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Guys, since Exit polls are looking completely a JOKE, I think a better Idea would be members from various states giving there state predictions min-max (best estimates) & lets add those nos. Is this a good Idea?

@Sidak @JanjaWeed @MST @Roybot @Prometheus others........................

Me - From MP - BJP (min) - 21 & (max) - 26
Min 45, Max 55.
Min 22 Max 24.
There was definitely a Modi wave in this election. Most people I have talked to voted for BJP. I have not seen anything like that before. So I think there is a good chance that BJP would increase last election's tally of 4 seats.
Do you believe BJP can get 8 seats in Assam as shown of timesnow. :woot:
I think BJP may get upto 6 seats here in Assam,no more.muslims and tribals vote heavily for cong and aiudf
I believe we are in for a shocker on May 16. This is a wave election not an easy one to predict.
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