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Jayalalitha has asked Modi to make all sheduled languages as official languages of India, once this happens the BS from hindi speakers begging us to learn their mother tongue will stop
Guys - please have some decorum of discussion here.
It is true many Southerners do not like Hindi (long history). But @ Sriram, if Hindi is not the official language, it is the most widely spoken north of Karnataka/Andhra and considered a defacto national language. Why else, do you think all govt. notices , boards, announcements et al are in Hindi?

Kindly learn to accept this and move on. There is nothing backward about Hindi as a language.
Doesn't change the fact Hindi is the only language capable of being the national language.
India is a >2000 year old culture when u make hindi as a national language inspite of being a mediocre unoriginal language, u are insulting the nation...

Be indian first not hindi speaker, put pride of india before ur irrational pride of hindi...

Just because UP has largest population, should PM of India be a native of UP? Don't be irrational, all indian languages must be our national language..btw I won't quote Annadurai to save u embarrassment..
Jayalalitha has asked Modi to make all sheduled languages as official languages of India, once this happens the BS from hindi speakers begging us to learn their mother tongue will stop

Nobody is begging you to speak hindi, stay ignorant, and no leader of ours will ever speak in that guttural grunts you call a language.
Using madrasi to poke some one is considered as a racist slur.....Suggest you retract
there is nothing to feel bad about being called madrassi.. i can think of anything other than caste violences to feel bad as south indian or madrassi.. actually im proud madrassi :)
Using madrasi to poke some one is considered as a racist slur.....Suggest you retract

Madrassi isn't a racial slur it is someone from the bottom 4 states of India. No where am I being racist, why are you so sensitive?
Nobody is begging you to speak hindi, stay ignorant, and no leader of ours will ever speak in that guttural grunts you call a language.

Yep i dont want ur bimaru mulayam or lalu, or any NI person to speak my beautiful language
Madrassi isn't a racial slur it is someone from the bottom 4 states of India. No where am I being racist, why are you so sensitive?

You may not have used it in that sense, i said it is considered.... and there is already a stupid north vs south conversation is going on .....

And friends this should be the last place on earth to have such a conversation.....

NEW DELHI: PM Narendra Modi on Wednesday assured the bureaucracy of protection against malicious prosecution for bona fide decisions, saying secretaries to the government can approach him or mail him directly with inputs and ideas on any issue for deciding matters quickly.

At his first direct interaction with some 72 secretaries who head the bureaucracy in various ministries on Wednesday, the message from Modi was clear: Top officers must take their leadership role seriously and be decisive to make things happen quickly and improve governance.

This is the first time in eight years that a PM has undertaken such an exercise and indicates Modi's aim of establishing a direct connect with the bureaucracy.

The message was also directed at Modi's ministers: that they could not treat their portfolios as their personal fiefs and the bureaucrats as their vassals. By pepping up the bureaucrats to approach him directly, the PM has sought to open a direct line with the bureaucratic leadership: perhaps a significant step towards the evolution of 'presidential premiership'.

The PM's exhortation came after some secretaries said the erosion of the role of PMO and Cabinet committee on appointments had rendered bureaucrats vulnerable to ministerial whims, and had narrowed the room for professional inputs.


(The PM interacts with secretaries of the central government before their meeting on Wednesday)

Sources said the PM's primer, delivered in a friendly note, made the secretaries open up. Some 25 secretaries spoke. Fear of prosecution for doing their job emerged as the main bugbear and the CBI the virtual elephant in the room.

Section 13(1)(d) of the Prevention of Corruption Act was particularly identified as one of the main stumbling blocks. This section broadly makes a person liable for prosecution if a decision taken by him or her benefits any party. It was pointed out that nearly all decisions benefit some section or the other.


(Narendra Modi holding meeting with the secretaries of the central government on Wednesday)

This section is like a Damocles' sword that hangs over bureaucrats' heads even long after retirement, which made officials wary of taking decisions in the wake of telecom spectrum and Coalgate scams. This brought governance to a standstill during the fag end of the UPA-2 government.

Modi set an informal tone for the meeting, starting with a free seating plan around a square table running along the hall. He then put the top bureaucrats at ease by walking up to each official to shake hands. The fact that he remembered the names of a number of secretaries helped break the ice further.

'10-year fatigue'

In his 20-minute primer, Modi told the secretaries that he would protect them against negative repercussions of honest decisions. "You don't have to fear (while doing your job) ... I am available (to protect you)," sources quoted the PM as saying.

Pointing out that he was a "team player", Modi asked the secretaries to build their teams and lead from the front by focussing on issues of governance. Referring to demoralization in the bureaucracy, sources said, the PM unequivocally told the officials that their "10-year fatigue will end ... now you will enjoy working ... you all are talented people".

Sources said Modi also quoted former home secretary PC Sethi that "politicians should learn to say no, while bureaucrats should learn to say yes" to drive home the point that they must take decisions without fear or favour. "Work for the people, not for the PM," sources quoted the PM as saying.

Another message was to simplify procedures and cut paperwork by weeding out "outdated and archaic rules, which, instead of serving the process of governance, are leading to unnecessary confusion". The PM suggested the secretaries make a beginning by cleaning up offices to "improve the workplace, which would automatically improve work culture".

Work without fear, I’ll protect you, PM Modi tells senior bureaucrats - The Times of India
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