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Indian Navy has questions on China’s new aircraft carrier Fujian

Xi never said he was a lifelong leader.
Smart dictators don’t say it in these many words. They use other means to do it. Papa (dictator) Xi has done just that.

India, a country full of nepotism and political families, has the face to accuse China of dictatorship.
We aren’t proud of this aspect and say it in these many words. Vagaries of a democracy.
But that doesn’t make dictator Xi a saint either. We will call it out loud.
I can blame CCP
Please don’t do it.
I have kind of started liking you as you are. You might undergo a change of persona after loosing a kidney or a part of your liver. I would hate that.
Smart dictators don’t say it in these many words. They use other means to do it. Papa (dictator) Xi has done just that.

We aren’t proud of this aspect and say it in these many words. Vagaries of a democracy.
But that doesn’t make dictator Xi a saint either. We will call it out loud.

Please don’t do it.
I have kind of started liking you as you are. You might undergo a change of persona after loosing a kidney or a part of your liver. I would hate that.
First of all, Xi cannot become a lifelong leader.

China's constitution has never stipulated the length of a leader's term of office. But China's law stipulates the retirement age for the highest ranking officials(The retirement age of the most senior officials is 68 to 72 years old). At the same time, the CCP's post promotion rules stipulate the age of the successor of the supreme leader(The successor is between 58 and 62 years old), which controls the supreme leader's only 10-year term from another perspective.

Xi is indeed likely to be re elected as the supreme leader for three terms. The only way is to extend the retirement age. This is what Xi wants to do. This is what Chinese people like me are opposed to Xi.

Organs or something, that is a rumor of a cult organization. I know what I'm doing. You don't need to worry. In fact, many people in Chinese domestic forums have made comments against Xi's revision of the retirement age. Such remarks are not against the law.

BTW: Xi just wants to be re elected for three terms, not for life. If Xi wants to become a lifelong leader, he will treat his daughter Xi Mingze as trump treats Ivanka and Clinton treats Hillary Clinton. But after graduating from Harvard, Xi Mingze went to the China Academy of translation and became a translator. Obviously, Xi didn't plan to let her daughter become a senior official.

Huchunhua will be the successor of Xi:
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North Korea could probably defeat India tbh. North Korea has ICBMs and proven H bomb capability with 200 kT miniaturized warheads. Indian ICBMs can't even reach North Korea and if they could they only have 20 kT large warheads.

I think you need to first study the geography and have a look at the fact how many times the landmass India does enjoy in comparison of North Korea..... Even single state like Maharashtra is bigger than that..... So 5 to 6 20kt warheads will be devastating for North Korea.....
Rest of your post I agree on their ICBM range and higher yields of their nukes..... And off course I agree with a fact that currently they can nuke us due to longer range ICBMs and get away without worrying about a retaliation as there is no missile in india that can reach NK at least today...

Idiot, China is a party to the nuclear non proliferation treaty. One of the 5 countries in the world that legally possess nuclear weapons! If China is willing. In 1964, China could destroy India with nuclear weapons. You should kneel down and thank China for its kindness!

What do you think is the difference between India and North Korea??

The same poor, the same backward, the same illegal possession of nuclear weapons. Only India calls itself a "super power". North Korea calls itself the "Sun nation".

India is now lowering all international standards! shut up! Little Indian! Only India calls itself a "super power" in the world! More ignorant than North Korea!

