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Indian naval fleet docks at Iran’s Bandar Abbas port

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Who is the "horse" in those statements? Are you sure you understand the meaning of that expression?

There are plenty of threads on PDF itself about Nawaz dropping the Iran pipeline, after the 1 billion dollar handout from the Saudis.

India has always pushed for a pipeline, and is now exploring an undersea option. India has also just been awarded exploration rights in some of Iran's biggest gas fields. GAIL, ONGC videsh, and two other Indian public sector companies have sent their experts to Iran for that purpose.

Read the recent statements by the Iranian foreign minister and ambassador, if you want to know what they think of India, as opposed to what you wish they thought.

The only thing blocking a land pipeline between Iran and India right now is the unstable, unpredictable, untrustworthy entity in the middle.
Ur knowledge is so poor and u are in such deep denial that u cant accept in 2009 it was india that backed out off IPI gasline (which i am happy she did ,cuz she isnt wnated here), under security reasons excuse after obama visit. Such dumbness ,google and find out who had pulled herself out if ipi.
Is this TTA racism or what???? being TTA you are making personal insult.... @Serpentine

Don't you see, being a (self assumed) handsome man typing cr@p on PDF is such a worthy accomplishment, compared to, you know, representing a billion people on a diplomatic visit, saluting a friendly nation on behalf of his country, meeting and dining with ambassadors, military chiefs, heads of state and so on, charting the destiny of two very important and proud nations, etc. I'm sure the ladies are all swooning for the "handsome" nobody - the poor ugly fellow who charts the future course of two nations must be so jealous of the PDFite.
Ur knowledge is so poor and u are in such deep denial that u cant accept in 2009 it was india that backed out off IPI gasline (which i am happy she did ,cuz she isnt wnated here), under security reasons excuse after obama visit. Such dumbness ,google and find out who had pulled herself out if ipi.

2009? A lot has changed since then.

Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline shelved: Islamabad
Iran gas pipeline to Pakistan on hold
Saudi Arabia Persuades Pakistan to Abandon Iran-Pakistan Pipeline
Minister: Iran May Drop Gas Pipeline Project with Pakistan

The pipeline is almost complete on the Iranian side long ago, but the Pakistani side, which has long been under the United States' heavy pressures to give up the project, has been short of financing. Pakistan has run into repeated problems to pay for the 780 kilometer (485 mile) section to be built on its side of the border.

Do read up about the events in 2011, 2013 and 2014.
Haha typical indian dodging the actual topic that india had suddenly and much to participating countries disappoinment bailed out of the project. Now go bring all rubbish excuses to cover that,iwont waste time on u.
Don't you see, being a (self assumed) handsome man typing cr@p on PDF is such a worthy accomplishment, compared to, you know, representing a billion people on a diplomatic visit, saluting a friendly nation on behalf of his country, meeting and dining with ambassadors, military chiefs, heads of state and so on, charting the destiny of two very important and proud nations, etc. I'm sure the ladies are all swooning for the "handsome" nobody - the poor ugly fellow who charts the future course of two nations must be so jealous of the PDFite.

you know. . he is not only TTA with such nasty posts... there is another guy... who got lot of perception problem. . he don't even understand one simple post... the forum is very much biased now a days.. pak members frequently creating threads with edited titles and self assumptions. .. any some pak members frequently abusing India and Indian members with racist posts... even though reported no such action taken yet... when it comes Indians... Mods Admins will respond to pak members. ...

@ topic... nice to see growing Indo-Iran ties..
Haha typical indian dodging the actual topic that india had suddenly and much to participating countries disappoinment bailed out of the project. Now go bring all rubbish excuses to cover that,iwont waste time on u.

So I provide you with several links to dispute your claim, and this is the best retort you can come up with? Fine with me, because it demonstrates who is speaking factually and who is fuming frantically.

I will repeat, for the last time - after Pakistan's week kneed buckling under American and Saudi pressure, India went so far as to explore an undersea pipeline with Iran, and a feasibility study is going on right now. Only Pakistan's instability, volatility, general untrustworthiness, inability to ensure security in most of its territory, inability to cough up the required money, and preposterously asking Iran to fund even the Pakistani side of the pipeline, and such pathetic actions prevented the IPI pipeline from becoming a reality.

