration considerably.

The first thing they turn to in times of need is their caste, so caste politics will remain the key to UP.
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