Okay if India is illegal nuclear power then what's your opinion on Pakistan and North Korea???? Are they too illegal nuclear powers?
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In 1989, Chinese students negotiated directly with China's top leaders. Who negotiated with modi in 1964 and 2002?
Negotiated :rofl:
Is that the reason why tanks rolled down the tianmmen square and your army opened fire on unarmed civilians. 10,000 kids died at the hands of the PLA as a result of these so called “negotiations”

I think you need to first study the geography and have a look at the fact how many times the landmass India does enjoy in comparison of North Korea..... Even single state like Maharashtra is bigger than that..... So 5 to 6 20kt warheads will be devastating for North Korea.....
Rest of your post I agree on their ICBM range and higher yields of their nukes..... And off course I agree with a fact that currently they can nuke us due to longer range ICBMs and get away without worrying about a retaliation as there is no missile in india that can reach NK at least today...
India has nukes of greater yield, don’t listen to Chinese propaganda here. According to one Han man India can’t mount nuclear warheads on missiles. These people have no clue of our nuclear program
By the way , your last paragraph is misleading because Agni V can easily reach North Korea and Central Europe. You should read about India‘a missile programs for more information
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Can you show one post by me where I have called India a superpower? You wouldn’t find one. There are scores of FMs who do the same.
Have you been to India and seen Indians calling it a superpower? I guess not.
Few FMs might call India a superpower here. It is upto them, and no one is answerable or responsible for others here.

Don’t try to be cute here. We know what freedom you all have in China. I haven’t come across any Chinese till date on any forum who has criticised Papa Xi in any way whatsoever. Don’t tell me that he is a perfect leader (dictator for outside world). Jack Ma just gave a hint of criticising the autocratic rule of Papa Xi and see how he vanished for few months.
India is a country full of variations in many forms and one of them is different opinions. Get your facts right or keep quite.

Smart dictators don’t say it in these many words. They use other means to do it. Papa (dictator) Xi has done just that.

We aren’t proud of this aspect and say it in these many words. Vagaries of a democracy.
But that doesn’t make dictator Xi a saint either. We will call it out loud.

Please don’t do it.
I have kind of started liking you as you are. You might undergo a change of persona after loosing a kidney or a part of your liver. I would hate that.
When did India become real democracy or free?

Negotiated :rofl:
Is that the reason why tanks rolled down the tianmmen square and your army opened fire on unarmed civilians. 10,000 kids died at the hands of the PLA as a result of these so called “negotiations”

India has nukes of greater yield, don’t listen to Chinese propaganda here. According to one Han man India can’t mount nuclear warheads on missiles. These people have no clue of our nuclear program
By the way , your last paragraph is misleading because Agni V can easily reach North Korea and Central Europe. You should read about India‘a missile programs for more information
Ah. "Tanks enlightened the people"...


"10,000 kids died at the hands of the PLA as a result of these so called “negotiations"


wait. This seems different from India.

Who negotiated with modi in 2002?
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Ah. "Tanks enlightened the people"...

View attachment 866358

"10,000 kids died at the hands of the PLA as a result of these so called “negotiations"

View attachment 866369

wait. This seems different from India.

Who negotiated with modi in 2002?
View attachment 866375
Is this what they tell you in communist china that 1989 was peaceful for all chinese ?
Is this what they tell you in communist china that 1989 was peaceful for all chinese ?
Ah OK. Let's not believe in live video. Let's believe in post editing news.

But you can find the news of "who negotiates with modi"?

or.... You edit a news ad-hoc. I know Indians are the best at editing news. come on.
Ah OK. Let's not believe in live video. Let's believe in post editing news.

But you can find the news of "who negotiates with modi"?

or.... You edit a news ad-hoc. I know Indians are the best at editing news. come on.
Negotiate with modi ? Does modi send tanks to blow apart protestors ?
Negotiate with modi ? Does modi send tanks to blow apart protestors ?
Because modi didn't send tanks, is this the reason why modi slaughtered 100000 people?

It's hard to answer? When modi massacred 100000 Indian people (and killed 10000 Indian farmers this year). Who negotiated with modi? You can try to provide videos or pictures.
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Because modi didn't send tanks, is this the reason why modi slaughtered 100 million people?

It's hard to answer? When modi massacred 100000 Indian people (and killed 10000 Indian farmers this year). Who negotiated with modi? You can try to provide videos or pictures.
100,000 indians :rofl:
Source of data ?
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