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We can start by diverting the Indus water.

Best option.

I do not understand why GoI does not nullify IWT in response to terror attacks. This is not 1990 and global powers (USA mainly) would not give two hoots about Pakistan. If anything ,they would rejoice in private, as hatred for Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular, is at all time high in west.

Also poisoning rivers would be a good idea. Russia established a Plutonium repressing plant on bank of Lake Karachay ,poisoning it and making it sterile.We could use rivers flowing into Pakistan as out nuclear waste dump sites.
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pakistanis have no soul, so its pointless to worry about that.

We need Visible action to restore Indian confidence in our own government.

What god BILLIONS of $ worth of missiles and aircraft's if we cannot use them when we need too ? its insane NOT to use them. We need to raise the COST of war to pakistan and bomb blast in their rallies will have ZERO effect.

The 'establishment' do not care about the people or their rallies or their homes. They care only about their comforts and maintaining their status quo. THAT is what we need to alter / destory. We need to destroy the FAITH of the pakistani public in their army.

We can do that by demonstrating how incapable they are. We can start by diverting the Indus water.

Best option.

I do not understand why GoI does not nullify IWT in response to terror attacks. This is not 1990 and global powers (USA mainly) would not give two hoots about Pakistan. If anything ,they would rejoice in private, as hatred for Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular, is at all time high in west.

Also poisoning rivers would be a good idea. Russia established a Plutonium repressing plant on bank of Lake Karachay ,poisoning it and making it sterile.We could use rivers flowing into Pakistan as out nuclear waste dump sites.

I have been calling for abrogating IWT for long on this forum!

It has been disaster for India even without these types of attacks. India would do well by starting to link our commitment to IWT with Pakistani good behavior. And then gradually abrogate the whole fu<king thing off!

That will, at least, force Pakistanis to count the costs before sending in their brainwashed mercenaries to the job that their uniformed folks are too afraid to do directly!
Best option.

I do not understand why GoI does not nullify IWT in response to terror attacks. This is not 1990 and global powers (USA mainly) would not give two hoots about Pakistan. If anything ,they would rejoice in private, as hatred for Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular, is at all time high in west.

Also poisoning rivers would be a good idea. Russia established a Plutonium repressing plant on bank of Lake Karachay ,poisoning it and making it sterile.We could use rivers flowing into Pakistan as out nuclear waste dump sites.

You cannot nullify the IWT without loosing diplomatic support of the global community. Not yet anyway.

We first need to dishonour the treaty and reduce the water supply to pakistan considerably and destroy their economy.

However its INSANE to poison their water supply. You cannot destroy nature to wage war. Please do not make such suggestions and let hate destroy your humanity.

Another daddy's money wh0re.

Why is it that columnist, blogger, social worker (are these even real jobs?) are so hateful towards India and Hinduism? It is like they have an inferiority complex for being useless dregs of society who were fortunate enough to be born into money.

You cannot nullify the IWT without loosing diplomatic support of the global community. Not yet anyway.

If we could nullify IWT today, I doubt we could do it ever.

Today citizens in all world powers hate Muslims and only thing stopping then from going full 'sieg heil' on Muslims is their military weakness and learned cowardice. This wave of Islamic terrorism may not last forever (intelligence agencies would become better, Islamic migration would be stopped) or westerners may become use to Islamic terrorism thus stop having emotional response towards it, thus the diplomatic advantage we could gain from Islamic terror would diminish with time.

We first need to dishonour the treaty and reduce the water supply to pakistan considerably and destroy their economy.

But the problem with this is that ,if IWT exist, Pakistan would go to international court to stop development of infrastructure that could divert water, thus reducing our capability to reduce water supply to Pakistan.

Also, reducing water is not a VISIBLE response. It is equivalent to IA crossing border and killing some 100 or so Pakistani soldiers.

However its INSANE to poison their water supply. You cannot destroy nature to wage war. Please do not make such suggestions and let hate destroy your humanity.

There is nothing insane in my post.

We store solid nuclear waste on site and dump liquid radioactive waste into ocean after diluting it. I would say why bother with ocean when you have rivers flowing into Pakistan.

I am also against wasting money on waste treatment plants in J&K,and west Haryana and Punjab. Just dig a nullah carrying municipal waste of all towns and villages withing 100Km from border and dump it into Sutlej after it exit Harike barrage and have Pakistan deal with pollution problem, rather than waste money on waste treatment.
"PANDIT" Rahul Gandhi ji :o:

2019 tak .. .Sanyasi Rahul Gandhi ji ho jayega pappu.
If we could nullify IWT today, I doubt we could do it ever.

Today citizens in all world powers hate Muslims and only thing stopping then from going full 'sieg heil' on Muslims is their military weakness and learned cowardice. This wave of Islamic terrorism may not last forever (intelligence agencies would become better, Islamic migration would be stopped) or westerners may become use to Islamic terrorism thus stop having emotional response towards it, thus the diplomatic advantage we could gain from Islamic terror would diminish with time.

IWT is not about pakistan, its about US. What message are we sending out if we abrogate our treaty ? That we do not respect our OWN words.

In which case, why would ANYBODY trust us ?

OTOH if we turn off the water and "pretend" everything is all right, then the world would join us and understand our position. This is what diplomacy means. To Lie in the face and smile while doing it. The world would smile with us.

But the problem with this is that ,if IWT exist, Pakistan would go to international court to stop development of infrastructure that could divert water, thus reducing our capability to reduce water supply to Pakistan.

Also, reducing water is not a VISIBLE response. It is equivalent to IA crossing border and killing some 100 or so Pakistani soldiers.

WE can always hide the infrastructure , for e.g. under ground pipelines. Kashmir is a "sensitive" state and NO External agency can go dig around at their own convenience. If we want to hide it, we can.

We can always blame the reduced water on 'global warming'. We can damage upto 2% of pakistan economy by reducing the water. Push millions into poverty and make them desperate for water. In fact it will create an internal unrest like what we see between Karnataka and TN. Only it will be worse between sindh and Punjab. :D

There is nothing insane in my post.

We store solid nuclear waste on site and dump liquid radioactive waste into ocean after diluting it. I would say why bother with ocean when you have rivers flowing into Pakistan.

I am also against wasting money on waste treatment plants in J&K,and west Haryana and Punjab. Just dig a nullah carrying municipal waste of all towns and villages withing 100Km from border and dump it into Sutlej after it exit Harike barrage and have Pakistan deal with pollution problem, rather than waste money on waste treatment.

IWT has restrictions on the amount of contamination in the water. In any case we already dump sewage into the indus without treatment. Its nothing new.

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