If it was India that backed out, and not Pakistan, then the pipeline between Iran and Pakistan would be there already - India doesn't lie in between, does it?
Next time we should send Kolkata Class and Shivalik Class for friendly exercises.. With improving economy, Iran should also build her Navy with bigger frigates and Destroyers.
So I provide you with several links to dispute your claim, and this is the best retort you can come up with? Fine with me, because it demonstrates who is speaking factually and who is fuming frantically.

I will repeat, for the last time - after Pakistan's week kneed buckling under American and Saudi pressure, India went so far as to explore an undersea pipeline with Iran, and a feasibility study is going on right now. Only Pakistan's instability, volatility, general untrustworthiness, inability to ensure security in most of its territory, inability to cough up the required money, and preposterously asking Iran to fund even the Pakistani side of the pipeline, and such pathetic actions prevented the IPI pipeline from becoming a reality.

If it was India that backed out, and not Pakistan, then the pipeline between Iran and Pakistan would be there already - India doesn't lie in between, does it?

It takes money to build the pipeline. Iran built their side of it; its the other part that is......................
Chill down friend.

If anything Iran has tried to substitute the conflict between Pakistan and India through economic cooperation. Didn't Iran government spend time and money to make the peace pipe line a reality? What do you like Iran to do?

Chabahar can be a foundation for peace and cooperation for any friendly nation that wants to take part. Iran wants to stay neutral in this conflict of yours. Both India and Pakistan are strong enough nations to handle their own affairs.
then why not stay neutral in Palestine issue?
then why not stay neutral in Palestine issue?
As I mentioned, Pakistan and India are both countries with massive army and nuclear arsenal. They can look after their own affairs.

Rest assured that if Palestine had such strong army and could look after its interests, Iran wouldn't interfere.
As I mentioned, Pakistan and India are both countries with massive army and nuclear arsenal. They can look after their own affairs.

Rest assured that if Palestine had such strong army and could look after its interests, Iran wouldn't interfere.
lol Kashmir isnt Pakistan, India affair its actually UN declared issue And Kashmiris r the ones who r suffering. And they are just ordinary civilians and as helpless as Palestinians.

Why is there such double standards. While u people come in our forum and proudly Share such threads boosting abt yr military connections with our enemy. Why is that?

How would u feel if we start doing such co-operation with lets say israel and saudia arabia close to yr ports and sea lines?
to understand how does Iran see India? Again, i do not mean military or political thing rather how Iran sees people of India in general?? For me that matters more than any other stargic relationship..

Islamic republic is after it own interest .and want to see growth economically in region .
in our region there is problem which has destroyed stability and kept down region with terrorism and send terrorist to neighboring countries keep the region destabilizes keep way growth with its criminal acts Afghanistan and India are good example how this is been taking place .
because they cant have growth and development they want to keep region hostage and make us ( Iran Afghanistan India ) accept they way of them doing things and they want us to lift them up before they let us pass
this is when India comes in to it . we think we can cooperate closely and help our self and have the growth and development and help Afghanistan in the process
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Iran, India navies to undertake joint exercise

Commander of Iran Navy's First Zone Rear Admiral Hossein Azad-Jom'e told IRNA on the sidelines of welcoming ceremony for the Indian frigates that given Iran's capabilities and powerful presence, the world has believed that it is the main axis of regional security and stability.
A look at the history of the two countries' bilateral ties reveals that they played crucial role in ensuring regional security and economy, he pointed out.
The commander further noted that improvement in regional economic situation requires interaction and that Iran and India have always maintained their ties and dispatching flotilla to Iran is part of the process.
Meanwhile, commander of Betwa Frigate said that Iran and India boast of historic commonalities in the field of sea and trade.
K.M. Ramakrishinan added that they have also had common undertakings in the fields of archeology, commerce and sea.
Two frigates of Indian Navy arrived at Iranian territorial waters on Friday morning and docked at Iran's First Naval Zone in Bandar Abbas, capital of the Persian Gulf province of Hormuzgan.
The flotilla comprising of frigates F37 and F39 is visiting Iran with the aim of boosting peace and friendship between the two countries and is scheduled to stay in Iran's for four days.

Iran, India navies to undertake joint exercise
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