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Yeh Somnath Bharti ke saaray kaarname cameras ke agay hi kyon hotay hein!!

Is he addicted to cameras like kejru?
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AAP supporters peacefully tearing a Modi poster and Kejri ignoring them. Peacefully..

Police would have caught those people and the truth would have come out. They would have to pay for bails also.
Seems AAPtards need more donation. They do this before polling days to play some victimhood and raise donations at the same time.
Yeh Somnath Bharti ke saaray kaarname cameras ke agay hi kyon hotay hein!!

Is he addicted to cameras like kejru too??
Media is AAP's oxygen. Now that electronic media is too busy bashing Modi & bigging up Priyanka Gandhi... AAP seems to be feeling left out. Whenever there is an urge to seek attention.. they always come out with these kinda nautanki. It's getting quite obvious off late!
@JanjaWeed @GreenFoe @Android @jha @onu1886 @Indischer @chak de INDIA @levina @Sidak others............

A must read guys................................THIS MAN DESERVES WHAT HE ASPIRES FOR!!!

Q: Are you reaching out to Muslims?
Modi: I’m reaching out to Indians

Narendra Modi has been excelling himself in the series of interviews he has been giving to prominent media platforms. The clarity and strength of conviction with which he speaks is a lesson for many who aspire to office or presume it’s their birth right, by virtue of being members of the Nehru household, to rule India.

On Tuesday evening Modi appeared on ABP News channel’s ‘Ghoshnapatra’ programme. He answered a range of questions, some stale and predictable, some sharp and refreshingly new. His answers to two questions stand out for their sincerity and simplicity, devoid of the sophistry that marks such assertions by politicians.

I am reproducing below the two questions and Modi’s replies. The interview was conducted in Hindi; what appears below is a quick translation into English:

ABP News: Are Muslims scared of you? You look at people who support you and the one ones who don’t from the same lens. BJP leader Giriraj Singh said Modi’s critics should go to Pakistan. What do you have to say about that?

Modi: Nobody can agree with those (Giriraj Singh’s) comments. My 2002 speech after winning the election would be in your library. After the 2002 victory, I thanked the electorate at Maninagar that evening. I thanked people who voted for the BJP, I thanked those who voted against the BJP… I said this Government is for the people who voted for BJP, those who voted against the BJP and also those who didn’t vote. My Government’s mantra, and I repeated this thrice, is abhayam, abhayam and abhayam. You can check the 2002 tape.

ABP News: It seems you are trying to increase your rapport with the Muslim community…

Modi: I am trying my best to reach out to 100 crore Indians. This is part of my responsibility and I must do it. My primary job is to reach out to every citizen in every State.

ABP News: In that even the Muslim community is there?

Modi: I understand only one thing – that they are Indians and my brothers. You can give it any colour. This kind of language … what is being used … has ruined the nation. I don’t care if I lose the election but I will never succumb to such a sick mindset… (of seeing Indians as Hindus, Muslims, etc.)

Kanchan Gupta - Q: Are you reaching out to Muslims?Modi:... | Facebook
AIADMK without a shadow of doubt.:sarcastic:

I get it...all our pronunciations are messed up, if you ask the original inventors and users of English. We had a Mallu teacher whom we used to make fun of....and she was bad at her subject. Basically, If the teacher was good at his/her job, their other imperfections would be totally ignored. If they were bad, they had it coming in these aspects.:ph34r:
lol....I wasn't talking abt her teaching style....but her beauty....she was good.....u know.....:lol::lol:
and she used to spell M and YEM.....:rofl:
Bhagwant mann (AAP candidate from Sangrur) ............travelling in the broken down govt bus .....lol.....

Ex-DGP (Jail) of Punjab ....told press that he was going to raid a Akali minister ( Read - Ranuke) in case related to drug smmugling at the tip off from "IB" but Badal stopped him from taking any action....
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