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Indian-origin engineer makes 3D device that prints food for astronauts

I worked in field for a year....
but most of the stuff were based on designing, inspecting, and calibrating...still waiting for the day when I will use all those Integration and differentiation stuff..
We even had triple integration...:hitwall:
I am sure you too must have done it. God knows when we'll use it???
Not rich ppl but the sc/st sub standard retards who are destroying the country's ability to cultivate science.I dont mean to generalize anything but mosot st/sc candidates are dumb and even want reservation to pass normal exams in the professional courses whre they entered due to quota in entance test.
buddy it's not their fault to be SC/ST ...it's fucking retard govt. which make such retard rule..reservation is a cancer, which is destroying the country power to cultivate talent...
This is one of the thing which I hate..but again it's not their fault...It's gov...
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Not rich ppl but the sc/st sub standard retards who are destroying the country's ability to cultivate science.I dont mean to generalize anything but mosot st/sc candidates are dumb and even want reservation to pass normal exams in the professional courses whre they entered due to quota in entance test.

I know a budding ST cardiologist who doesn't know how to read ECG which is taught in MBBS.
Anyways if reservations were based on financial status, I could still digest it.
But whats the point in giving reservations to children of Plastic surgeons,IAS officers etc exept to gain votebank and loot us the common people ?
buddy it's not there fault to be SC/ST ...it's fucking retard govt. which make such retard rule..reservation is a cancer, which is destroying the country power to cultivate talent...
This is one of the thing which I hate..but again it's not their fault...It's gov...

Being of a lower caste is a state of the mind. :P
3d prinitn food!!! which is edible??thats sounds crazy
No, it's great! I've seen chocolate products with edible photo-quality color images printed on them. Soon you'll be able to eat a bust of Gandhi or Jinnah. Indians and Pakistanis alike will be able to enjoy their savage revenge without anyone getting hurt!
Being of a lower caste is a state of the mind. :P
maybe maybe not...reservation should not be cast based but financial status of family based..and upto 12th and then monetary support for graduation and post grad. courses..that my stand...:enjoy:

Are u an engineer?
ya ...kind of...
No, it's great! I've seen chocolate products with edible photo-quality color images printed on them. Soon you'll be able to eat a bust of Gandhi or Jinnah. Indians and Pakistanis alike will be able to enjoy their savage revenge without anyone getting hurt!

Like this ????

Use your imagination.....the printer isnt going to be like our normal flat printer.It will have various moulds and scientists have already found out a way by which food can be made out of lactose,albumin casein etc.So now it should not be that hard to understand.
i know whats a 3d printer.if it makes food then it must do so using things which are already edible.it only changes shape of the feed given to it. what i was trying to say is..if they say 3d printing then it menas feed it with a block of choclate or some other edible block and it chisels it to a given shape..if food is made from sucrose,lactose and other products then it means they are talking about "food synthesis" not 3d printing.perhaps the reporting is wrong.any way lets wait and see till this invention is completely revealed.
All hail us Mechanical Engineers :lol: , btw it would have been more exciting if the guy would have been Indian rather than Indian Origin .
i know whats a 3d printer.if it makes food then it must do so using things which are already edible.it only changes shape of the feed given to it. what i was trying to say is..if they say 3d printing then it menas feed it with a block of choclate or some other edible block and it chisels it to a given shape..if food is made from sucrose,lactose and other products then it means they are talking about "food synthesis" not 3d printing.perhaps the reporting is wrong.any way lets wait and see till this invention is completely revealed.
Yes you are right they'll have to feed in edible blocks.So in space they'll have to still carry their ration but can now have a fresh meal instead of stored and dried ones.
Yes you are right they'll have to feed in edible blocks.So in space they'll have to still carry their ration but can now have a fresh meal instead of stored and dried ones.
well nothings more tastier than good old cooked food..people are doing all kind of things these days..the first time i've read this heading something like tele transportation got to my mind..like transporting food from earth to space through that 3d printer..
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