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Indian national arrested in Lahore, linked to blast

No, they had Pakistani ID cards, after all they were RAW agents and not the dimwits attacking mumbai

Why would they do these things when suicide bombers were available for hiring according to Pakistani media reprots?
the thing is gov will not do much about it. the matter will be left to the intelligence agencies. gov is tryin to get the temperature cool down bw the two countries and that i guess is the need of the hour. its better to let the intelligence agencies deal with such business. its not just this gov even previous gov didnt publicise any evidence found against raw however evidence was simply shown to american inorder to let them know that we are aware of the situation and know CIA is not willing to control indians operating from afghanistan. this was said when US defence ppl visited pak durin end times of musharraf inorder to ask us to do more. so historically speaking evidence found against india never gets publicised. its always a gud thing being a responsible neighbour but sometimes it simply gets annoyin when we hear india holidin us accountable for each of their problem.
also i might be wrong but i see this whole thing in a different way. we know raw is working in pak to create anarchy but at the sametime its our fault for providing them an atmosphere which makes it easier for them to penetrate. y not try to improve the atmosphere coz then raw itself will find it harder to carry out any of its operations. and i believe that is wat our gov and agencies are doin besides sending some signals to raw and cia that we are aware of their game plan. we are tryin to improve atmosphere in balochistan and in our tribal areas. all our tribals who were previously against us are now standing with us in our fight against talibans who are being funded by raw. and u cant imagine how difficult it is for taliban rit now to operate. carryin out bomb blast doesnt prove ur might. wat does is that how many ppl listen to u. and rit now no one is willing to listen to talibans.
we will inshAllah win this covert war both in balochistan and also in our tribal areas.
Did they have Indian ID cards on them?:rofl::rofl:

Wow man what a question u asked:woot:...so do u think ur Raw is that stupid to send their agents with their national id cards:rolleyes:....They have been caught on the basis of the information Satish Anand gave.
Wow man what a question u asked:woot:...so do u think ur Raw is that stupid to send their agents with their national id cards:rolleyes:....They have been caught on the basis of the information Satish Anand gave.

How is it sure that he is an Indian?. Probably he is a setup by ISI just like Qasab is a setup by RAW.:bounce:
sorry to see pakistan also going the indian way. why cant people realize that these terrorists belong to no nationality,they must be eliminated from society by joint efforts.
this blame game leads us to nowhere, first india did it now pakistan the only winner in this is going to be the terrorists who kill innocents all over while countries will engage in a tit for tat battle
sorry to see pakistan also going the indian way. why cant people realize that these terrorists belong to no nationality,they must be eliminated from society by joint efforts.
this blame game leads us to nowhere, first india did it now pakistan the only winner in this is going to be the terrorists who kill innocents all over while countries will engage in a tit for tat battle

Agreed mate!But you know that who started this blame game?Whatever happens in India they point their fingers towards Pakistan...Terrorist belong to no country no race and no religion and this is what the country on our eastern side should accept.Stop this drama and let us we both together with our collective efforts wipe out this menace.
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