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Indian Parliament for sale

Need to go into role of Sonia Gandi in decision-making

That seems to be the basic assumption in the current debate on the various decisions of a very controversial nature made by the Government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh since the present Government was formed after the elections of 2009----whether the decisions related to the questionable functioning of the Ministry of Telecommunications or the wrongful appointment to the high-pedestal post of the Chief Vigilance Commissioner of someone facing an enquiry into a charge, which could cast a shadow on his integrity if proved or other serious matters of public interest.

In all the debates in public---whether in the media or by political parties---- the focus has been on the role of the Prime Minister and other concerned Ministers as well as bureaucrats. I watched with interest the debate in the various TV channels this evening on the adverse judgement of a bench of the Supreme Court delivered earlier in the day in the case regarding the procedure followed for the appointment of Shri P.J.Thomas as the Chief Vigilance Commissioner.

The eminent personalities, who participated in the debates, as well as the TV anchors focussed only on the role of the various personalities in the Government from the Prime Minister downwards. Not one of them mentioned even in passing the possible role of Sonia Gandhi as the leader of the Congress (I) in these controversial decisions. Even the spokespersons of the opposition parties, including the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), did not even mention her name in their interventions.

Does this mean that all these controversial decisions were taken only by the Government with the Congress (I) leadership playing no role in it? Any objective analyst would find it difficult to accept this. We have been under a peculiar system of governance since 2004 in which real power seems to be wielded by Sonia Gandhi in her capacity as the head of the Congress (I) with the Prime Minister as the head of the Government exercising only seeming power.

There has been an unseen, but unquestioned power which has been exercising a compulsive influence on decision-making in important matters. This compulsive influence is quite evident in the case of the appointment of the Chief Vigilance Commissioner. Whether in matters relating to his appointment despite his facing an incomplete enquiry or the defence of his appointment before the Supreme Court everyone from the Prime Minister downwards has been acting as if they were acting at the instance of an invisible force that could not be resisted. Such an invisible force could be only that of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi.

She has been conducting herself as a neutral, disinterested by-stander, who had nothing to do with any of these decisions. She has not spoken on any of these decisions in any great detail, nor has she been questioned. Everyone, including the media and even the opposition, has been behaving as if like the British monarch she is above and beyond all controversies and, hence, her role cannot be questioned.

If one has to find out the real truth behind the recent controversies it is as important to go into her role as it is to go into the role of others. The assumption that Sonia Gandhi can do no wrong has to be challenged by the public as well as the media and the political class. She must be made to face the fire of criticism and questioning like any other leader. She should no longer be treated as if she is a morally superior person whose good faith and integrity have to be implicitly accepted.

It is important for the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) now being constituted to summon her and question her in detail on the various controversies. It is equally important for her role in decision-making to be debated in Parliament, in the media and elsewhere. She should herself welcome a greater public focus on her role and influence in decision-making. ( 3-3-11)

( The writer is Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi, and, presently, Director, Institute For Topical Studies, Chennai. E-mail:

The problem is much deeper. There is a dyarchy system in the country. There is no Parliamentary democracy but a mirage of it. Power is with Sonia Gandhi with no accountability, authority with accountability is with Manmohan Singh but with no power. Manmohan Singh is very grateful to Mrs Sonia Gandhi for selecting him as the PM. He entered Parliament through the backdoor - this honest man. He is subservient to Mrs Sonia Gandhi for her renunciation and for handpicking him to the gaddi. She was clever and he was naïve to say the least. His image would camouflage her motives-and her strategies.

Haindava Keralam - global community of dedicated Hindu Keralites with a peace mission
Mr.Mukherjee has been a long time money launderer for Ms.Sonia Gandhi - Dr Swamy

Ask Mr. Mukherjee to resign from FM-ship, or transfer ED to PMO: Dr. Swamy

The grant of bail to the notorious money launderer, Mr.Hasan Ali, is due to the collusive behaviour of the ED on direction of the Union Finance Minister Ms.Pranab Mukherjee.

Mr.Mukherjee has been a long time money launderer for Ms.Sonia Gandhi. His frequent trips to Chittarajan Park, New Delhi, over the last two decades was to arrange for money transfers for Ms. Sonia Gandhi through hawala operators.

Hasan Ali was a conduit for Mr.Pranab Mukherjee—through Ms.Sonia Gandhi's, Political Secretary Mr.Ahmed Patel MP. Mr.Patel has met Mr.Hasan Ali many times according to the interrogation records with the Maharashtra Police.

Hence, I demand that for a free and fair investigation by ED, Mr.Mukherjee must made to resign from the Finance Ministership, or ED be transferred to the PMO.
The Myth of the Renunciation

It is popularly acknowledged that “Madam” is Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and that she heads Dr Manmohan Singh. This is extra-Constitutional. She is responsible to no one. No buck stops with her. This is the de facto position in our country.

Note it was the Italians themselves who said India had an Italian prime minister. And she has never broken off her Italian connection - not even in matters of Indian national security. She trusts her Italians more than us Indians.

