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Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

Pakistanis have problem with the word, 'Truth'? Why u guyz are always able to find lies around ? :D

Dhyaan se dekh aur Close this useless Troll Thread. :D

modi has won on an economic platform. If he delivers and makes india an economic super-power, then everyone will support him, both hindus and Muslims.

This is the feeling of most indian Muslims that I have talked to [ residing in india itself ]

And they all want excellent relations with Pakistan
'bash Modi' stock is fading too fast... & bashers are scraping the bottom now as more & more prominent Muslims are getting bolder by the day!
& here is other side of the story...
ll Modi need to do is start a pilot project for some madrasa bring in some computers and give them a piece of development and little opportunity, I am sure that will separate the wheat from the chaff, if you know what I mean.
"india" is fake entity, muslims of present day "hindu india" should carve out their own country just like their brothers carved out Pakistan from "british india"
"india" is fake entity, muslims of present day "hindu india" should carve out their own country just like their brothers carved out Pakistan from "british india"
That fake entity carved your country in two in 13 days.

PS. care about pakistan first.
Khalistan for Sikhs
Kashmir to join Pakistan
and Muslims living in fake "hindu india" should make their own country , we in Pakistan will support Muslims living in "hindu india" to build their own country , same for the Sikh population

dont be fooled by the banyas
"india" is fake entity, muslims of present day "hindu india" should carve out their own country just like their brothers carved out Pakistan from "british india"
You forgot to add this little bit .. .along with your post
ll Modi need to do is start a pilot project for some madrasa bring in some computers and give them a piece of development and little opportunity, I am sure that will separate the wheat from the chaff, if you know what I mean.
If anyone can remove that blind fold from Indian Muslims, it is Modi. Muslims in India have been victims to the reverse communalism practised by the so called Seculars. Muslims in India are constantly reminded by the seculars that they are weak, defenceless, victims & needs helping hand from their guardians to stand on their two feet! when a 'secular' party starts communal mass mobilisation on emotional sectarian issues, they participate in a dangerous trend, contributing directly to the greater radicalisation of minority community. now.. this trend of 'reverse communalism' which no one talks about, is more dangerous than the actual one!
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modi has won on an economic platform. If he delivers and makes india an economic super-power, then everyone will support him, both hindus and Muslims.

This is the feeling of most indian Muslims that I have talked to [ residing in india itself ]

And they all want excellent relations with Pakistan
economic super power my foot, if he can reduce poverty faster and make middle class feel a bit rich, most will vote for him again.
People voted him to deliver economic prosperity not becoming part of big boys club. That can wait and will happen automatically if we take care of small things.
About muslims being afraid, there is some reason for it. When BJP in power, some hindu extremist groups think they can do anything and cause trouble.
Pakistan is a non issue in whole scheme of things.
Khalistan for Sikhs
Kashmir to join Pakistan
and Muslims living in fake "hindu india" should make their own country , we in Pakistan will support Muslims living in "hindu india" to build their own country , same for the Sikh population

dont be fooled by the banyas
Do you know Khalistan also includes major part of Pakistan? will you give it willingly?
and first think about keeping your home safe from TTP before giving support to muslims around the world.
Btw, when was the last time pakistan won against india?:unsure: let me guess Never!:rofl:.
LOL nice joke

What do you call a tall ,handsome indian ?

A:: Pakistani
put photo of you here so we can look of handsome pakistani here ! lolwa!

Do you know Khalistan also includes major part of Pakistan? will you give it willingly?
and first think about keeping your home safe from TTP before giving support to muslims around the world.
Btw, when was the last time pakistan won against india?:unsure: let me guess Never!:rofl:.
especially lahore !
Muslims make up 25% in india, more than 300 million

it is 17 million
Muslims make up 25% in india, more than 300 million
No. get your data right
Modi's a threat to muslim. Wait until india become stronger relative to pak in a few years. His true colour will show.

Pakistan is not a match for India and India's strength.
If this writer dont want India then take asylum in some other 'pure ' 'secular' nation.
Muslims are not the only minority in India ,we have Christians ,Buddhists ,Sikhs etc.
They also have religion and Hindus also have a religion(Hinduism).But we dont enforce an elected government for special privileges .And I think we have a lot of secular Muslims also.Those who want to stay in India must follow a policy of 'India first',others who want more religious attitude must find another place be it a Hindu,Christian ,Muslims or any one else.They dont have a place in India.
No. get your data right
2011 census report of India states tht mister !
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