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Indian occupational army has started a genocide in Pulwama. Occupied Kashmir

Stick to fantasy and your bollywood films, while we put in the work. Reality can be a really scary place.

:rofl::rofl: :cheesy:

I know you will go to the shop & buy a pirated DVD to watch it.

this must be you in pakistan on fridays

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Hindu's were responsible for it, just so that they can claim Kashmir for themselves. Not arguing if right or wrong, but simply commenting, the exodus of Hindus from Kashmir was more-the-less caused due to these unjust chain of events by the fascist state of India. Starting from 1947 Jammu Massacre followed by refusal of right to self determination for the ethnic Kashmiri's, as well as oppression.
Kashmir wanted to be independent had you not send tribals and your soldiers things would have been far more different than what they are today.
far better than many soldiers who didn't recieved the right to be buried in their own home land.
Well the Indian soldiers must be invincible as there was no videos of Pakistan burying or handing over bodies of Indian soldiers....or maybe Pakistan army being professional didn't play to the cameras like others.
Well the Indian soldiers must be invincible as there was no videos of Pakistan burying or handing over bodies of Indian soldiers....or maybe Pakistan army being professional didn't play to the cameras like others.
Oh the professionalism card has been raised... well I can't question that at least not here.
Kashmir wanted to be independent had you not send tribals and your soldiers things would have been far more different than what they are today.

The sentiment of the Kashmiri people has nothing to do with our soldiers or the tribal people. If the tribal people went there, it was on the ground of common religion, and to help the Kashmiri people achieve what they desired. The reason over 250,000 Indian soldiers are deployed in Kashmir is not because some tribal people crossed over in 1947, or because off-record we have helped the Kashmiri people, but because the people there want their right to self determination, like it or not, that's the fact.
The sentiment of the Kashmiri people has nothing to do with our soldiers or the tribal people. If the tribal people went there, it was on the ground of common religion, and to help the Kashmiri people achieve what they desired. The reason over 250,000 Indian soldiers are deployed in Kashmir is not because some tribal people crossed over in 1947, or because off-record we have helped the Kashmiri people, but because the people there want their right to self determination, like it or not, that's the fact.
250000 soldiers? I believe number is 700000 according to Pakistan.
250000 soldiers? I believe number is 700000 according to Pakistan.

In case you're being sarcastic, read up on your own sources. About half of the army is deployed in Kashmir inclusive of the border force.
This combined with tweets and comments of Indians, all the proof you need that India doesn't care about the people of Kashmir, it cares about that piece of land, and it will go to any extent to steal it from its people. The people demand the right to self determination, but India doesn't want to give them their right.

Is Karma only applicable on others in your religion? This will bite India very badly in the future.
while land has strategic importance, people there has a choice to either face bullets or be a part of Indian union, both options exists.

India cares for those who believe and respect Indian constitution in Kashmir, for everyone else there is a bullent with their names written on them.

And Karma applies to all, those who kicked out Pandits from the valley are paying for thier sins.
They did a follow up of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1947_Mirpur_massacre, cleansing their land from kafirs.
Actually shame on Pakistan... You could do nothing except mouth service to Kashmir..

Shame on you for ignoring civilians deaths killed by your brutal indian occupied Army.
There's nothing more entertaining than when you Indians crawl on Pakistani forums and box above your weight.
You people have no level, the only time you play drama queens is when Indian soldiers are killed on LOC or IOK...else what happens outside Delhi or Mumbai is of no concern to you creatures....what happens in the Red Corridor is almost as common as some Dalit being punished for touching a Brahmins trash can,
Opposite armies fight all over the world and suffer casualties but it's only the Indian soldiers who start protesting when their comrades get killed....not difficult to conclude, who is feeling the heat.
Oh talking about your level, well here's how you treat your dead soldiers elsewhere.

Yes, we all know how well you treat your soldiers, refusing even to accept their dead bodies, hiding casualties on loc. Plenty of videos on youtube showing your army giving your soldiers a quick burial in the middle of the night to avoid the media getting wind of it, windjammer:lol:. I remember this image quite clearly, they died in a plane crash, they recovered the bodies but did not have proper coffins to take them back, quite shameful indeed and there was a big row about it on the media. In pakistan, you guys would have left them to rot in the mountains, that happens on no mans land between loc all the time.
while land has strategic importance, people there has a choice to either face bullets or be a part of Indian union, both options exists.

They did a follow up of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1947_Mirpur_massacre, cleansing their land from kafirs.

Translation of above:
India is willing to oppress and kill ethnic Kashmiri's just for land, leaving them only the choice of slavery or death.

And by the way, the follow up, you sure that isn't Karma in response?

still what's the number 250000 or 700000

At the very least 250000, up to a maximum of 700000. Lets put it that.

Can you imagine, half a million soldiers with guns and vests deployed to Kashmir only to control what you Indians claim 'a couple or few hundred left militants'. They're not there to control the freedom fighters, they are there to control the entire Muslim population of Kashmiri's. And half a million, is a massive figure, it's slightly less than the active personnel serving in Pakistan Army.
In this case, 3 terrorists were hiding in an orchard, after the gunfight people came to clash with the army and army fired back. Thats what the Army should have done from day one. This would set a precedence, next time when you come to aid terrorists you would be treated as one and shot back at.
Very controversial post.
Can you clear out a few things.

You refer to "People" as in Indians, right?
So Indians are clashing with their own Indian Army over this matter in kashmir?

In your last statement , Indians (People) are aiding terrorists (freedom fighters to others) ?
Very controversial post.
Can you clear out a few things.

You refer to "People" as in Indians, right?
So Indians are clashing with their own Indian Army over this matter in kashmir?

In your last statement , Indians (People) are aiding terrorists (freedom fighters to others) ?
Sure I can,
Yes I refer to people as in Indians,
These Indians for their political reason represent a fringe minority which indulges in anti state activities, such as intervening in security operations. Security forces have time and again maintained restraint, but given that security operatives are being put in precarious position they (in my opinion) were right to resort to use force in this case as these civilians were posing a security risk to an active combat situation. I wasn't there at the operation so cannot comment on how these casualties ensued, but I have long maintained treating belligerent public trying to shelter, aid and abet terrorist (freedom fighters for some) is a direct act against the state machinery and should not be treated with kid gloves anymore.

If anything we have been very careful of collateral damage, in war on terrorism, others don't flinch ramming down a hellfire missile down the suspected combatants home, right?
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