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Indian Parliament for sale

And now why are you shouting like a congressi " She is as much an Indian citizen as you or me "
Look at the favors she has done to Italy and her family in Italy while being in power since 2004.
Having a indian passport is not all to be called indian, a india heart is must and in this case she has a italian heart.

She is the one who is behind each and every scandal rocking India, and she is the one behind appointment of CEC,CJI,CVC and all tainted.

All puppets installed at various places including PM and presidents and she claims to be an indian.

She has made India a laughing stalk. Now people across the world know that in India only family,corruption,neoptism matters nothing else.

I can give u one more example of her Italian love, one which is well documented.

In the recent two terms of UPA govt. UBS, a swiss bank, that is known to be a tax heaven for the most corrupt people around the globe, two branches of this UBS bank have been opened in India itself. (One is in mumbai)

and 8 Italian banks have been opened, banks that are run by the Italian mafia, and have been given a free hand to even invest in Indian share market.
On what basis are you questioning her nationality?

Show me any news where it would say that she has relinquished her citizenship and returned her Italian Passport.
Lets get in some logical thinking here.

I can give u one more example of her Italian love, one which is well documented.

In the recent two terms of UPA govt. UBS, a swiss bank, that is known to be a tax heaven for the most corrupt people around the globe, two branches of this UBS bank have been opened in India itself. (One is in mumbai)

and 8 Italian banks have been opened,

OK, if you say so, I believe you. But to make a logical point, you should back that up with statistics of how many banks of OTHER nationalities have opened in India in the same time frame? That would show whether she is favouring the Italians or foreigners in general.

Secondly, if UBS is such a BAD bank, how many countries is it currently operating in, and in how many countries has it been banned.

Thirdly, why are foreign banks so bad for India?

banks that are run by the Italian mafia, and have been given a free hand to even invest in Indian share market.

Don't make such acquisition without giving proof.
Lets get in some logical thinking here.

OK, if you say so, I believe you. But to make a logical point, you should back that up with statistics of how many banks of OTHER nationalities have opened in India in the same time frame? That would show whether she is favouring the Italians or foreigners in general.

Secondly, if UBS is such a BAD bank, how many countries is it currently operating in, and in how many countries has it been banned.

Thirdly, why are foreign banks so bad for India?

Don't make such acquisition without giving proof.

Thats all ok... but the simple point is that...

" Why should we allow dubious bank to function in India "..
Thank you, I will take that into consideration the next time I vote. However, I must say, I vote on the basis of development I see around me, which is why I voted for Congress in 2009.

And its is only now that the true 'developments' are coming to see the light of the day. Anyway I am no one to speak for you. Think wisely is what all I can say.

On what basis are you questioning her nationality? As I posted earlier in my post #28, I believe the Election Commission more than a biased source.

On the basis that holding a passport alone cant make one Indian. Yes it will make one an Indian legally, but is that it all ?? :disagree:. Being an Indian is much much more than it. And she is not one such.
Don't make such acquisition without giving proof.

Quattrochi's son was doing business (oil exploration) in Andman n Nicobar back in 2005 - why?
This thread has become increasingly scary.

Anyone who expresses anti-saffron views is termed as a fake, a traitor, a dog licking Italian boots etc. The results of similar views are being seen in Pakistan right now. I hope India doesn't fall to you guys.

If you believe in democracy, then by seeing the comments in here you can easily get whats the opinion of mass about Congress...
I hope India falls for us only who equivocal in our thoughts and beliefs and we certainly are many.
Binayak Sen is Indian but he is a traitor who was sentenced for life on sedition activities......

Sonia is looting Indian money and stashing it in European banks.....she is bleeding india dry...and once the party is over....she will flee ...like peruvian president Fujimoru did (he had japanese nationality)
Thats all ok... but the simple point is that...

" Why should we allow dubious bank to function in India "..

The only thing 'dubious' pointed out was the Bank's nationality. Remember, any bank operating in a country has to follow it's laws.
Lets get in some logical thinking here.

OK, if you say so, I believe you. But to make a logical point, you should back that up with statistics of how many banks of OTHER nationalities have opened in India in the same time frame? That would show whether she is favouring the Italians or foreigners in general.

Swiss banks are known to be a tax heaven for corrupt politicians and bueraucrats.
U dont need Einstein's word to know that.

Secondly, if UBS is such a BAD bank, how many countries is it currently operating in, and in how many countries has it been banned.

Thirdly, why are foreign banks so bad for India?

How many people like u n me deposit their money in these foreign banks..??
Baba Ramdev has demanded that the people having their accounts in these banks should publicized.
People only with black money deposit their money in foreign banks, why cant u see that. how many ordinary citizens even heard of UBS..?

Don't make such acquisition without giving proof.

i hope word of ex income tax commissioner would do..?

anyways, i know many of congress leaders are going to land up into jail in coming 3-4 years, including gandhis.

Till then u can keep supporting n defending congress, and i would support my movement and keep exposing these thugs.
On the basis that holding a passport alone cant make one Indian. Yes it will make one India legally, but is that it all ?? :disagree:. Being an Indian is much much more than it. And she is not one such.

Technically, yes, an Indian passport alone makes her an Indian. You might have different parameters for an Indian, and I'd love to hear them, but the fact remains that everyone has the right to have their own parameters to judge someone's patriotism.
Technically, yes, an Indian passport alone makes her an Indian.

No its not!

India does not allow dual nationality - so technically she is not Indian - she has beaten the Indian system and lied.
No its not!

India does not allow dual nationality - so technically she is not Indian - she has beaten the Indian system and lied.

even sir kalam knew that too.
thst y he didnt allow her to take PM's oath back in 2004(?)
Technically, yes, an Indian passport alone makes her an Indian. You might have different parameters for an Indian, and I'd love to hear them, but the fact remains that everyone has the right to have their own parameters to judge someone's patriotism.

Yes, Technically, Yes. I am not disputing it. But just Technically.

She was born,brought up an Italian and will remain a Italian who bandies about an Indian passport.

it is like an Indian who shows his green card. Legally he may be an American , but culturally he will never cease to be an Indian and will never become an American.
Technically, yes, an Indian passport alone makes her an Indian.

That is why she was not made the PM of India techinically!

What a technicolor personality duh...

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