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Indian occupational army has started a genocide in Pulwama. Occupied Kashmir

It won t slow down. With the gun you can fight the war, but you can t win the war when public raise.
Death toll has risen to 10 civilians.
This is why the Kashmiri people hate india

Indians act really stupid about Kashmir and they dont get the indian failure and change in situation

Go back as little as 10 years and indians were bragging about a calm Kashmir with Kashmiris participating in elections supporting india

Look whats happened now

6 funerals in which thousands of Kashmiris will damn india

India is dying in Kashmir
We should follow China's xinjiang model in Kashmir. Showing maximum restraint hasn't worked very well.


All you have achieved is make Kashmiris hate india even more

A free democratic vote in Kashmir today, Pakistan will destroy india
It wont even be close
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