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Indian Policemen Killed And Dismembered

The problem is these areas are heavily forested, and many of these terrorists being local tribals know the forest inside out. On the other hand the police forces were never trained for these kinda operations. They have started retraining the police forces in jungle warfare now. So hopefully we ll see some results soon.

The problem is there are a lot of ego issues amidst the different forces in our country . If we see objectively , we have already been training our forces in these kinds of warfare since 5 decades -- The jungle warfare school in Vareingte, Mizoram has been imparting counter-isurgency training to our military and paramilitary cadets for decades . These troops have even used the tactics taught in that school in dealing with the North -eastern insurgency with great success for many years .

Stuff like camouflage , blending in with the local populace , striking silently , identifying targets , jungle warfare etc etc . has been taught in the country for decades --- but sadly due to weak , political leadership , inefficient bureaucracy and our Army chief's opposition to using troops for anti-maoist ops ....these valuable and deadly skills are never used when they are needed greatest....just a sad state of affairs . :frown:
So instead of condemning and asking for explanations from their govts, Our Indian friends here are more worried about the thread being opened by a Pakistani. EPIC :lol:

An ideal case of blind leading blind. :lol:
Frustration ?? !!! Wonder who is finding the news hard to digest.

LOL i can easily digest it friend considering it is nothing new and especially when compared to what happened to the Orions yesterday.:) .but frustration because i doubt your intentions of posting this piece especially when there is a specific thread related to it.
LOL i can easily digest it friend considering it is nothing new and especially when compared to what happened to the Orions yesterday.:) .but frustration because i doubt your intentions of posting this piece especially when there is a specific thread related to it.
The killings only happened yesterday, so how is it nothing new and by your own admission, since an incident took place in Pakistan, whatever happens in India is irrelevant to you. Well, as I said, such obsession and thinking can only be exclusive to Indians. :cheers:
RIP Brave Souls!! High time we go full throttle after these bloody suckers...
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