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Indian Parliament attack — what it achieved for India

Indian Parliament attack — what it achieved for India

It might have been overshadowed by the Mumbai terrorist strike in November 2008 but attack on the Indian Parliament on December 13, 2001, on all accounts, remains a watershed in the jerky evolution of Indo-Pak relations, particularly in shaping the course of the Kashmir resistance movement. With the only accused awarded death penalty still awaiting the disposal of his mercy petition, the nine-year-old incident in which five unidentified gunmen attacked the building of the Indian Parliament, remains a happening thing, yet to be finally wrapped up.

All the five attackers were killed during the attack while four persons were arrested on charges of abetting the attackers as facilitators. These included Mohammad Afzal, a former JKLF militant who had surrendered in 1994, his cousin Shaukat Hussain Guru, Shaukat’s wife Afsan Guru and SAR Gilani, a lecturer of Arabic at the Delhi University. After a year of trial, a POTA (Prevention of Terrorism Act) Court found all four guilty; awarding death sentence to men while Afsan was given five-year rigorous imprisonment. On appeal, the Delhi High Court acquitted Professor SAR Gilani and Afsan Guru on October 29, 2003, due to absence of incriminating evidence while upholding the death sentence for the remaining two. The case was raised to the Supreme Court, which in its verdict on August 3, 2005, lifted the death sentence for Shaukat leaving him with an imprisonment of ten years while confirming the death sentence for Afzal Guru. It is Afzal, the ultimate fall guy of the incident, who awaits the hangman’s noose pending the disposal of his mercy petition by the president of India for the sixth year running.

Coming within hundred days of the September 11 strike, the parliament attack seemed fortuitous from an Indian foreign policy perspective; tightly following a well scripted narrative. Two aspects had made this charade compelling for India. First, the Taliban rout by US had opened new vistas for exploitation for India in its search for a foothold in Afghanistan. A marked Indian advantage was the coming to power of an anti Taliban Government in Kabul, lifted into saddle by authority of UN-sponsored conference in Bonn, Germany. The new leadership comprised primarily of the Northern Alliance elements — a motley assortment of Tajiks, Uzbeks and Hazara warlords whose desperate survival in face of the Taliban onslaught had only been made possible by a no-holds-barred Indo-Iranian support. Pakistan’s west flank stood exposed and India was bent upon making most of the unexpected opportunity by exploiting Pakistan’s proximity to the Taliban to project it as sponsor of terrorism.

Second; India wanted to use the windfall opportunity to paint the freedom struggle in Kashmir with the broad red brush of terrorism. Pakistan’s emergence as an indispensable US partner in the war on terror in Afghanistan didn’t augur well for the Indian designs. There was a need to not only shift the international anti terrorist spotlight on Pakistan itself but also on the Kashmir specific militant organizations whose claims to represent the internationally sanctioned cause of self determination bestowed upon them the status of freedom fighters - a mantle which chagrined India much.

Once the parliament attack materialized India developed the scenario with the alacrity of a preplanned war game. Within hours it had accused ISI — and Pakistan government of complicity without the benefit of any supporting evidence. For the first time in thirty years it recalled its ambassador to Pakistan. It also ended rail and bus service between the two countries and banned Pakistani commercial aircraft use of India air space. In a most alarming gesture it started the mobilisation of troops within a week of the incident along the entire 1800 miles border between the two countries, confronting Pakistan with the largest-ever hostile concentration of forces.

The ratcheting up of the coercive diplomacy yielded tangible results for India. On 26 December the US responded by the addition of LeT and JeM, both Kashmir centric militant organizations, to a State Department list of “designated terrorist organizations” — a momentous step that Washington had apparently been trying to avoid. This US action reinforced India’s long sought position that supporting the Kashmiri armed struggle was illegitimate. As summarised by the New York Times; “Pakistan after 50 years of battling India over Kashmir, must now abandon the armed struggle there and rely hence forth on political means of confronting India.”

To divest the Kashmiri armed struggle of its indigenous moorings the term “cross border terrorism” began to circulate immediately following the attack and became inseparable component of any Indian diplomatic interaction related to Kashmir Issue. It is worth recalling that till then Indians had not referred to decade long uprising in Kashmir as terrorism. The Lahore Declaration signed by Indian Premier Vajpayee bears ample testimony to this fact. But following 9/11 the world changed and the line separating freedom struggle from terrorism had vanished, providing India with a great opportunity to project itself as a victim of terrorism instead of being an unabashed oppressor of Kashmiri population.

