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Indian Pilot to walk back via Wagah

Well, that explains why your pilots are still getting caught with their pants down by Pakistan because your Chief who himself was once in our captivity.:lol:


Comprehension issues ? Bhai Koi isko samjaho... It was pakistani POW who later became your Air Chief.


Flt. Lt. Mehdi's capture and subsequent imprisoned occurred on 23 November 1971 when he was flying with the finger-four formation of the ground attack/bomber unit near the Eastern India when his F-86 Sabre was shot down by the .20 mm machine gun mounted on the Folland Gnat.:contents[8] His Wingmen, F/Off Khalil Ahmad and Wg-Cdr Choudhri, who were also shot down, were fortunate enough to escape towards the Pakistani side of the Indo-East Pakistan border.[7] Flight Lieutenant Mehdi parachutted 50 yrs. behind the Chaugachha Upazila where he was pulled by the Indian Army soldiers, and he was physically attacked by the Indian Army soldiers before being rescued by the Captain H.S. Panag, the section commander of the Indian Army.[7] His capture as POW made him the first Pakistani POW and was eventually taken under the custody of Captain H.S. Panag who later sent him to Fort Williams.[7] At the time of his capture, his 9 mm pistol, survival kit, aviator glasses, and the photo of his wife was recovered by Captain H.S. Panag.[7]

His status as the first prisoner of war made the front pages of the Indian newspapers, and the photos of his capture were widely circulated in the black-and-white television screens of the Pakistani news media.:231[10] Upon hearing and watching the news, President Yahya Khan imposed the state of emergency, and ordered the military for the preparation of war with India on 23 November 1971.:
They made video with 40 cuts.
Bloody hell what a propoaganda nation. This step took away all their authenticity.
He is a defeated soldier. He was shot to ground by the contender. Indian making it look like he won the battle in enemy territory. :undecided:
Human beings are asleep. When they die they wake up - Hazret-i Ali (RA)

I am pretty sure this folk will be the Chief Instructor regarding how to survive inside the Pak airspace....
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