There was also the incontrovertible fact that, during security threats to India, Sonia Gandhi had not chosen to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other Indians in India, but ran away to Italian sanctuary. There was the incontrovertible fact that Sonia Gandhi, in India, as an Italian citizen married to an Indian, and from the Prime Minister’s House, broke this country’s electoral and foreign exchange laws.

The Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP) met in the Central Hall of Parliament – with non-MPs Mr and Mrs Robert Vadra in the front row - and put on a spectacular display of obsequious servility and mawkish sycophancy. Congress Members of Parliament lined up to grovel and abase themselves before Sonia Gandhi as she sat in regal disdain, haughtily nodding at some especially expressive presentation of vassalage. Mani Shankar Aiyar and Renuka Choudhary led the maudlin tears, as they begged their mallika-e-jahan not to orphan them. Jairam Ramesh scaled the peak of unctuosity by clubbing Sonia Gandhi with the Buddha and with Mahatma Gandhi. Uriah Heep could’ve taken lessons from these MPs.

A hagiographical myth was in active creation, scripted by Sonia Gandhi and her children. As Prabhu Chawla wrote of that tamasha that was that CPP meeting, “On one side...were over 200 Congress leaders, a wailing legion of the suddenly orphaned pleading to the Leader... on the other side. All the while, she maintained eye contact only with the family - son Rahul, daughter Priyanka and son-in-law Robert Vadra - who sat in the first row. Never before had family members of a prospective prime minister attended such a meeting...the privileged three were the only ones she completely trusted”

Piles of cash to bribe Indian MPs: WikiLeaks, India Politics -Yahoo News

Mar 17, 2011 at 13:52

NEW DELHI (AFP) - A United States embassy employee witnessed piles of bank notes being prepared to bribe Indian MPs ahead of a crucial 2008 vote of confidence in parliament, leaked diplomatic cables alleged Thursday.

Opposition parties held protests in both houses of parliament demanding Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government resign over the claims, the latest in a string of damaging graft accusations.

The US staffer in New Delhi was shown "two chests containing cash" by an aide to a senior ruling-party politician and was also told $25 million was "lying around" to ensure the Congress-led government would survive the vote.

Diplomatic messages released by WikiLeaks to The Hindu newspaper described how Nachiketa Kapur, identified as an aide to prominent Congress figure Satish Sharma, said that $2.5 million had bought the votes of four MPs.

The alleged incident occurred shortly before Singh narrowly survived the confidence vote over a controversial deal to allow India to buy US nuclear reactors and fuel.

Singh's Congress-led coalition was re-elected in 2009, but has recently become mired by scandals ranging from the cut-price sale of telecoms licences to graft surrounding last year's Commonwealth Games.

Kapur "showed the embassy employee two chests containing cash and said that around Rupees 50-60 crore (about $25 million) was lying around the house for use as pay-offs," according to the WikiLeaks cable.

Both Kapur and Sharma, a close associate of Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi, protested their innocence.

"I vehemently deny the malicious allegations shown in the WikiLeaks cable that I pointed out cash being used in the vote of confidence," Kapur told the NDTV news channel.

"I want to file a defamation case (against the unnamed US officers)."

Sharma told NDTV he had never had an aide called Nachiketa Kapur.

The July 2008 vote has long been subject to corruption claims. At the time, opposition MPs debating in parliament waved wads of money which they claimed the government was using to try to bribe them.

On Thursday, Arun Jaitley, leader of the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party in the upper house, said "it is conclusively clear that this government survived on political and moral sin."

"A government which survived on such a political sin has no authority to even continue for one minute. We demand this government must resign immediately," he said, as his fellow MPs shouted "shame, shame".

Singh has strongly promoted better ties with the United States after decades of friction during the Cold War.

His administration was imperiled by the nuclear deal after Communist allies withdrew support from the ruling coalition.

Indian government officials and the US embassy declined to comment on the July 17, 2008 cable, which is one of a series being published by The Hindu.

The WikiLeaks website has angered US authorities by posting secret documents on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and releasing a vast volume of internal correspondence among US diplomats around the world.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is fighting a legal appeal after a British judge ruled he should be extradited to Sweden to face allegations of rape.

The former computer hacker says the claims against him are politically motivated.
Piles of cash to bribe Indian MPs: WikiLeaks, India Politics -Yahoo News

Mar 17, 2011 at 13:52

NEW DELHI (AFP) - A United States embassy employee witnessed piles of bank notes being prepared to bribe Indian MPs ahead of a crucial 2008 vote of confidence in parliament, leaked diplomatic cables alleged Thursday.

Opposition parties held protests in both houses of parliament demanding Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government resign over the claims, the latest in a string of damaging graft accusations.

The US staffer in New Delhi was shown "two chests containing cash" by an aide to a senior ruling-party politician and was also told $25 million was "lying around" to ensure the Congress-led government would survive the vote.