Immediately following the parliament attack India unleashed a reign of terror to break the back of Kashmiri resistance. To drive home the ‘victim of terror syndrome’, it managed to airlift hundreds of Taliban fighters from Afghanistan jails and used them as clay pigeons to conduct fake encounters in IHK; cashing in on India’s long association with Northern Alliance warlords, now in power in Kabul. The trend become deeply embedded in the Indian army culture whereby fake encounters in Kashmir have become the short cut for the up and coming ambitious Indian army officers intent upon securing a promising career.

India accused Pakistan for it and treated the attack on the Indian parliament as a casus belli; taking the subcontinent to the brink of a war. It would be interesting, though, to note as to what the Indian judicial system found out after four years of deliberations. The Indian Supreme Court, in its verdict of Aug 2005 cast aside charges of a ‘Pakistani Connection’; throwing overboard the story of conspiracy linking ISI, Masood Azhar, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Lashkar-e-Toiba, Ghazi Baba, Tariq, and the rest. All that the judgment refers to is that five unidentified armed men attacked Indian parliament and died, and that Mohammad Afzal participated in the conspiracy. Sadly, this aspect has gone unnoticed in India by design and the world at large by default.

Indian Parliament attack ? what it achieved for India

Good story to read till you reach the highlighted parts and take pause.India airlifted people from Afghanistan?? Wow..thats quite an operation that US must have slept through it.....this is incredulous.I say if ALL the encounters are fake..whats the need for real bodies they could pick people up from Delhi which has a large Afghan migrant population...:)...and then the Indian SC in a dramatic gesture refutes the Pakistani connection...am I reading this right...you are excluding an INDIAN institution from the conspiracy theory????....why?...No sir,its also programmed so that you believe that its impartial ! Dont you see it...the 9/11 was executed by the Indians so that they could 100 days later attack their own parliament so that they could airlift Talibanis and execute them in fake encounters and then catch the parl attack 'gun men' and then let them all go...and not hang the lone remaining guy to be hanged even though the opposition demands it many times.Im now thinking Musharraf must be an RAW agent ! What say?

Priyadarshan will love this comedy script!!
Was Nalini Vajpayee's daughter...asks a Congress man?

Let them ask..They will get a befitting reply..
Because we aren't like them.

Because we aren't baby-killing terrorists.

Because we aren't kachra.

dude... perhaps u r deply mistaken by word kachra... if u think our polititians are better than KACHRA (when did i said we,better read carefuly before comments) ...then im afraid to say u r also helping them to eat the nation..... an by the way what u mean by we arnt like em... when did i said Be the terrorists like they are ?...... if u feel Afsal's punishement is worth to Hold on for the sake of Politics an name of human rights then Keep suffering like this y to blame others for all that happenings.
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dude... perhaps u r deply mistaken by word kachra... if u think our polititians are better than KACHRA (when did i said we,better read carefuly before comments) ...then im afraid to say u r also helping them to eat the nation..... an by the way what u mean by we arnt like em... when did i said Be the terrorists like they are ?...... if u feel Afsal's punishement is worth to Hold on for the sake of Politics an name of human rights then Keep suffering like this y to blame others for all that happenings.

Oh dear. Just proving the point that trojan.exe wanted to make. Fine, let's go through it in excruciating detail. Your comments are in italics below, and my detailed responses after each.

simple as that how much a criminal think about humanity before executing the crime and concequences........ perhaps never?

And so? Does your superb logical analysis lead us to the conclusion that humanity should behave like a criminal, and think as little as a criminal does about an execution and its consequences? If so, just write it right out so that everyone can see it, don't mask your thinking behind another question.

Then whats the damn meaning of delaying/punishing its execution.Why to care so much about humanrights when they never care about.

The same half-witted,deranged logic in full flow. A criminal doesn't think about human rights. Therefore we need not think about human rights.

What next, I wonder? A criminal robs, maims, rapes and murders. Therefore we can rob, maim, rape and murder (criminals only, of course). In other words, there is, in your mind (is that the word I need? I am no longer sure), no difference between a criminal psychopath and a judge.

Well done. You'll make it to the Supreme Court yet, if you aren't there already.

The sole reason for our sufferings..... we never execute them let alone publically.

