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its called little india


There are 6 "little India" in Malaysia:

1) Johor Baru


2) Kuala Lumpur


3) Klang

4) Penang:

5) Melaka:

6) Ipoh:

Have visited all..

Penang little India is my all time favorite.. For here I buy Tuna Samosa, nowhere else.
Similar things are happening with India now.
Indian direct & indirect tax revenue got hit, because the GOI does not levy any customs duty anymore from defense related imports like before. They stopped. It was stupid anyway.

On the other hand, they are spending beyond means on defense related purchases overshooting their defense budget.

India's CAD, BOP is in deficit. Trade deficit for the last 12 months is 128 billion = Hungarian GDP
India's total revenue is 275 billion (CIA factbook) which is less than a Chinese oil company namely; Sinopec:
I see your point but the Soviet Union also had political issues. Over extended. For India, if your implying India is going to collapse in the near future, i'd have to laugh it off. Because India, should have collapsed in 1990s when it was dirt poor, and had no funding from the Soviets. Yet they still roled through.
I believe India's defense spending is only increasing because of its increased role in Asia. i don't think it'll lead to an economic collapse. The DMIC costs a lot more and is only a small fraction of the big picture. India right now is in the middle of a perfect storm regardless of what a story from a gas store magazine says. Thats just my analysis, though I could be wrong. But investers are still popping up in India. Perhaps they know somethings up.
Andaman and Nicobar islands are now Chinese territory to be seized in war!
Ho really. How will Chinese logistics work from main land to keep Chinese alive in the island? You 50 centers are absolute shitty posters. Ask CPC to train you well. As of now we are pissing you in doklam, save yourself from there.

India won't possess a navy anymore after a war with China.
And there wont be any Chinese left in east coast.
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