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Indian PM Modi comes under fire in India over anti satellite missile test drama

Another gimmick to win elections.
A desperate Modi wants to win again, so he will even claim to be a god if required.

A rocket launched to where? Nowhere.....

A fabricated claim to delude the already delusional nation to vote for him.
no wait, what? this too was pulled out of his arse without any evidence? :woot:
Another gimmick to win elections.
A desperate Modi wants to win again, so he will even claim to be a god if required.

A rocket launched to where? Nowhere.....

A fabricated claim to delude the already delusional nation to vote for him.

DRDO and ISRO both have been very transparent about their failures. Matter a fact, I remember that days on this forum when people would used DRDO and ISRO sources about failed launches, indigenous content, etc.
If the test were real and it destroyed a sat, that will create a lot of debris which will trigger international uproar all over all media platforms.
It is exactly what I was saying yesterday but Indians live in another dimension lol
Why everyone is crying ?

PM did a right thing .
Anyway this development will going ti cause serious resonance in World .So its better the leader himself declaring this one ,So we can be sure nnone dares to criticise him.
Political gimmick let them do .
No problem

Dare to criticize him, the so called worlds "Largest Democracy" sure likes to reveal its facist tendencies regularly.
As per these Bhagats, Modi the chosen one can do no wrong, although the reality might disagree but when was the last time reality played any role with these bozos.

Indeed ,last couple of episodes proved that India's diplomatic capability and influence in and around the world .
There is no doubt about Indian.mindset .
We need a leader thst can announce this kind of strong achievements .
We knows this is for political achievements .Possibly this development was on emergency fast track after recent development in the region.
We knew somekind of reply will come for Chinese .
This was that one.

Your reply amounts to something like this: I live in a house, where is your house? My house is where I live. Zero information making zero sense.

people who have nothing to brag always cry on adversary's achievements . anti modi gang , where ever they are will be decimated . i am confident as nature has her own rules .

Another bhakat with limited brain capacity, talking about nature and its rules. Oh boy this is gonna be interesting.

Vedic India has invented 0 for mathematics, during the same time or much later China invented gun powder.

So save your antics to yourself. The whole of India cares very little about China.

Did you just went on to compare yourself with Chinese civilisation? Guess what todays India had in-common with "Vedic" era, LACK OF EFFING TOILETS.
You guys were shitting on the street than, you guys are shitting on the street and online now.
Why everyone is crying ?

PM did a right thing .
Anyway this development will going ti cause serious resonance in World .So its better the leader himself declaring this one ,So we can be sure nnone dares to criticise him.
Political gimmick let them do .
No problem
Please vote for him. We in Pakistan love modi
Dare to criticize him, the so called worlds "Largest Democracy" sure likes to reveal its facist tendencies regularly.
As per these Bhagats, Modi the chosen one can do no wrong, although the reality might disagree but when was the last time reality played any role with these bozos.

Your reply amounts to something like this: I live in a house, where is your house? My house is where I live. Zero information making zero sense.

Another bhakat with limited brain capacity, talking about nature and its rules. Oh boy this is gonna be interesting.

Did you just went on to compare yourself with Chinese civilisation? Guess what todays India had in-common with "Vedic" era, LACK OF EFFING TOILETS.
You guys were shitting on the street than, you guys are shitting on the street and online now.

The Chinese civilisation is based on Mongol first and later Japanese invasion. But mark my words despite moguls and Islamic invasions, India is still a country of 90% Hindu.

So keep the bravado of Chinese and yours to your rear side.

Damn it Modi now we will have to match you on this worthless capability. Can you really down someone's satellite without declaring all out war. 1-2 years you will see a similar capability from Pakistan now.

However thing is does India want to mess with China on this, since Pakistan can use Chinese satellites for military applications.

Also just to confirm that this is just a political gimick with no practical gains. Below is the orbital location used by PRSS1 and the follow up satellites will either re use this slot or be at similar orbits. 700km vs 300km test of India's current engagement. Easy to figure out it is just for show.

Reference system Geocentric
Regime Sun-Synchronous
Eccentricity 0
Perigee 700 kilometres (430 mi)
Apogee 700 kilometres (430 mi)
Inclination 38.280°
do you want me to share videos here where your PM Imran was seeing quoting Modi and India n number of times during Pakistan elections. However people in India talks about Pakistan because of terrorism. Your support to n number of banned outfits is the prime reason behind it. Get rid of it then Indians and its politicians would not have anything left to talk about Pakistan.

Welcome to the forum first. I am sure you didn't watch those videos in isolated manners. IK or anyone else would have quoted Modi on a specific matter or to say like Nawaz being friend of Modi but speaking of campaign; India kick start every campaign with "Ham Pakistan ko sabak sekhai'n ge" (We will teach Pakistan a lesson). Moreover like 30 bullets against 1 and what not so I am also sure that you wouldn't be sharing those videos here as most of members are well aware such mindset.

Speaking of support to banned outfits; well again I am sure you wouldn't mind to watch/read what Hagel & Mattis said about Indian support for terrorism against Pakistan through Afghanistan and it was Modi on record that proudly accepted to support Mukti Bahini and still, not a day passes where India did not speak ill against Pakistan. Whatever is happening in Indian Occupied Kashmir is India's own doing that forced people to rise as such. As you are new here so I will advise to read more than speaking is it will give you an idea how this Forum runs as compare to feel good platforms.

The Chinese civilisation is based on Mongol first and later Japanese invasion. But mark my words despite moguls and Islamic invasions, India is still a country of 90% Hindu.

So keep the bravado of Chinese and yours to your rear side.


I wonder if it hurts to be this stupid, because I can tell just reading what you just wrote there did hurt.... hurt laughing my *** off. Jeez revisionist moron dont even know history, take your head out of your @$$ boy may be then you wont be so stupid.

Chinese civilisation is based on mongol culture..... joke of the century from jokers of the world.
Another gimmick to win elections.
A desperate Modi wants to win again, so he will even claim to be a god if required.

A rocket launched to where? Nowhere.....

A fabricated claim to delude the already delusional nation to vote for him.


We had that capacity a few years ago.
All they had to do is a live test .Something the previous govt didnt allow.
This govt allowed it and full responsibility is for Prime Minister since the space agency is under him.

From your post what we can see how could India do such a technological feat .
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