I got it. Public executions, like London in the 18th century, like Saudi Arabia today, like Iran today, and we're fine. No more crime. Brilliant.

Just curiousity...but let's wait a little more.

SO Who are the Real culprits?....we know them who support in their crime and after....n perhaps need to hang them first ...

Who? Out with it, o brilliant thinker. We are panting with impatience for you to tell us.

really wished if Parliament attack was a success.... hamara kaam aadha to solve ho hi gaya tha... kachra saaf ho jaata.

Presumably you don't like their spellings and their grammar; they probably don't like yours either.

What are you trying to say, in your laboured, distorted version? Can you spell it out instead of using a cloud of words that mean nothing?

Are you saying, for instance, that Indian parliamentarians are the crooks responsible for the trouble that we are going through - all the trouble that we are going through?


That is what some elements of the Pakistani establishment thinks too. You have a promising career ahead in their foreign office; who knows, even as their Interior Minister - at least your spellings and grammar equip you for that. And not to forget your jurisprudence. The word is that they are looking for High Court Chief Justices who are willing to shoot, hang and kill politicians. What are you waiting for?

Time for that question that I started asking - are you an Indian, or are you under a false flag?
Oh dear. Just proving the point that trojan.exe wanted to make. Fine, let's go through it in excruciating detail. Your comments are in italics below, and my detailed responses after each.

And so? Does your superb logical analysis lead us to the conclusion that humanity should behave like a criminal, and think as little as a criminal does about an execution and its consequences? If so, just write it right out so that everyone can see it, don't mask your thinking behind another question.

The same half-witted,deranged logic in full flow. A criminal doesn't think about human rights. Therefore we need not think about human rights.

What next, I wonder? A criminal robs, maims, rapes and murders. Therefore we can rob, maim, rape and murder (criminals only, of course). In other words, there is, in your mind (is that the word I need? I am no longer sure), no difference between a criminal psychopath and a judge.

Well done. You'll make it to the Supreme Court yet, if you aren't there already.

I got it. Public executions, like London in the 18th century, like Saudi Arabia today, like Iran today, and we're fine. No more crime. Brilliant.

Just curiousity...but let's wait a little more.

Who? Out with it, o brilliant thinker. We are panting with impatience for you to tell us.

Presumably you don't like their spellings and their grammar; they probably don't like yours either.

What are you trying to say, in your laboured, distorted version? Can you spell it out instead of using a cloud of words that mean nothing?

Are you saying, for instance, that Indian parliamentarians are the crooks responsible for the trouble that we are going through - all the trouble that we are going through?


That is what some elements of the Pakistani establishment thinks too. You have a promising career ahead in their foreign office; who knows, even as their Interior Minister - at least your spellings and grammar equip you for that. And not to forget your jurisprudence. The word is that they are looking for High Court Chief Justices who are willing to shoot, hang and kill politicians. What are you waiting for?

Time for that question that I started asking - are you an Indian, or are you under a false flag?

Too harsh,Sir! The post that offended you is probably coming from watching too much "Times Now" & the like. All that wailing about like banshees! Would probably drive everyone crazy. The political discourse in our country has begun to resemble that of the U.S. especially in the light of congresswoman Gifford's shooting. A matter of time before something like that happens in India. What has saved us till now has been the lack of easy access to firearms.
Too harsh,Sir! The post that offended you is probably coming from watching too much "Times Now" & the like. All that wailing about like banshees! Would probably drive everyone crazy. The political discourse in our country has begun to resemble that of the U.S. especially in the light of congresswoman Gifford's shooting. A matter of time before something like that happens in India. What has saved us till now has been the lack of easy access to firearms.


You are probably right. My daughter made the right move; after working 5 years in the electronic media, she found she was sick of the increasing inward obsession and lack of perspective, and went off to academics.

Since we are talking so loosely and glibly about hanging people and shooting them, I wonder if I could take supari on Gasbag Goswami.
Oh dear. Just proving the point that trojan.exe wanted to make. Fine, let's go through it in excruciating detail. Your comments are in italics below, and my detailed responses after each.

And so? Does your superb logical analysis lead us to the conclusion that humanity should behave like a criminal, and think as little as a criminal does about an execution and its consequences? If so, just write it right out so that everyone can see it, don't mask your thinking behind another question.

The same half-witted,deranged logic in full flow. A criminal doesn't think about human rights. Therefore we need not think about human rights.