Diplomatic messages released by WikiLeaks to The Hindu newspaper described how Nachiketa Kapur, identified as an aide to prominent Congress figure Satish Sharma, said that $2.5 million had bought the votes of four MPs.

The alleged incident occurred shortly before Singh narrowly survived the confidence vote over a controversial deal to allow India to buy US nuclear reactors and fuel.

Singh's Congress-led coalition was re-elected in 2009, but has recently become mired by scandals ranging from the cut-price sale of telecoms licences to graft surrounding last year's Commonwealth Games.

Kapur "showed the embassy employee two chests containing cash and said that around Rupees 50-60 crore (about $25 million) was lying around the house for use as pay-offs," according to the WikiLeaks cable.

Both Kapur and Sharma, a close associate of Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi, protested their innocence.

"I vehemently deny the malicious allegations shown in the WikiLeaks cable that I pointed out cash being used in the vote of confidence," Kapur told the NDTV news channel.

"I want to file a defamation case (against the unnamed US officers)."

Sharma told NDTV he had never had an aide called Nachiketa Kapur.

The July 2008 vote has long been subject to corruption claims. At the time, opposition MPs debating in parliament waved wads of money which they claimed the government was using to try to bribe them.

On Thursday, Arun Jaitley, leader of the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party in the upper house, said "it is conclusively clear that this government survived on political and moral sin."

"A government which survived on such a political sin has no authority to even continue for one minute. We demand this government must resign immediately," he said, as his fellow MPs shouted "shame, shame".

Singh has strongly promoted better ties with the United States after decades of friction during the Cold War.

His administration was imperiled by the nuclear deal after Communist allies withdrew support from the ruling coalition.

Indian government officials and the US embassy declined to comment on the July 17, 2008 cable, which is one of a series being published by The Hindu.

The WikiLeaks website has angered US authorities by posting secret documents on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and releasing a vast volume of internal correspondence among US diplomats around the world.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is fighting a legal appeal after a British judge ruled he should be extradited to Sweden to face allegations of rape.

The former computer hacker says the claims against him are politically motivated.

If opposite of PRO is CON, what is the opposite of progress?

Piles of cash to bribe Indian MPs: WikiLeaks, India Politics -Yahoo News

Mar 17, 2011 at 13:52

NEW DELHI (AFP) - A United States embassy employee witnessed piles of bank notes being prepared to bribe Indian MPs ahead of a crucial 2008 vote of confidence in parliament, leaked diplomatic cables alleged Thursday.

Opposition parties held protests in both houses of parliament demanding Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government resign over the claims, the latest in a string of damaging graft accusations.

The US staffer in New Delhi was shown "two chests containing cash" by an aide to a senior ruling-party politician and was also told $25 million was "lying around" to ensure the Congress-led government would survive the vote.

Diplomatic messages released by WikiLeaks to The Hindu newspaper described how Nachiketa Kapur, identified as an aide to prominent Congress figure Satish Sharma, said that $2.5 million had bought the votes of four MPs.

The alleged incident occurred shortly before Singh narrowly survived the confidence vote over a controversial deal to allow India to buy US nuclear reactors and fuel.

Singh's Congress-led coalition was re-elected in 2009, but has recently become mired by scandals ranging from the cut-price sale of telecoms licences to graft surrounding last year's Commonwealth Games.

Kapur "showed the embassy employee two chests containing cash and said that around Rupees 50-60 crore (about $25 million) was lying around the house for use as pay-offs," according to the WikiLeaks cable.

Both Kapur and Sharma, a close associate of Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi, protested their innocence.

"I vehemently deny the malicious allegations shown in the WikiLeaks cable that I pointed out cash being used in the vote of confidence," Kapur told the NDTV news channel.

"I want to file a defamation case (against the unnamed US officers)."

Sharma told NDTV he had never had an aide called Nachiketa Kapur.

The July 2008 vote has long been subject to corruption claims. At the time, opposition MPs debating in parliament waved wads of money which they claimed the government was using to try to bribe them.

On Thursday, Arun Jaitley, leader of the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party in the upper house, said "it is conclusively clear that this government survived on political and moral sin."

"A government which survived on such a political sin has no authority to even continue for one minute. We demand this government must resign immediately," he said, as his fellow MPs shouted "shame, shame".

Singh has strongly promoted better ties with the United States after decades of friction during the Cold War.

His administration was imperiled by the nuclear deal after Communist allies withdrew support from the ruling coalition.

Indian government officials and the US embassy declined to comment on the July 17, 2008 cable, which is one of a series being published by The Hindu.

The WikiLeaks website has angered US authorities by posting secret documents on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and releasing a vast volume of internal correspondence among US diplomats around the world.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is fighting a legal appeal after a British judge ruled he should be extradited to Sweden to face allegations of rape.

The former computer hacker says the claims against him are politically motivated.

Yes Indian Parliament is for sale, and senior Quatrochhi is selling it - but I dont know the price!
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