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indiafacts . co . in / evangelist-modus-operandi-in-india-a-report/#sthash.uJzFWDP1.Yn10pzrD.dpbs

More secularization of India.

Pratap Simha supporter :D

Its more like they are turning Christianity into Hinduism , it might backfire on them considering how far they will go ...
Ah-so! Bhelcum Bhelcum Vanakkam Suswagatam.:D

Tank-you tank-you.

Its more like they are turning Christianity into Hinduism , it might backfire on them considering how far they will go ...

I am afraid they will instigate riots since they may not want to live with communals like us. Considering how widespread this secularism is, expect Ukraine like situation sooner or later.
Tank-you tank-you.

I am afraid they will instigate riots since they may not want to live with communals like us. Considering how widespread this secularism is, expect Ukraine like situation sooner or later.

Nothing will happen , Ukraine like situation is impossible in India
Yaar what has happened to this Kejriwal? He is retweeting 'Faking news' article accusing Arnab Goswamy. Haha and worst of all is that many AAPtards are considering it to be true. Hahahahahaa
Yaar what has happened to this Kejriwal? He is retweeting 'Faking news' article accusing Arnab Goswamy. Haha and worst of all is that many AAPtards are considering it to be true. Hahahahahaa

saw the tweet , he has gone bonkers

What is this derogatory piece doing in Political thread?:angry:

I yam goying to report this post!
What is this derogatory piece doing in Political thread?:angry:

I yam goying to report this post!
its like the north south influence.......
I remember one of my south indian teacher ..... she was good.....I wonder whom she voted this time........:lol::lol:
In response to the Shazia Ilmi's clip which came out yesterday(22nd April '14), Aam Aadmi Party had issued a statement through our official social media account that:

Regarding Shazia Ilmi's clip-Aam Aadmi Party does not believe in mixing politics & religion, neither does it endorse it. All our representatives should be careful in their choice of words so that there is no scope for misinterpretation.

Here is the statement by Shazia Ilmi in response to the video clip:

I wish to clarify the statement attributed to me regarding exhorting the Muslims to be more communal. Nothing can be farther from my intent and indeed my politics. It is quite clear from the tone and tenor of the conversation that I am using the word 'secular' and 'communal' in an ironic manner. And in an informal casual setting wherein a 80 second video clip purports to put context to a half hour conversation. The point was simply to say that the Muslim community has allowed itself to be used far too long by the so-called secular politics. It would be much better if the community were to turn to their real-life material interests, the so-called community interests like education, employment, etc. It should also be noted that I am making a plea to vote for a candidate who is not Muslim, and in the name of a leader who is not Muslim. I am shocked to see a statement like this can be distorted and misconstrued as communal or inciting hatred. My party and I have always stood against any form of communalism and shall continue to do so.

Aam Aadmi Party would like to reiterate that the party does not believe in politics of communalism and is strictly against it. Neither will we evade or take lightly, concerns of AAP supporters and general public over such a serious issue. However, the fact that those who have brought this 80 second clip in public domain have not shared the rest of the video which can show the actual context, raises serious questions about the intentions behind the video clip. If they have really done this in public interest, we request them to share the full unclipped video or the link to download it in public and also send it to us at socialmedia@aamaadmiparty.org, so that the truth becomes clear between what is being attributed through the short clip and the response to it.

Shazia Ilmi's statement on the video clip | Aam Aadmi Party
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