What next, I wonder? A criminal robs, maims, rapes and murders. Therefore we can rob, maim, rape and murder (criminals only, of course). In other words, there is, in your mind (is that the word I need? I am no longer sure), no difference between a criminal psychopath and a judge.

Well done. You'll make it to the Supreme Court yet, if you aren't there already.

I got it. Public executions, like London in the 18th century, like Saudi Arabia today, like Iran today, and we're fine. No more crime. Brilliant.

Just curiousity...but let's wait a little more.

Who? Out with it, o brilliant thinker. We are panting with impatience for you to tell us.

Presumably you don't like their spellings and their grammar; they probably don't like yours either.

What are you trying to say, in your laboured, distorted version? Can you spell it out instead of using a cloud of words that mean nothing?

Are you saying, for instance, that Indian parliamentarians are the crooks responsible for the trouble that we are going through - all the trouble that we are going through?


That is what some elements of the Pakistani establishment thinks too. You have a promising career ahead in their foreign office; who knows, even as their Interior Minister - at least your spellings and grammar equip you for that. And not to forget your jurisprudence. The word is that they are looking for High Court Chief Justices who are willing to shoot, hang and kill politicians. What are you waiting for?

Time for that question that I started asking - are you an Indian, or are you under a false flag?

Gr8 indeed... what u wanna prove by all your logical references please take to your self and dont mind to tell me what i should do (either a judge or whateva)..sorry to say i dont have a vast vocabolary like you do but i dont care what and who u r too so please dont teach me either..... and dont come over to flag descussion..... by all that you trying to prove in your language also wont prove that you are using a true flag or what? that was all ova my point of view in todays scenario and ongoings happening but didnt forced any one to comment either.
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Gr8 indeed...

what u wanna prove by all your logical references please take to your self

?? Take my logical references to my self?
Wot mins, pliss?


dont mind to tell me what i should do (either a judge or whateva)..

I certainly don't mind.

sorry to say i dont have a vast vocabolary like you do

Spelling? Would you like to add a few selected words about spelling?

but i dont care what and who u r too

Oooh. Low blow, that. NOW what do I do? I'm left speechless, helpless....

so please dont teach me either.....

Has it ever been suggested to you that perhaps you don't take too kindly to teaching? By people who struggled with your spelling, your grammar, your expressions....you know the list. Just look up your last report card, the one before they slung you out.

Telling you what to do is different, of course.

and dont come over to flag descussion.....

Why not? Any good reasons? Let's see what follows.

by all that you trying to prove in your language also wont prove that you are using a true flag or what?

Ummm.... there are other ways of proving it besides jumping up and down. If you look around, you won't find many people doubting my affiliations (that's a long word meaning 'flag').

that was all ova my point of view in todays scenario and ongoings happening but didnt forced any one to comment either.

You will be given full marks for complete originality of thought. There cannot be another like you - thank Heavens, fasting.

It would smooth communications if you wrote in English. Just a thought about how to do things, not that it is an effort to teach.

Please do go on. It's turning out to be a dull day. I could do with some comic relief. I shall wait in quivering anticipation for your next broadside.
Having said that, let me go out on a limb & say that contrary to many of countrymen & woman here, I don't believe that Afzal Guru should have got the death sentence anyway. Thought his role in the Parliament attack deserved the life sentence & not necessarily a death sentence. I also believe that the BJP's behaviour on this issue is disgraceful. There are many sons-in-law of the BJP that are slowly being pulled out of the woodwork who need to end up on the wrong end of the rope. Maybe they can all hang together. Get rid of all the sons-in-law at once.

I dont agree upon giving life sentence to Afzul Guru instead of death sentence. Its like asking for another Kandhar Hijacking.
Death sentence must be brutal and i would even prefer going out way and hanging him publicly, giving a strong message.

Of course India should not turn all barbaric onto it's criminals. But that does not give our political parties the right to use death row inmates as tools to further their propaganda. Why should the govt. in power have the right to overrule Supreme Court verdict?

This man has been given death sentence by 3 courts. Not 1, not 2, but 3. Including Supreme court of India. His appeal has been heard twice. And overturned twice. Why should his punishment be subject to political manipulations?

