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Or maybe bringing in a more Honest Judge who was not appointed by CONgress.

Nope. I didn;t :P

By the way do you live in Canada??

If you do would you mind answering my questions related to Canada?
1)Who did/would you vote for in the recent Canadian general elections & why?
2)Which govt. headed by any of the 3 major parties do you think is best for India & the world & why ?
3)Is it true that Justin Trudeau is another Rahul Gandhi(family background+brains)who just has good looks?
4)Was Harper a bad PM? What were the pros/cons of his govt.?

Thanking you,

@magudi @Nair saab @Nilgiri @skyisthelimit
This is what many,many BJP leaders think about the online RW. THey would choose to drink champagne & eat beef with those who are supposed to be their ideological & political enemies & together mock & make fun of those who would support them.
They see us as use & throw guys who they don't need to give a damn about.

That is why I don't fight much for the BJP anymore & whenever it comes to politics. I prefer to fight & defend:-
1)good policy undertaken by this govt. or any govt. ,
2)the ideology I believe(Nationalism, Hindutva, good governance & vikas etc )&
3)good work done by this govt. or any other govt. in India.

I don't want anything from you. Nothing at all. But if you continue to mock me & make fun of me despite me fighting for you & what you claim to believe in. Then there is no point in fighting for you /defending you.

At the same time I would focus on making myself a better human & person & continue learning instead of defending leaders who I don't care about & who will always look down upon me

You are talking about the "elite" BJP lyutens lot. Most of the BJP leaders are the "crass" "hindutva" son of the soil kind. They kind that do not see twitter or comment on it.
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Or maybe bringing in a more Honest Judge who was not appointed by CONgress.

You are talking about the "elite" BJP lyutens lot. Most of the BJP leaders are the "crass" "hindutva" son of the soil kind. They kind that do not see twitter or comment on it.
It was obvious I was talking about those lootyens lot when I mentioned beef & champagne!!

TBH, I am starting to hate these lutyens scum more & more with every passing day the more I learn about them & their exemplary incompetence in managing the nation & their huge arrogance, Regardless of their party. Each one of them only cares about themselves & their incestous club.

Nation & the 120 crores residing here be damned forever !! Hoping that Yamaraj will make them pay heavily for their crimes after their death or Karma in another birth!!

Aye, but many of these crass hindutva leaders are on twitter & FB you know :P Raja Singh, Giriraj Singh etc. But, yes not all of them are online.

Mahesh Giri associated with AOL & Sri Sri also has praised the efforts of social media


Congis trending #BJPvendettapolitics on twitter!! :lol:
Their leader & her imbecilic son are ordered to stand trial in court & they think they can raise sympathy for themselves by raising up Indira Gandhi & attacking the BJP.

Nobody I know with half a brain is not going to symphatize with these looters in any manner what-so-ever. Let them stay behind bars forever!!
EDIT:- LOL, Raja Harishchandra- the Kalki avatara to clean up corruption in India has not made a SINGLE tweet on the National Herald issue :lol: & many of his supporters online are targeting the BJP !!o_O :rofl: instead of targeting the Congress or the Gandhis.

They too are actively trending the Congi hashtag :lol: So much for fighting against corruption .

& these guys will remove corruption in India & teach other parties how to do politics & run the nation....huh! Hypocrites

They have fallen very low, very very low from what they were earlier

By the way here is an article for all those who don't understand the National Herald scam!
Summons to Gandhis in National Herald case: Legal study | IndiaFactsIndiaFacts

@Abingdonboy @Robinhood Pandey @Bombermanx1
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Gandhis should have gone to court instead of stalling the parliament. Aboslutely idotic and regressive thought process.

Rubbish. Courts would find them guilty, the "secular" people of India will see them as a successful counter to "evil hindutva" and celebrate their attics in parliament and vote for them next time.

Gandhi's are pretty smart in their thinking. They know how India thinks and how to play the religion card and caste card. :coffee:
Gandhis should have gone to court instead of stalling the parliament. Aboslutely idotic and regressive thought process.

Not much choice there :lol:. The problem is that the malfeasance here is pretty clear cut. Not much of a legal defence available. Only works if someone looks the other way, treating this as business as usual.

Rahul Gandhi's statements could easily be read as contempt of court . I seriously hope that someone takes that up because that is the only way this nonsense will stop.
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LOL!! :rofl::rofl:

Guys you HAVE to see this. this illustrates the Left-liberal mentality around the world & which is prevalent in the west :lol:

Check this too

You can replace Australia with India & White male with Hindu male to take it in an Indian context ;)

@Srinivas @itachii @Chanakya's_Chant @anant_s
@Nilgiri Sir, thank you very much for the responses :) . I sincerely ask you to accept my apologies for not replying earlier
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