Those who died in the Parliament Attacks were not BJP workers. They were not Congress Workers. They were Indians. Their families deserve to get closure. Indians deserve to get closure.
Having said that, let me go out on a limb & say that contrary to many of countrymen & woman here, I don't believe that Afzal Guru should have got the death sentence anyway. Thought his role in the Parliament attack deserved the life sentence & not necessarily a death sentence. I also believe that the BJP's behaviour on this issue is disgraceful. There are many sons-in-law of the BJP that are slowly being pulled out of the woodwork who need to end up on the wrong end of the rope. Maybe they can all hang together. Get rid of all the sons-in-law at once.

Afsal Guru has been sentenced by 3 courts in India, including the supreme court. No matter what our individual opinion, procedure states that he should be hanged.

Regarding your BJP's son-in-laws dig, let them be convicted in court of law. I don't mind them being hanged then if need be.

Of course India should not turn all barbaric onto it's criminals. But that does not give our political parties the right to use death row inmates as tools to further their propaganda. Why should the govt. in power have the right to overrule Supreme Court verdict?

This man has been given death sentence by 3 courts. Not 1, not 2, but 3. Including Supreme court of India. His appeal has been heard twice. And overturned twice. Why should his punishment be subject to political manipulations?

Those who died in the Parliament Attacks were not BJP workers. They were not Congress Workers. They were Indians. Their families deserve to get closure. Indians deserve to get closure.

I am astonished.

In which post of mine did you find that I opposed the due process of law?

It was against savage and barbaric calls for public hanging and death by mob violence that I had written a couple of posts. Also against a moron who suggested that killing politicians was a reasonable thing to do, or recommended. That is the kind of thing likely to get him banned on a Pakistani forum, where they are in uproar about Governor Taseer's death, and, even setting aside the casual brutality and imbecile nature of the suggestion, we need to be at least marginally sensitive to what our hosts are going through.

Your complaint should be directed to the Congress Party, which I detest, and to the Government of Delhi and its Chief Minister, Sheila Dixit, whom I detest even more.

Of course India should not turn all barbaric onto it's criminals. But that does not give our political parties the right to use death row inmates as tools to further their propaganda. Why should the govt. in power have the right to overrule Supreme Court verdict?

This man has been given death sentence by 3 courts. Not 1, not 2, but 3. Including Supreme court of India. His appeal has been heard twice. And overturned twice. Why should his punishment be subject to political manipulations?

Those who died in the Parliament Attacks were not BJP workers. They were not Congress Workers. They were Indians. Their families deserve to get closure. Indians deserve to get closure.
i think he is blindly biased with one political party, and therefore he is trying to bring newer n newer arguements to try to defend the most cheapest act of that government, i.e. saving n appeasing terrorists.
guess what, noone is perfect, i think this is where all his intellect n neutrality takes backside and his hatred for a particular political party comes in.
Afsal Guru has been sentenced by 3 courts in India, including the supreme court. No matter what our individual opinion, procedure states that he should be hanged.

Regarding your BJP's son-in-laws dig, let them be convicted in court of law. I don't mind them being hanged then if need be.

I agree with your point on Afzal Guru. I had a different opinion of whether he should have been given the death sentence considering the scope of his part in the attack but I completely agree with your point that the sentence once passed should be carried out or the man should be pardoned if the government has the guts to do that. I made a point that the government is holding up a whole bunch of unrelated executions because they want to pretend that there is some sort of a queue in the pardon requests and therefore are holding up the whole lot so they can continue to pretend that they are not delaying Afzal Guru's execution on purpose.

My point on the BJP's sons-in-law were made as a response to the comment of Mr.Nitin Gatkare. Joe had earlier made the point that executions should be solemn affairs and I believe that it is incredible irresponsible & immature of the BJP to trivialise it into political theatre for scoring cheap shots which is what Mr.Gatkare did. The BJP's reaction to the suspects in the Malegaon blasts case was utterly digraceful and showed themselves up for the bigoted lot that they are. That incident was the one that led to my utter disillusionment with that party. If you are hardline on terror, then you must make no exceptions & no excuses for any who are accused. No separate rules for Muslim terrorists & Hindu terrorists! Such a party accusing the Congress of double standards is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black! Both of them are playing games with this issue. The Congress to shore up its Muslim votebank & to prevent a major flare up in the valley with the creating of a "martyr" and the BJP portraying the Congress as being weak on terror (a comparison that went out of the window with the BJP's own conduct in the Kandahar hijack) while continuing to defend Hindu terrorists.
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